Global Organization for an Optimistic Future GOOF

You are to synthesize the material you learned in this course to propose a mission to discover extrasolar life to the Global Organization for an Optimistic Future (GOOF). GOOF is willing to spend unlimited funds to be the first agency to find a non-terrestrial living organism of any kind. They will select the proposal that shows the most scientific evidence for finding life with the minimal amount of money and time.  IMPORTANT: Your proposal MUST follow this format or it risks rejection. A rejected paper will receive 0 points for grade and will be further scrutinized for plagiarism with serious consequences. Please include all headers in your paper. All writing should be in your own words with appropriate citations to any other works. Paper Topic: You are to synthesize the material you learned in this course to propose a mission to discover extrasolar life to the Global Organization for an Optimistic Future (GOOF). GOOF is willing to spend unlimited funds to be the first agency to find a non-terrestrial living organism of any kind. They will select the proposal that shows the most scientific evidence for finding life with the minimal amount of money and time. I. Introduction (~150 words) Give an overview of the mission your propose. II. Mission Location (~1000 words) Select a location (e.g., a moon or planet) other than Earth where you would propose to search for extraterrestrial life. Make a valid scientific argument on why you think this location is the most promising and practical place to search. III. Discover of Lifeforms (~1000 words) Describe the most likely lifeforms scientists think we will find on the extrasolar planet or moon you chose. Explain how this lifeform likely survives and thrives in the described location. Your explanation should include a description of its biological process (e.g. respiration, metabolism) and the sources of energy and other requirements and how these requirements are likely available in the location. IV. How Would We Find It (~ 250 words) Give a description of the mission or observational technique(s) you propose to accomplish the mission. IV. Conclusion (~150 words) A summary of your proposal. Criteria for a successful paper: A successful paper will be at least 2500 words and will follow the format above. It will include: A clear, accurate, and coherent scientific argument that uses scientifically valid information (from the Internet or journals) and many of the main concepts used in the course. Your paper should demonstrate your understanding of these concepts, not just the awareness of the terminology. A clear organization and correct grammar to provide a readable and intelligent paper. It should be easy and pleasurable to read. This must include an introduction, conclusion, and the mandatory headers to help make clarify your argument. Within this format, your paper should demonstrate individuality and creativity to show how you have digested and interpreted the information, and to show me it is your OWN work. Papers that read like a bunch of cut and paste text without any personality will be poorly graded. A complete and consistent set of citations and references in APA, IEEE, or similar academic format. I don’t care which format you use, but be consistent and thorough.

ritical Relection – Addictive Consumption

Critical Relection – Addictive Consumption

Assignment: Consumer Behavior Critical Reflection Write a critical reflection paper on a consumer behavior topic and show how the topic may lead to dark consumer behavior. • Write about – Addictive Consumption – from chapter 2 relating to the consumer research process that leads to dark consumer behavior. • Write a 2-page academic critical reflection on the topic. (Follow the Guide for Writing a Critical Reflection paper located below.) • Use a minimum of three (3) sources to support your presentation of the topic. • Make sure your paper is original and insightful, and that you use correct Standard English spelling and grammar. • Include an additional title page and reference page. • Use APA format and citation style for your paper (see “APA Style Central” in the Academic Tools area of the course). Access Anderson’s (n.d.) Guide for Writing a Critical Reflection Paper. See below

Denny’s Corporation

3-pages in APA format, no direct quote, 0% plagiarism, no Wikipedia or blog post, references should be academic journals, and 75% of the citations must be within the last 5 years. Read the attached and use the content to answer the following questions (4-5 paragraphs):- • Could Denny’s have managed its diversity issues better? Why or why not? • Why do you think Denny’s is facing continuing discrimination lawsuits? Do these lawsuits indicate that Denny’s policies and practices are not working? Are there other explanations? If you were a consultant, what would you advise the company to do at this point? • Jim Adamson stated that he would fire anyone who discriminated or challenged his new policies (to include zero tolerance). What message did this statement send to the employees? What impact do you think it had on employee morale and customer relations? • Was Jim Adamson effective in improving Denny’s diversity and public image? Why or why not? Further Analysis (2-3 paragraphs) Research Denny’s diversity management practices today using scholarly/peer-reviewed articles. • What is the current status? Any improvement on the racial and diversity issues? • Write 2 recommendations for better diversity management outcomes? Please note: Since a good rule is 2 to 3 paragraphs per page, there is no need to write a long intro paragraph; strictly follow instructions; use recent scholarly sources; be concise and straight-forward in your response. Also, don’t forget to write a conclusion. And remember, no direct quote! Reference: Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.

Analyzing Financial Statements

Walmart a publicly traded company and found their annual report. Now that you have their financial information, perform a ratio analysis on the financial statements. Focus on the financial statement analysis You will want to compute ratios for your company for the last two years. Do not compute each ratio you learned about for your company. There may be some that are not relevant. Rather focus on those eight ratios that you feel are the most important and relevant to analyze how Walmart is doing. Make sure to justify the ratios that you choose for your analysis. Compare how Walmart has done to the industry averages. Do you notice any trends that are positive or negative? Does anything look good or bad that is notable? Do you have any suggestions on things they could be doing to improve these ratios? Please analyze what you found for each of the eight ratios. Then organize your findings into a 15-minute presentation that will be 5 slides. Be sure to include some background on Walmart in presentation. Please use PowerPoint for your presentation.

Program Objectives Reflection Paper

The program learning objectives for your major are as follows:

PLO 1: You will effectively research and communicate ideas and arguments associated with business leadership and management issues.

PLO 2: You will apply knowledge and skills which demonstrates competency in the following areas: management, operations, finance, and marketing.

PLO 3: Apply critical thinking to authentic work problems through the application of theoretical and experiential knowledge.

PLO 4: Demonstrate awareness of ethical and global issues for the business environment. For each of the above program objectives, describe how the curricular experiences (courses and coursework) and co-curricular experiences (changes in your work or life outside of the coursework) led to your acquisition of these skills.

If you were a transfer student, include in your descriptions courses and coursework taken elsewhere if they helped to achieve an objective. Please reflect on if your experiences at Gwynedd Mercy adequately prepared you to meet these objectives. If, in your reflection, you describe that your experience did not prepare you to achieve an objective satisfactorily, please elaborate on your answer and discuss experiences or courses that you think that you should have had.

HBR Case: Pearson’s Successmaker: Putting the Customer First in Transforming Product Development Processes

HBR Case: Pearson’s Successmaker: Putting the Customer First in Transforming Product Development Processes: Read the case carefully and critically discuss both questions below in essay format: 1. What benefits did Pearson realize in making the shift from a waterfall process to an Agile one? What downsides might be associated with this shift? 2. Within the SuccessMaker team, should Gregg agree to follow the recommendations from his developers to move from Scrum to Kanban? Should he also push to move all the remaining team (the content/curriculum team) to Scrum or Kanban?

Sustainability in Business

Sustainability is most often defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

It has three main pillars: economic, environmental, and social. These three pillars are informally referred to as people, planet and profits. Socially conscious investors evaluate a company’s operations on 3 criteria: Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). You are helping investors to evaluate companies alignment with ESG practices (see link in questions 1).

Find an article or identify a website that pertains to a company engaging (not engaging) in these 3 sustainability practices. Include the link with your post. Please answer the following: 1. Based on the definition of ESG (see link below), what is the company doing (not doing) in regards to each of these 3 investment criteria?

Discuss all 3. 2. Discuss the specific benefits to each category (E, S, G) and stakeholders, including leaders and the brand image. 3. Build a case for senior leaders shifting from an ‘internal mindset’ to an ‘external mindset’. Mindsets explained: 4. Build a case for the moral implications of leaders shifting to an outward mindset as it pertains to the social and governance issues of ESG. Is an inward mindset (i.e., a leader only thinks about his/her objectives, challenges, needs) unethical or ethical? Discuss. Please include links for your peers to review.

Explain how characteristics of technological forces affect a company’s retail operations

Description Paper is missing two areas as noted below. Please revise the paper to include the two missing sections with 2 additional pages: Explain how characteristics of the legal and regulatory environment affect a company’s retail operations. This section is missing. How do the changing regulations and laws impact REI’s operations and what specific marketing changes could REI make to minimize their impact? As a secondary source of information in addition to our course resources, please access Moreno (2014) article as well to gain a foundational understanding of how the regulatory environment could impact US businesses in general, then tailor your content to analyze REI specifically in your section.

Explain how characteristics of technological forces affect a company’s retail operations. This section is missing. Satell (2013) discusses in his article how companies must adjust their strategies in this age of technology innovation. What is the impact of technological changes on REI’s operations and what specific marketing changes could REI make to minimize their impact?

Global workplace issues

750 word research paper on any of the top six ethics-related global workplace issues (listed below). TOPICS: Forced Labor, child labor,working hours Health and safety in the workplace, working conditions Discrimination, harassment Financial malfeasance Fraud, theft Gift giving, bribes Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist): * Topic is an Ethics-Related Global Workplace Issue * Use 10 or 12 pt Arial or Times New Roamn Font * Double-space * Minimum of 750 words. No more than 1,000 words * Minimum of two (2) cited sources * Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material (See below) * Make sure your name is on the Paper * Paper should contain an Introduction, a Body, and a Conclusion

The current plan member service practices common with today’s managed care companies

The current plan member service practices common with today’s managed care companies

Review the text and the three readings and write a five-page paper that critiques the current plan member service practices common with today’s managed care companies: Altman, D. (2018). Corporate health costs don’t look like a crisis. Axios. Buchmueller, T., & Valletta, R. (2017). Work, health, and insurance: A shifting landscape for employers and workers alike. Health Affairs, 36(2), 214-221. Evans, M. & Fleming, K. (2018). Millennial expectations are fundamentally changing the healthcare landscape. Forbes. Kongstvedt, P.R. (2020). Health insurance and managed care: What they are and how they work (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning (Chapter 3: The Provider Network).