Analyzing Effectiveness of Persuasive Advertising Techniques

Imagine you were charged with the task of evaluating an advertisement for a firm that created the ad. You have to write an essay that evaluates how effectively the firm selected and utilized the techniques they chose to promote the product/message they are selling. You are charged with writing an analytical evaluation of the effectiveness of the advertising techniques being utilized in the advertisement you have selected.Choose a magazine advertisement that you want to analyze in detail. Pick an ad carefully so that you can clearly identify the specific advertising techniques that are being used and then evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques. The first technique you always look to identify is image. You must identify image and discuss it in your analysis. Image is a required technique and it must be the first technique stated in the thesis and it must be the first body paragraph’s topic. Image is the initial visual impression that the ad makes on the prospective consumer and it is all about the feelings that are being pushed towards the prospective consumer by the visual clues and mood the image creates.Once you have chosen your ad and identified the persuasive techniques being utilized, you can write a detailed analysis of the ad and analyze the techniques for effectiveness or non-effectiveness in terms of the way the techniques either worked or did not work. As you describe how the advertisement firm manipulated the product/message with the techniques, remember to not just describe the Ad but analyze it, and in particular, the emphasis of your writing needs to be an objective analysis of how effectively the techniques worked or a critique of why they did not work. You will want a paragraph for the discussion of each of the techniques you analyze. You will be analyzing and taking a position of either explaining why the ad works or why it does not work based on the selected techniques the advertisers used as they tried to create desire and want in the minds of the prospective consumers by using the techniques to manipulate the product to make it more appealing.Is the Ad effective? Explain why or why not. You need to do this in each body paragraph as you analyze the technique that is being discussed in that paragraph and how it works or does not work in term of representing whatever is being advertised and if it is being depicted in a desirable way. That is the intent of the ad. If the advertiser is using sex appeal, that technique was selected to work hand in hand with whatever the ad is promoting and the prospective customer’s perceived values and ideals. The introduction will require extensive contextual background as you set up the beginning of the essay. Open the introduction talking about how pervasive the advertising industry is in our lives and that ads are everywhere and constantly trying to grab our attention and get us to buy into a message or a product. When creating the context in the introduction, it is totally relevant to state that tens and tens of billions of dollars are spent on advertising in the U.S. each year without citing that. It is common knowledge. Create some statements about how strategic and meticulously ads are planned out and thought out as they are created. The idea is to acknowledge that huge amounts of time are put into carefully selecting the most appropriate techniques to go with a product and prospective customer. The advertisement must come from a recent magazine that is not more than 12-18 months old. Only use an ad from an online magazine if you can access the whole edition of that magazine on line and you can clearly identify the demographics of the magazine’s audience. Use sources from the advertisement magazine.

Portfolio task about Integrating Business Perspectives for solving problems

In Autumn Semester 2019 the problem you and your teammates are working on is as follows: This semester the UTS Business School has over 10,000 students across its different degree programs. Like any group of students they have a range of motivations and expected outcomes from their study. They also, however, are experiencing a number of of challenges. The literature tells us that students at university frequently face difficulties in a range of areas. These include: making friends, understanding the academic expectations of their degree, financing their degree and finding appropriate accommodation etc. While there are many businesses out there already trying to assist students with these and other problems, the fact remains that for many students studying at university remains a daunting experience. Your challenge is to work in teams to critically assess the challenges faced by students in the UTS Business School. We want you to design a business around a product (or service) that will meet a specific need(s) of a group of students. Your product idea needs to be desirable, feasible and viable. The idea you are working on in your tutorial teams will eventually be presented in a final group presentation and report at the end of semester. Before then, however, you have two individual portfolio tasks. Timely completion of these tasks is intended to allow you to be an active contributor to the team’s tutorial deliberations and thus assist with the completion of the wider project. Task 1 – Analysis of the Student Problem Space (20%) The first question you and your group will have to consider in the tutorial is what specific problem affecting Business School students you wish to focus on. Below we have listed five broad problem/topic areas you can use to start to think about what you will research. 1. Uni students and accommodation 2. Uni students and finances 3. Uni students and study habits 4. Uni students and making friends 5. Uni students and eating 6. Uni students and the transition to university life Your first task is to research one of these broad problem areas (or another related problem that interests you) for uni students. The assessment is split into two sections. 1) Start by seeking to understand these problem areas through the experinece of your fellow group members. Write 750 words on the how and why one of these problems has (or has not) influenced three of your fellow group members. Use the following quesitons to guide your report: a) What is the problem they have experienced? b) Compare and contrast the way your group members have (or have not) experienced it. c) Explain what you believe caused these different experiences. 2) You should then investigate how this problem has been reported on by experts in the academic literature and/or government policy documents. Write a 750 word report on your findings. Use the following quesitons to guide your report: a) What is the precise problem that students are experiencing? b) How big is the problem? c) What are the main causes of the problem? For this part of the report, we want you to go beyond the experiences of your group members by using secondary research to inform your understanding of the problem. Make use of the library, the library’s databases (e.g. Factiva), Google Scholar and other reputable information sources. Submit the completed report (Sections 1 & 2; 1500 words in total) in one document. A minimum of 5 academic references must be included for the second component.

Examines the significance of an organization’s culture and values

1) Outline the purpose of an organization’s mission, vision, and values. 2) Explain why an organization’s mission, vision, and values are significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes. 3) Explain what factors lead to conflict in a professional practice. Describe how organizational values and culture can influence the way conflict is addressed. 4) Discuss effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and encouraging interprofessional collaboration. 5) Discuss how organizational needs and the culture of health care influence organizational outcomes. Describe how these relate to health promotion and disease prevention from a community health perspective.

Three classes of net assets used in private not-for-profit accounting

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in the text. In your own words, list and describe the three classes of net assets used in private not-for-profit accounting. Give an example of each type to illustrate. Reference Copley, P. A. (2017). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (13th ed.). Retrieved from

Compensation Strategy for Knowledge Workers

To prepare for this assignment, review Waring’s article about employee compensation, which is also listed in the required reading section of the Unit IV Study Guide. Note: both links contain the same information; only one needs to be reviewed. Waring, D. (2013). How to design an employee compensation plan [SlideShare slides]. Retrieved from Waring, D. (2013). How to pay employees – The ultimate guide. Retrieved from You are the director of compensation for a midsized organization. Prepare an essay that justifies the implementation of a new compensation strategy that will support the motivational needs of knowledge workers and reinforce the real-time performance appraisal system that the organization has embraced. While your goal is to retain, motivate, and grow the current workforce of multi-generational knowledge workers, you must also justify to your senior management that this compensation strategy is competitive in the marketplace. Your essay should describe a compensation program for knowledge workers. The title of the knowledge worker’s position is entirely up to you (e.g., sales executive I, systems engineer III, etc.). You may use various sources (including the lesson materials), but you must use at least one additional resource from the CSU Online Library. Include a reference slide, and cite any sources used in proper APA format. Your essay should be a minimum of pages in length—not counting the title and reference slides. Be sure to address the questions below in your essay. What is the compensation strategy being proposed? Did employees provide input? Who else provided input? What incentives are included in the plan? How will it motivate the employees? How will employees determine fairness of the pay structure? Why do you believe the employees will be satisfied with this plan? Justify the compensation strategy that supports the motivational needs of knowledge workers. What is your communication plan for rolling out the new program?

Research the NACUBO organizatio

Research the NACUBO organization. Describe in your own words the reason this organization exists, what impact it has on college and university financial reporting, and the authority it has over standard setting for financial reporting for colleges and universities. Reference Copley, P. A. (2017). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (13th ed.). Retrieved from

Tesla Strategic Audit

Description This is a group Strategic Audit on Tesla.

My components of the paper will be as follows: Societal Environment: 1)Economic Environment 2)Technology Environment 3)Political Legal Environment 4)Socio cultural Environment Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy 1)Strategic Alternatives Exhibits: 1) EFAS Table (External Factors Analysis Summary) 2) SFAS Matrix (Strategic Factor Anaylsis Summary) I have attached a sample of a Strategic Audit on Blue Nile the “CEO Project”.

With the skill set of the strategic audit , you will be ready to perform a major audit for a Fortune 500 company. See below for details. The CEO project is designed for you (and your team) to become CEOs for the term. As CEOs, you will be responsible for preparing a comprehensive strategic plan.

You will choose a Fortune 500 company of your choice and perform a strategic analysis and implementation plan of the firm’s general strategy to achieve its short and long term goals and objectives. We will use the Strategic Audit as a guide to build your grand strategy. Remember, you will be building the assignment from the perspective of the CEO and you will design a strategy that takes into account every aspect of the firm’s history,vision and mission, market and financial positions, culture, and values.

How the private equity market place has changed in the past 10 years

In a three- to four-page paper, describe how the private equity market place has changed in the past 10 years. Include the following in your answer. What were the reasons for the growth and decline from year to year? What kind of changes , if any, have there been in the kinds of founding firms VC invest in? Give your explanation for the differences in the newer VC funds vs the older funds in terms of: the kinds of new ventures they seek out; who are the newer players; and is the U.S. still the world leader? Mention why large successful businesses like Intel, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft would invest in VC funds. Lastly, discuss why there seems to be a trend in new ventures holding off longer in seeking VC funding rather than trying to get funding sooner. References needed at least four.

Strategic Sourcing Process in Procurement and Supply Management

Complete the two remaining chapters: a. Results, Findings Analysis, and Discussion (4500 words) b. Conclusions and Recommendations (1500 words) use qualitative and quantitative methods employing Thematic analysis (NVivo Software) and Chi-squared test based on my own questionnaire questions and interview questions (semi-structured interview) making sure it is consistent with the Research Methodology.

Entrepreneurship -Journal Entry

The goal of the journal entry assessment is to record your thoughts about how the material could relate to you and/or a business in which you are associated. You MUST use Graham Gibbs’ six steps to aid your reflection. See below for the journal entry. You must use references when you refer to a model or theory, but not when referring to your own thoughts or opinions, which should constitute the majority of the writing. You can use personal pronouns, such as ‘I’, or ‘me’, which are not typically used in academic writing.

Task (aligned to Graham Gibbs’ six Steps) DESCRIBE an event or situation where you had an opportunity to develop your creativity. (When you are describing the situation, provide a brief description of the organisation and your role within the organisation.) You can even highlight a situation you have witnessed. EXPLAIN your feelings towards the situation. What did you feel about the situation? E.g. stressed, happy, excited. EVALUATION – What were the barriers you encountered? ANALYSIS – How did you overcome them? Briefly review the seven different areas for challenging your creativity (see below) and select one or two creative arenas to discuss how they have helped you. CONCLUSION – What have you learned from the experience? ACTION – What changes would you make if you encounter a similar situation in future?