Pricing and Revenue Management in a Supply Chain

Example 16-1 Pricing to Multiple Segments Right click and download the Pricing to Multiple Segments dataPreview the document to your hard drive. A contract manufacturer has identified two customer segments for its production capacity—one willing to place an order more than one week in advance and the other willing to pay a higher price as long as it can provide less than one week’s notice for production. The customers that are unwilling to commit in advance are less price sensitive and have a demand curve d1 = 5,000 – 20*p1. Customers willing to commit in advance are more price sensitive and have a demand curve of d2 = 5,000 – 40*p2. Production cost is c = $10 per unit. If total production capacity is limited to 4,000 units, what should the contract manufacturer charge each segment? What happens to prices and profitability when the sensitivity for customers that are willing to wait (i.e., segment 2) increases from 40p1 to 80p1? What did you see/learn from this exercise? Note: Use the “Solver” capability under the ”Tools” menu (but you must set sensitivity in cell C6 to desired level before you run “Solver”). Right click and download the Dynamic Pricing Data to your hard drive. What happens to the quantity purchased and profitability if the price sensitivity increases to from 1.8 p3 to 1.9 p3 in the third period? What did you learn from this exercise? *Note on using the “Solver” Add-In:The Solver Add-in is an Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. To use it in Excel, however, you need to load it first. Instructions for doing so were included within the module. This is something that you will have to find from your own computer. Since most students own and operate a variety of different computers with different software versions, it’s literally impossible for me to write cogent instructions for everyone. Instead, I have the generic outline for MS Office 2018 PC version. Mac maybe different and you can look at YouTube videos to get going.

Work environment and how the concepts for motivating employees and the laws impact the environment

Discuss today’s work environment and how the concepts for motivating employees and the laws impact the environment. Be sure to include the business perspective.Demonstrate your understanding of the information in the chapters and how they interrelate. Be sure to include real world examples. Class Materials Required: “UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS 12TH. EDT. Nickels, McHugh & McHugh ISBN#: 978-1-259-92943-4 chapter 10 to 12

How can Costco form a sustainable competitive advantage for the future of the retail industry

Answer following question(3-5 sentences each ) 1.How can Costco form a sustainable competitive advantage for the future of the retail industry? 2.How does Costco increase value to consumers by seeking opportunities in the external environment? 3.Would you recommend Costco add gas stations to the warehouses that do not currently have them? If so why? 4.What would you consider to be one of Costco’s biggest opportunities in the E-Commerce realm? : 5.Does Costco’s average store size (145,000) square feet have a negative or positive affect on whether or not they are able to expand internationally? How so? 6.What are some ways Costco could increase their online sales (3% in the last year)? 7.Is Costco targeting the right consumers by focusing only on affluent neighborhoods or should they remarket themselves to the lower class consumers as well? Why? 8.Seeing that Costco is competing in the same market with Sam’s Club and BJ’s, what is their dynamic capability or unique factor that separates them from those other companies?

Mini Case: Ford Company Capital Budgeting Project

You are provided with the following information to determine Ford’s weighted average cost of capital that will be used for capital project calculations.

As a Finance Analyst for Ford, you will calculate and support the development of its weighted average cost of capital and communicate it to the CFO of Ford.

After you have calculated the required data points in the two tables below, provide a brief paper (approximately 300 to 400 words) to the CFO summarizing the weighted average cost of capital you determined for Ford, where they may be risks in the calculation (how the calculation may change over time), how the weighted average cost of capital you calculated should be applied when making cost of capital project decisions, and some scenarios that the CFO should be aware of that may change the weighted average cost of capital at some future point.

Your discussion of the scenarios should cover aspects of management, marketing and broader economic factors that may influence the weighted average cost of capital.

The Foreign Business Environment

In the global environment, it is important to be able to research and apply understanding of various cultures and diversity considerations to be able to make viable business decisions. In this Assignment you will address the following General Education Literacies and Professional Competency: GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. GEL-6.06: Apply research to create original insights and/or solve real-world problems. PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent for change. Assignment: The Foreign Business Environment You are the owner of a small business that imports clothing from Brazil to the U.S. Ashley, one of your partners in your business, has approached you with an interesting possibility. A fellow venture capitalist friend revealed to her that he and his partners were acquiring a large family-owned group of businesses in the South American country of Colombia. Most of these family-owned businesses are diversified manufacturing businesses in the capital of Bogota, but there is one clothing manufacturer in the acquisition that does not fit within their venture business plan and thus they would like to divest (sell) this particular operation. Ashley’s friend knows that you have a presence in neighboring Brazil and thought that this business in Colombia might offer you an additional expansion opportunity in the region. However, you have no knowledge of doing business in this nation. Your job in this Assignment is to conduct some basic research into the country of Colombia (a neighboring country to Brazil) and examine the most important historical events (political, economic, and technological) that might impact the country of Colombia’s business climate for the future of this investment by your company. After researching the historical events in Colombia, write your analysis in an informative essay addressing all the checklist items and decide on a recommended course of action and your justification for such an approach. Be sure to reference any sources used in your work using APA formatting (see “Academic Writer” located in the Academic Tools area of the course). Research: 1. Begin by doing some research in the Library located in the Academic Tools area of the course using the EBSCO database. 2. Next, search the C.I.A.’s World Factbook resource and search for information on Colombia South America :: Colombia — The World Factbook – Central … – Cia 3. Then go to the Michigan State University: globalEDGE© website: 4. Review the Corruptions Perception Index for Colombia on the site above. You may also use information from other sources that are from governmental or educational sites as well. Do not use Wikipedia! Checklist: A. What events (political, economic, and technological) are the most important in recent years that might have impacted the business culture in Colombia? B. Do you feel that the Colombian economy today is sufficiently robust to support the growth of the clothing manufacturing industry and your company’s entry into the country? Why? C. Demonstrate that you have used at least one Library source to inform your responses by including 1–2 short direct quotes in APA format. Industry: Mainly small-time operations, Colombia’s manufacturers generally produce goods for domestic consumption. Cotton spinning mills are the largest-scale manufacturers. Other manufactured items include food and beverages, apparel, chemicals, and cement. Petroleum and coal are the main mineral products of Colombia. The country produces enough petroleum to provide for all of its own energy needs, while still having significant amounts to export. Other minerals mined for export include gold, emeralds, nickel, and natural gas. However, due to the country’s heavy dependence on energy and mining exports, the Colombian economy is vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity prices. D. Write your original informative essay in Standard English. Please be sure to include an introduction, body (addressing all the checklist items), and conclusion. • Pay special attention to correct grammar, style, and mechanics. • Respond to the checklist items in a complete manner. • Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated. • Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused. Include a title and reference page in APA format (see “Academic Writer” in Academic Tools) citing any sources you either directly quoted or paraphrased. Draft your response addressing these checklist items in a minimum of 500 words or more in APA format and citation style in an informative essay. Reference Michigan State University (1994-2017). GlobalEDGE: Your source for global business knowledge. Retrieved from

Leadership and the role of organizational culture

Assignment Instructions You will start to construct your final research paper due in Week 7. The final paper will be at least 10 pages. This does not include the title page, abstract or the reference page. This week you will write on your chosen topic and select one scholarly article. Instructions Your first assignment in this course is simple but very important. You need to select a specific area of interest in the field of leadership (from among the options below) that you will use each week as you engage the different methods and processes of research. You will use the topic you select each week throughout the duration of the course, so select a topic (from the list) that you are interested in studying. At the end of the course, you will have a useful collection of documents (and increased knowledge) pertaining to one area of leadership research. The following topics are typical of the theoretical areas associated with leadership research. Leadership and the role of organizational culture Ethics and leadership Remember that you will be using the same selected topic with all the assignments during the eight weeks of the course. DETAILS for assignment 1: 1. Make sure to utilize your topic of interest for the course. 2. Find a scholarly journal article (NOTE: SELECT AN ARTICLE THAT WAS PUBLISHED WITHIN THE LAST FIVE YEARS) that presents scholarly research associated with the topic. At this early point in the course, you are asked to “jump right in” and utilize the online library to locate an appropriate scholarly journal article that presents research concerning your topic. Keep in mind that scholarly research involves solving problems. If your article does not present qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research then you do not have an appropriate research article. Again, for the purposes of this assignment, you want to intentionally find a research article that contains one of the three methods of research: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Save the article to your computer to have as a reference and also to attach to the assignment when your paper is completed. 3. Write a short paper (450-600 words) that demonstrates a brief analysis of the scholarly research article you selected. You are to write your APA paper in such a way as to answer the questions/issues below. However, do not include the list on your paper. Instead, let the items guide the content expressed in your paper, which should be in typical paragraph form. Because of the shortness of the assignment, several of the items may be contained in a given paragraph. Be precise and you will be concise. Remember in the first paragraph you need to have a thesis statement. • After a brief introductory sentence. Tell whether the title is appropriate to the focus of the study. (Note: select an actual research study; avoid selecting a lecture on a topic. Research studies involve the collection and analysis of data, whereas lectures on a topic typically discuss a variety of research studies and do not provide the details of data collection and analysis.) • State the problem. Is the problem clearly stated? Does the problem have a theoretical rational? How significant is the problem studied in the research? • Is there a review of the literature? If so, is the literature relevant? Summarize (in a couple of sentences) the review of the literature. • Fully and completely describe the research method that was used to attack and answer the problem. Was the research method used to solve the problem qualitative or quantitative, or both? What instruments were used to answer the problem? Was there a sample used? If so, how was the sample selected? • State the hypothesis/questions or objectives. Were they stated clearly? • Are there any probable sources of error that might influence the results of the study? If so, have they been controlled? • What were the statistical or evaluative (quantitative/qualitative) techniques used to analyze the data? If so, were they appropriate? Note: There are many scholarly articles in appropriate journals that inform your topic. However, not all of them will describe research that evaluates data. Make sure that your selected article includes the evaluation/analysis of data. If you are unsure, this is the time to contact your professor and discuss it. • Summarize the results. How clearly were the results presented? • What are the limitations of the study? Are they stated? • Summarize the conclusion(s). Are the conclusions presented clearly? Does the data support the conclusions? Does the researcher over generalize the findings? • How can the results and conclusions presented in this study be applied in your particular field of study or work environment?

Cost of capital and Risk Evaluation

After reading the 11th chapter of the text and doing some research on the internet regarding how a company makes capital decisions, you should be able to relate the process of raising capital and financing a corporation to project evaluation and decisions.

Every manager wants tools which can be employed to maximize the chances of efficiently spending your capital are critical to all organizations. Sensitivity analysis and what-if scenarios help us understand the different outcomes of our decisions and be prepared for many eventualities. We need to quantify risk so we can understand what returns are required from our investors. Let’s Discuss: Cost of capital and Risk Evaluation You should be able to explain and support your reactions to the following questions:

•How do we define and measure risks in financial projects? •What are examples of uses for sensitivity analysis and what-if scenarios? Any examples from your work experience or research? •How do we define fixed and variable costs? •Give examples of the different types of costs in various applications from your experience or research.

Global Business- U.S. Exports

Description Answer The Following Questions To the Best of Your Ability. 1. Explain the various export payment terms available, which offers the most protection to the seller. Why is an exporter that is to be paid in six months in foreign currency worried about fluctuating exchange rates. Are there ways that this exporter can protect itself? (20 points) 2. Explain the difference between and No License Required and a License Required condition for U.S. Exports. Under what circumstances would the U.S. government require an exporter to obtain an individually validated license? In your response concerning the validated license, please provide what you might consider an example of the product that would require such a license. 3. What does selling a standardized product imply? In what ways might a product be adapted for global markets? What factors encourage global standardization of a product? What factors encourage firms to adapt their product for a foreign market? 4. Why is a knowledge of the impact of communication important for the international manager? Why is listening so important in intercultural communication? Give examples of non-verbal signals that have different meanings in other cultures (hand gestures, facial expressions and so on).

A preliminary evaluation of the how and why Wearable Wishes can compete with the threat Zara poses to its U.S. market base

Description Prepare a document that summarizes your preliminary evaluation of the how and why Wearable Wishes can compete with the threat Zara poses to its U.S. market base. In doing so, list and explain how three other topics we have discussed in this course (i.e., ethics, risk management, revenue recognition, transfer pricing, segment reporting, differential analysis, the balanced scorecard, product costing, activity-based costing, customer profitability analysis, target costing, value chain analysis, cash flow analysis and/or budgeting) apply to the case firm. Use specific details from the case to support your answer.

Organisational and Personal Records

Orginisational and Personal Records: In their 2018 paper Douglas and Mills observe that “records can feel personal even though they might not be categorized as personal records: Personal can be a reaction experienced by the activator, rather than an inherent quality of a record” (p.258). Drawing on at least two examples (either from the literature or your own experience), critically explore Douglas and Mills’ observation. Academic Level : Professional Paper details APA 6th Style : Task In their 2018 paper Douglas and Mills observe that “records can feel personal even though they might not be categorized as personal records: Personal can be a reaction experienced by the activator, rather than an inherent quality of a record” (p.258). Drawing on at least two examples (either from the literature or your own experience), critically explore Douglas and Mills’ observation. Your essay should be based on your own critical engagement with the module content and further reading. Your essay should discuss and reflect on the context/s and issues covered in the modules in Weeks 1-6, synthesise the concepts introduced and demonstrate expert knowledge of the issues discussed. It is expected you will support your essay with evidence from scholarly and professional literature, and use examples to illustrate your discussion. Your essay should have an introduction, body, conclusion and reference list. The word count does not include your reference list. This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to analyse and critically review complex recordkeeping and archiving challenges for organisations in the public and private sectors. • be able to demonstrate expert knowledge of issues and challenges for personal recordkeeping. • be able to identify and critically evaluate stakeholder perspectives relating to the management of private records in public collections. Essential References: Will be also attached as a pdf Douglas, J., & Mills, A. (2018). From the sidelines to the center: reconsidering the potential of the personal in archives. ( fulldisplay?docid=springer_jour10.1007/ s10502-018-9295-6&context=PC&vid=61CSU_INST:61CSU&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything⟨=en) Archival Science, 18(3), 257-277. Bell, A. & Brown, C. (2013). The recordkeeper’s bookshelf. Dundee, Centre for Archive and Information Studies. Retrieved July 10, 2014 from Recommended references Bastian, J. A., & Alexander, B. (Eds.). (2009). Community archives: the shaping of memory ( fulldisplay?docid=alma991000571760402357&context=L&vid=61CSU_INST:61CSU&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&t London: Facet. Franks, P. C. (2018). Records and information management ( discovery/ fulldisplay?docid=alma991013261280502357&context=L&vid=61CSU_INST:61CSU&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&t (2nd ed) Chicago: American Library Association Millar, L. A. (2017). Archives: principles and practices ( fulldisplay?docid=alma991012685980502357&context=L&vid=61CSU_INST:61CSU&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&isF London: Facet Publishing.