Human Resources & Payroll – Improving Services and Operations


Please amend this report to reflect the comments that have been added to the attachment named “report with comments “.

Also from the this comment You identified a major area of concern within your organisation that is to integrate the HR & Payroll systems your justification for the improvement is mentioned further on. There are 2 issues one is that you have not used the key assessment criteria given in the Assignment brief and your Introduction does not interpret the assignment brief (see comment D2)

You have not really related to the assignment brief you discussed the SWOT analysis strengths and weakness in great detail – this would tie in with the Measurements and Improvements section. You can discuss the potential new system in your organisation but you should have discussed it under the key areas I have outlined below, as I was looking for you to address the following areas with citation and/or support. o Measurement and improvements – examples are the transitional process, typology of operations, KPS’s benchmarking etc

o Project Planning – I am looking for the characteristic of a project, example Gantt chart (implementation plan) etc. o Skills & considerations – resource considerations, skill development Please make sure you use the following headings in the contents page as well as any other you see fit. Introduction ( This needs to be the really the question turned around for example this report focuses on an area of concern within your workplace that requires improvement. Measurement and improvement Project planning Skills and considerations Recommendations Conclusion

Critically discuss the role and influence of the State on the industrial relation systems in two of the Coordinated Market Economies considered in the course


Critically discuss the role and influence of the State on the industrial relation systems in two of the Coordinated Market Economies considered in the course. To what extent do the States’ role and influence differ across these countries?

Key points: •strong argument •clear introduction with definitions and theoretical/ analytical framework; •integration of a broad range of academic literature and robust data sources from across the course; •analysis rather than an overemphasis on description; clearly expressed; •referencing and bibliography; •conclusion that builds on the argument rather than merely summarising; •clear, logical structure Essay structure and developing an argument •The introduction should address the question and its meaning The introduction should use definitions from the academic literature •A theoretical/ analytical framework should be introduced early on •The question should be broken down and themes identified •Comparative analysis should be organised thematically rather than country-by-country References: The role of the state •Hyman, Richard (2008) The state in industrial relations. In: Blyton, P., Bacon, N., Fiorito, J. and Heery, E., (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Industrial Relations •A Hassel (2009) ‘Policies and Politics in Social Pacts in Europe’, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1 •V Glassner, The Public Sector in the Crisis, ETUI (2010):‐ Papers/The‐public‐sector‐in‐the‐crisis

•F Traxler (2003) ‘Bargaining, State Regulation and the Trajectories of Industrial Relations’, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 9,2, 141‐161 Sweden •Erixon, L. 2007. ‘The Swedish Third Way: An Assessment of the Performance and Validity of the RehnMeidner Model’, Cambridge Journal Of Economics, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 367-393. •Granqvist, L. and Regner, H. 2008. ‘Decentralised Wage Formation in Sweden’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 500-520. •Peterson, A., Wahlström, M. and Wennerhag, M. 2012. ‘Swedish Trade Unionism: A Renewed Social Movement?’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 621-648. •Svensson, T. 2013. ‘Sweden’, in Frege, C. and Kelly, J. (eds.). Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy. London: Routledge. Employers Associations •M Barry and A Wilkinson (2012) ‘Reconceptualising employer associations under evolving employment relations’, Work, Employment & Society, 25(1): 149–62. •Behrens, M. 2004. ‘New forms of employers’ collective interest representation’, Industrielle Beziehungen, 11. 77–91 Collective Bargaining •Glassner, V., Keune, M. and Marginson, P. 2011. ‘Collective Bargaining in a Time of Crisis: Developments in the Private Sector in Europe’, Transfer. Vol 17, No. 3, pp. 303-322. •Traxler, F. and Brandl, B. 2010. ‘Collective Bargaining, Macroeconomic Performance and the Sectoral Composition of Trade Unions’, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 91- 115. •Traxler, F. and Brandl, B. 2012. ‘Collective Bargaining, Inter-Sectoral Heterogeneity and Competitiveness: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 73-98.

The evolution of selling and negotiation


‘The evolution of selling and negotiation’ Impacts of both enforced techniques from industry/theorists and also consumer demand for change. The report title allows you the freedom to develop your own train of thought in devising an individual, creative journey Consider changes to sales and negotiation techniques from 1920 to 2000. You should NOT ATTEMPT to write a timeline of all techniques. Instead, after wider reading consider key impacts of change For example you may wish to give a brief overview of 1920 to 1960, and then focus on the latter part of the century for deeper investigations. In contrast to that, you may wish to research into the initial developments of selling and negotiation, and then only highlight the impacts of this upon later developments Your report should create an argument of some form For example you may wish to consider usefulness of techniques, comparing and contrasting usefulness to others? or argue that enforced techniques actually hindered sales opportunities in the past and that had consumer opinions been considered, then better methods could have been incorporated/adapted sooner? (These examples are for guidance only… Take your own journey!) The report topics will be covered in Lectures 2 – 5 At least 3 x business examples to support your statements At least 5 x Academic references At least 6 x Bibliography (Not the same reading materials as references) 2000 (+/- 10%) words. (The word count should ONLY INCLUDE the main body of the report, conclusion / recommendations and the executive summary) Typed – Font: Ariel, point 12, 1.5 line spacing The whole of the report MUST BE written in the 3rd person REPORT FORMAT OVERVIEW Title Page Executive Summary Contents Page Introduction Aims and Objectives Methodology Main Body of Your Report Conclusion/Recommendations References Bibliography Appendices (How to Write a Report can be seen on page: 39) (How to Harvard Reference can be seen on page: 41)

Performance Measurement in Organisations

Paper details

ACFI 2208 Performance Measurement in Organisations

2017/18 Assessment Three – an individual written assignment


British Heart Foundation is a UK charity whose vision is “a world in which people do not die prematurely or suffer from heart disease”.

Question 1: You will need to provide an analysis of the financial and non-financial performance of British Heart Foundation (BHF) using BHF’s annual reports of recent years. Relevant financial ratios must be used in your financial analysis. In the non-financial analysis, you need to evaluate the sustainability performance of BHF using relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Whereever information about both the BHF group and BHF charity is provided, information regarding the group should be used. Question 2: Someone argues that a non-profit organisation will never achieve all three sustainability areas since they are not working toward earning profit, which is one of the three areas.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with that statement? Support your answers with the relevant literature. Referencing: Harvard referencing should be used. You should not reference to lecture handouts – use Google Scholar or other search method to find articles and text books to refer to. Word limit: Indicative: 2,200 words, including 1800 words for question 1 and 400 words for question 2, excluding tables, figures and references. You have 10 percent (220 words) variance allowance. No appendix should be used, all relevant information should be included in the essay. Please state the word count on the front sheet. Hand in date: Friday of Week 30 (27 April 2018) before 11.59pm via Turnitin. You must submit an electronic copy of your work to TURNITIN using the link in the Assessment tab on Blackboard. No hardcopy submission is required. You can hand your work in earlier if you wish.

The Market and Energy Drinks

The Market and Energy Drinks


Paper details:

Assignment Instructions For Term Paper #1 you are required to pick a product or service you use in your everyday life and describe the market for this product. The product chose for this assignment is Energy Drinks such as Redbull, Bang, Reign and Monster. Please make sure to address the following questions: What factors influence the demand for this product? What factors influence the supply of this product? How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium price of this product? Do you anticipate any changes to the demand and/or supply of this product in the near future? If so, what is driving these changes? Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document in APA format. Your work will automatically be submitted to Turnitin for plagiarism review. Please note that your essay needs to have a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 1100 words.

Marketing Situational Analysis

Marketing Situational Analysis


Paper details:

Task: You should approach the assignment as though you are a marketing consultancy and have been hired to audit the current marketing situation with justification for your audit and analysis approaches. This task requires you to conduct a thorough internal and external audit and analysis and then develop the results into a comprehensive report. Company name:paleohero Website:

Risk A Reduction Seminar

Objectives • Differentiate between prevention and promotion • Describe the challenges of prevention in population-based nursing • Describe the challenges of promotion in population-based nursing Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will develop an educational activity that targets reduction of a specific health risk. Deliverables 1. A one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) educational activity plan a. Identify a health risk teaching topic. Choose a teaching topic related to a health risk. For example, you could choose heart disease, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cervical cancer, hyperlipidemia, melanoma, or another health risk. b. Research the ways to reduce this health risk. Using nursing texts, medical resources, nursing journals, and reputable Internet sources, create a list of lifestyle habits and changes that reduce this health risk and promote health. c. Develop an educational activity focused on reducing this health risk. Using the nursing process as a guide, develop an educational activity focused on strategies to reduce a specific health risk. Be sure to discuss challenges uniquely associated with promoting health and preventing disease related to this particular health risk. While all steps of the nursing process must be addressed, the primary focus of this assignment is the “planning” step. Support your plan with resources/citations. d. Describe the plan. Create a document that describes the plan for the educational activity as follows: • Assessment o Health risk • Diagnosis o Knowledge deficit related to the identified health risk • Planning o Title of educational program (based on your assessment and diagnosis) o Target audience: (for example, patients/families or nurses) o Learning outcomes (the goals of the educational program) o Teaching strategies (for example, discussion, lecture, video clips, Q & A) o The educational activity (a plan) • Implementation o The educational activity (propose when/where /how long, but do not carry out the activity). • Evaluation o How you will assess the extent to which the learning outcomes were met • Resources o A list of resources/citations that substantiate the health risk and support your educational activity plan

Leadership in Organizations


1. Read Chapter 11 & 14 of the textbook (Yukl’s) 2. Read: – Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., & Atwater, L. (1996). The transformational and transactional leadership of men and women. Applied psychology, 45(1), 5-34. – Park, S., Jeong, S., Jang, S., Yoon, S. W., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Critical review of global leadership literature: Toward an integrative global leadership framework. Human Resource Development Review, 17(1), 95-120. – Chen, C. C., & Van Velsor, E. (1996). New directions for research and practice in diversity leadership. The leadership quarterly, 7(2), 285-302. Complete a reflection report: (Please add the page number with in-text citation) All writing assignments should follow the APA 6th style. Reflection report should consist of two sections: 1) what interests you the most (key learning points), and 2) why? I underlined ‘why’ because it should reflect your own, unique experiences and perspectives. In each learning point, please make sure to identify which assigned article/book chapter you indicate using APA formatting (please include at least three of the assigned readings– can be either book chapter or article). Each report should be at least one page in length and single-spaced (don’t forget to insert your name and submission date on the top of the report). Information about me: I served in the U.S. Army for 23 years as a Human Resources Specialist, Manager, and Senior Human Resources Manager. I’m retired from the military and currently work as a Workforce Development Specialist for the State of Louisiana. My role is to conduct outreach to employers and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans and encourage the hiring of veterans. I conduct presentations that include employers, Human Resource (HR) professionals, Hiring Managers and Supervisors on recruitment, hiring and retention strategies for qualified veterans and disabled veterans. My motivation for this field of study is to develop the knowledge and expertise of identifying performance gaps and developing procedures of streamlining processes to help my organization to effectively manage and improve daily operations. I’m aspiring to become the Executive Director of the Office of Workforce Development at the Louisiana Workforce Commission within the next five years. The knowledge obtain through this program has equipped me with the necessary skills to accomplish my goals

Price and Channel Strategy

Price and Channel Strategy

This assignment is designed to help students analyze and understand how price setting and go to market (distribution) are interrelated and affects the profitability and growth of the business. It has been designed to be a short overview on purpose: the concepts of pricing and distribution are complex and a general understanding is what should be absorbed in one week of study. Assignment Steps (Apple iPhone) Construct a minimum 700-word plan for setting price and a distribution model (place/distribution) in Microsoft® Word. This plan should address at least three elements (from the Price and Place/Distribution list below) of the Price and Place/Distribution section of the marketing plan. Price and Place/Distribution: Distribution Strategies Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive Positioning within channels Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies Channel tactics (Pricing) Daily pricing, promotion pricing, List pricing


The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. (The company is Apple and focused on the Apple iPhone) This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Consumer and Social Well-Being

Addictive Consumption A woman in New Zealand apparently died from drinking too much Coca-Cola. Her family said she drank about 2.2 gallons of the beverage every day for years. Prior to her death she had several rotten teeth removed, and she gave birth to a baby who was born without any tooth enamel. The 31-year-old mother of eight died following a cardiac arrhythmia after consuming more than two pounds of sugar and 970 mg of caffeine a day. Coca-Cola noted that the coroner’s report, while singling out its product as a probable cause of death, stated that the company “cannot be held responsible for the health of consumers who drink unhealthy quantities of the product.”87 Though we usually equate substance abuse with addiction to alcohol, drugs, or nico-tine, it seems we can become dependent on almost anything—there is even a Chapstick Addicts support group with 250 active members!88 Consumer addiction is a physiologi-cal or psychological dependency on products or services. Many companies profit from sell-ing addictive products or from selling solutions for kicking a bad habit. A Chinese man got so upset about the amount of time his adult son spent playing videogames that he took a novel approach: He hired “digital hit men” in the form of other gamers to kill off all of his son’s characters in the games.89 How is that for “tough love?” Psychologists compare social media addiction to chemical dependency, to the point of inducing symptoms of withdrawal when users are deprived of their fix. As one noted, “Everyone is a potential addict—they’re just waiting for their drug of choice to come along, whether heroin, running, junk food or social media.”90 Indeed, a survey reported 1 in 3 smartphone owners would rather give up sex than their phones!91 And, as many of us realize this fixation grows by the “enablers” around us as they exhibit the same behav-ior. Indeed one study documented that college students are much more likely to pull out their phones when someone with whom they were sitting had just done so.92 Internet addiction has been a big headache for several years already in South Korea, where 90 percent of homes connect to cheap, high-speed broadband. Many young Koreans’ social lives revolve around the “PC bang,” dimly lit Internet parlors that sit on practically every street corner. A government study estimates that up to 30 percent of South Koreans younger than 18 are at risk of Internet addiction. Many already exhibit signs of actual addiction, including an inability to stop themselves from using computers, rising levels of tolerance that drive them to seek ever-longer sessions online, and with-drawal symptoms such as anger and craving when they can’t log on. Some users have literally dropped dead from exhaustion after playing online games for days on end.93 Other problems arise when people become overly involved in playing online games or posting on social network sites: ● In the United Kingdom, a 33-year-old widowed mother let her two dogs starve to death and neglected her three kids after becoming hooked on the online game Small World. A judge banned her from going on the Internet. The woman slept only two hours a night as she played the virtual reality game (in which dwarves and giants battle to conquer the world) almost nonstop for six months. Her children—aged 9, 10, and 13—had no hot food and “drank” cold baked beans from tins. When the family’s two dogs died from neglect, she left their bodies rotting in the dining room for two months.94 ● A U.S. woman pled guilty to a charge of second-degree murder in the death of her three-month-old son. The 22-year-old mother lost her temper when her child be-gan crying while she was playing FarmVille on Facebook; she shook the baby until it died.