Budget Planning and Control

Assignment 1: Budget Planning and Control


Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video: 

Wiley (2011, September 28). Budgetary planning featuring Babycakes *full video* [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frh3I2rVDzs

Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a 3–4-page paper in which you address the following. 

  1. Briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation.
  2. Prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the fourth quarter of 2016. Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December, and the total for the quarter. Use one half of the Valentine’s Day sales as the basis for a usual day in the new quarter. Use 30 days for each month. Calculate the total sales for each month for October, November, and December.
  3. Create three new products, one for each of the three holiday seasons in the fourth quarter. Estimate the sales units, sales price, and total sales for each month. Describe the assumptions used to make these estimates. Include an overview of the budget in the report, presenting the actual budget as an appendix with all the data and calculations. Add these amounts to your sales budget.
  4. The owner of Babycakes is interested in preparing a flexible budget rather than the static budget she currently uses. She does not understand why, when sales increase, her static budget often shows an unfavorable variance. Explain how a flexible budget will overcome this problem. Use the details of your newly prepared budget for the fourth quarter of 2016 to address her concern.
  5. Imagine that Babycakes is facing a financial challenge that is causing the actual amount of money that it spends to become significantly more than its budgeted amount. Include a discussion of your own unique cause of the overspending. Explain the corrective actions needed to address these challenges.
  6. Integrate relevant information from at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Please do not use your textbook as an academic resource. Also, Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at https://research.strayer.edu and the iCampus University Library Research page at https://icampus.strayer.edu/library/research. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
  • An abstract is not required. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows:

  • Assess how accounting tools and techniques influence bu

Assignment 1: Budget Planning and Control

  • Due Week 9 and worth 240 points 

    Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video: 

    Wiley (2011, September 28). Budgetary planning featuring Babycakes *full video* [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frh3I2rVDzs

    Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a 3–4-page paper in which you address the following. 

    1. Briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation.
    2. Prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the fourth quarter of 2016. Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December, and the total for the quarter. Use one half of the Valentine’s Day sales as the basis for a usual day in the new quarter. Use 30 days for each month. Calculate the total sales for each month for October, November, and December.
    3. Create three new products, one for each of the three holiday seasons in the fourth quarter. Estimate the sales units, sales price, and total sales for each month. Describe the assumptions used to make these estimates. Include an overview of the budget in the report, presenting the actual budget as an appendix with all the data and calculations. Add these amounts to your sales budget.
    4. The owner of Babycakes is interested in preparing a flexible budget rather than the static budget she currently uses. She does not understand why, when sales increase, her static budget often shows an unfavorable variance. Explain how a flexible budget will overcome this problem. Use the details of your newly prepared budget for the fourth quarter of 2016 to address her concern.
    5. Imagine that Babycakes is facing a financial challenge that is causing the actual amount of money that it spends to become significantly more than its budgeted amount. Include a discussion of your own unique cause of the overspending. Explain the corrective actions needed to address these challenges.
    6. Integrate relevant information from at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Please do not use your textbook as an academic resource. Also, Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at https://research.strayer.edu and the iCampus University Library Research page at https://icampus.strayer.edu/library/research. 

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
    • An abstract is not required. 

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows:

    • Assess how accounting tools and techniques influence business planning, decision-making, and control.
    • Evaluate financial accounting tools and techniques that convert financial accounting data into information for decision-making.

       siness planning, decision-making, and control.

  • Evaluate financial accounting tools and techniques that convert financial accounting data into information for decision-making.

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They should be well written, following standard rules of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several paragraphs. A critique is an analytical essay on a film, in which you give your opinion on the aesthetic quality of the film and then give your reasons for your opinion. Do not limit yourself to reacting to the film (“I loved it !”) and do not use generic terms like “incredible,” “wonderful,” “marvelous,” etc. Unlike a review, you assume that the reader has already seen the movie; you do not need to give an extensive plot summary; you do not need to hide plot information so as not to spoil the surprise of the viewer; and you do need to be consistently analytical and critical. Your first paragraph should summarize the film’s plot and act as a transition to the analytical part of the essay.

The second paragraph should explain how the Supply Chain concepts for the week were depicted by the film and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. What Supply Chain lessons were learned? What suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even prosperous) result?

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Advertising campaign

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 Who is the company/brand/organization targeting? How are they differentiating themselves in the market place? What kind of positioning strategy do they currently follow? Give a brief overview of their current marketing mix.

 Analyze their current advertising campaign(s) and other elements of their IMC strategy. Are they effective? PART 2: CREATE THE ADVERTISING CAMPAING This is where your advertising agency steps in!

 Research the (potential) target customers, the marketplace and trends impacting the marketplace for this product/brand/organization. For example, should this brand be re-positioned? Target a slightly different market segment? Use different media to reach their target audience? Take an advantage of a new, exciting opportunity in the marketplace?

 Create a new advertising campaign for this company/brand/organization!

 Discuss how your advertising campaign will be integrated with the other elements of IMC, as well as your media selection for the campaign.  Explain the objectives, rationale, and reasoning for your campaign, as well the creative process behind your campaign!

You don’t need to visually execute the project. It is enough to provide an outline or plan and describe what the campaign involves. You can provide slogans, sketches or images that are part of the campaign or visuals. Think about your group as an agency pitching the campaign to a client! If you choose to do TV commercials as part of your campaign, for example, you don’t need to create the actual commercials, it is enough to outline the ideas and plan. *An advertising campaign involves the creation and placement of a series of strategic communications that are unified by an underlying theme or core message. The communications are intended to help promote a brand product, service, organization, or idea. They are designed to resonate ate with the target audience and usually have specific objectives such as persuasion for a specific purpose or increasing product awareness, and they appear in various media.

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1. The paper can be as long as it needs to be to include all your insights supported by 20+ sources including your text books. Minimum page length is 8 pages  NOT includiing title page and sources. 2. You will include an introduction and conclusion, as well as a recommendation section. Recommendations should come before the conclusion section. Identify recommendations as a separate section with a heading following your APA formats. 3. Do not use personal pronouns in your paper. This is an academic assignment, not a personal opinion paper. 4. Proofread carefully.

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Brand Management – Vertical Brand Extensions: Steinway & Sons


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