Social Media Marketing Plan
The purpose of this written project is to apply the theoretical material learned in the course through developing a mini social media marketing plan for your own College at BGSU (e.g., college of business, college of education and human development, etc.). The goal is that you can incorporate what you learn in the course plus your own experiences/viewpoints to help your College to improve its social media marketing effort. –**This is a 30-point assignment. The final submission page length should be at least 4-page single-spaced minimum, excluding front cover, table of contents, executive summary, and references. Your SMM plan grade will be determined by the quality of the writing, clarity, and thoroughness of the SMM plan. This is an essay-format assignment, please do not use bullet points (except the 2×2 SWOT table). The mini SMM plan should include the following sections: 1. Front Cover 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary 4. Brief Overview –College overview –Current social media presence 5. Situation (SWOT) Analysis –Strengths –Weaknesses –Opportunities –Threats 6. SMM Objectives
7. SMM Recommendation and Improvements 8. References Submission format: –The written assignment should be in Word format and single-spaced pages. –Font: Times new roman (size 12) –References should be cited at the end of the assignment (if any). –*Follow the academic and business writing style and avoid using contractions in writing. For example, “don’t” should be written, “do not”. Severe points will be deducted if you use contraction writing. –Check for grammatical or typo errors. –The submitted assignment will go through “TurnItIn” to check originality between your submission and online resources, and among your classmates’ submission. A high percentage of TurnItIn results means that the submission has potential plagiarism concern. If academic dishonesty is violated (i.e., plagiarism), the submission will receive 0 points and the student will further be subjected to penalties discussed in the Code of Academic Conduct section in the BGSU student handbook (Links to an external site.). Online submission: ONLY Microsoft word document, please. TurnItIn cannot open .txt files. Do not simply link google document to this submission. It would not work.