Discuss briefly the possible competitive advantages that may present from adopting cloud computing in organisations

Question 1

(60 Marks) Read the case study ‘Cloud computing for competitive advantage’ (link) https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12215899 and answer the following questions: a. What is Cloud Computing? (5 marks) b. Discuss briefly the possible competitive advantages that may present from adopting cloud computing in organisations. (20 marks) c. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that is presented in the case? Explain why. (20 marks) ‘Cloud Computing allows small business to access IT services that historically would have been the domain of larger organisations’ d. Explain how will Cloud Computing be able to handle the emergence of the Internet of Things? (15 marks)

Icebreaker marketing case research and analysis

For this assignment you will need to browse the internet for the case of Icebreaker https://www.icebreaker.com/en-au/our-story/our-story.html Students must not contact the organisation directly. The case must be based on material available in the public domain. Tasks: 1. Describe the background of the company and identify key principles of sustainable marketing principles of ‘Icebreaker’. 2. Analyse of the case and synthesis with the theory: Consider the product, promotion, distribution and pricing strategy of this organisation in relation to sustainable marketing interests. 3. Explain whether this strategy is successful or could be improved by following other principles. 4. Analysis of the situation: Provide a marketing positioning analysis of the organisation against its competitors. Submitting the Assignment This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should demonstrate your ability to present a well written and well-structured report be approximately 1,500 words (maximum 1,750 words) use Calibri 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing use Harvard referencing, 15 references are expected. Please use at least 75% of academic references.

The applicability of CISG to E-commerce: Should there be a reform or new specific rules on e-commerce


The dissertation is in the area of International Trade Law focusing on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in e-commerce contract. Further than whether the CISG is applicable or not (from what I have read I assume that it is somehow applicable to ecommere), I would like to analyse the problems/challenges/flaws/difficulties the existing rules have, regarding the application to e-commcerce and to recommend any possible solutions/law reform/amendment/new specific rules. The reason behind this topic is that CISG is the uniform law governing international contracts for the sale of goods which help eliminate legal barriers and promotes the expansion of transnational sale in international trade so it’s an important instrument governing trade worldwide. However, the problem is that this Convention was concluded (adopted in 1980; enter into force in 1988) many decades ago where advanced electronic communication technologies were not available. As such, there are no specific provisions in the Convention dealing with the issues that arise in e-commerce contracts while it is apparent that today’s business transaction heavily depends on e-commerce which is mostly operated through online website. If there is an international rules that could provide a workable solution for e-commerce transactions, it would be a noteworthy uniform set of rules for cross-border e-commerce contract for international sale of goods. The rough outline is attached — with some notes from the professor’s suggestions. I WILL DO THE INTRODUCTION MYSELF. I ask you to write part 2 onwards, i.e. literature review, analysis, discussion, case study, recommendation, conclusion, etc. Feel free to revise or add anything to the outline if you think it suits better but please at least cover what I have mentioned. Some CASE LAWS shall be included in order to analyse and provide better understanding on the issues. You can also add additional chapter or divide the existing one in to several chapters. If you have any suggestions or anything to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note that this paper must be done in OSCOLA form so please do the citations(footnotes) and bibliography in this format.

Organisational Analysis

Locations – Where business functions are carried out. The mining company maintains operations across the following locations. The following information shows you an additional layer of complexity when managing a company of this size, where location-specific functions are being performed. 1• The Congo Mine Site 4. 2• Johannesburg – Regional Office. You Need To Do : You need to search and Collect information about this 2 locations , and write it as point . Also draw a Organisational Taxonomy or HIERARCHY OF ARTEFACTS as in the in the docemant that I will upload it .

What Does a Change-Ready Organization Look Like


Resource: What Does a Change-Ready Organization Look Like? Grading Guide As a leader in your organization, you have the opportunity to make a presentation to the Board of Directors to explain what it would take to create an ‘agile’ organization; an organization that can readily adopt changes. Develop a 15- to 20-slide visual presentation (not counting the title or reference page in that count) that identifies specifically what the organization would look like. Incorporate internal and external factors, as well as specific examples of the structure required. Use speaker notes to expound on your discussion just as you would in a real presentation. Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

The organization will be department of transport in Abu Dhabi

Part A (AC 3.1, 3.2) (700 words) ________________________________________

Choose ONE of the following areas and obtain data from your organisation or one with which you are familiar:

The organization will be department of transport in Abu Dhabi . • The turnover of staff over the last 3 years broken down into departments, job families and occupational groups, reasons for leaving and peaks and troughs through each year – OR

• The levels of absence over 3 years broken down into occupational groups, reasons for absence and the absence rates for each key part of the organisation (e.g. administration production, sales, shop floor workers) – OR

• The outcomes from a recent staff survey indicating the level of job satisfaction and motivation for different occupational groups or departments, the main areas for dissatisfaction. You may wish to speak to key personnel in your organisation to obtain their views on the recommendations from your research and analysis. This data must be based on one, specific organisation. You then need to do the following: ________________________________________

1. Provide an introduction to the HR area being investigated. Present the data in 3 different visual formats (chart, graph, etc), with appropriate headings, that will help to inform decision making on the topic you have chosen. (AC3.2) (approx 200 words)

2. Analyse and interpret the data, in a narrative that explains your images, and draws conclusions. (AC3.1) In doing so please include the following; a) Provide an introduction to the HR area being investigated. Present the data in 3 different visual formats (chart, graph etc) with appropriate headings. For each image, analyse and interpret the data (i.e. explain what it mean, in quantitative and/or qualitative terms) (A.C 3.1) (approx 250 words) b) From the data you have provided, draw conclusions that will enable decision making (A.C 3.1) (approx 250 words)

3. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Write a short description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment: what you knew about these areas and data before you attended module 2; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the assignment.

You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.

Oil price reaction to Geopolitical Events and economic factors & emerging tech

Analyse Oil price reaction to Geopolitical Events & tensions: Starting from Saudi Arabia cut oil production in the 1970s up to today In each case what were other factors that amplify or minimise or maybe reversed the effect on oil price Conclusion -Analyse Oil price reaction to OPEC decisions: from OPEC Foundation date 1960 up to today The US oil supply revolution and non-OPEC production increase, thus pressure on oil price In each case what were other factors that amplify or minimise or maybe reversed the effect on oil price Conclusion – Analyse Oil price reaction to global growth – New technologies which create new oil rivals and their effects on oil prices now and in the future: like the Technologies of producing the Shell oil or alternative energy.

Explain the impact of the Affordable Care Act AC) of 2010 on health care organization and finance

Description Explain the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 on health care organization and finance. Explain how the ACA incorporated social determinants of health into health policy. Summarize the proposed changes to the health care system under the current administration. Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years that support your assignment. Include an APA-formatted reference page. Format your assignment as: 550 – 600- word paper

Management Leadership To A Successful Business

The IRP will run between 8 and 10 pages in length (not including the tile, table of contents, reference and Appendix pages). Traditional Research Paper The purpose of this research paper is to give you some experience into the process of learning about a business topic, formulating some questions about the topic, conducting research, and then writing intelligently and interestingly about it. No matter what line of work you eventually find yourself pursuing, you will be more effective in your chosen career if you can research and master new material quickly, synthesize sources of information and critically evaluate them, and finally communicate what you’ve learned to others. A typical research paper will include a five-chapter template. The IRP can be: A traditional research project A case history A business plan

Microeconomics Essay

Description The Coase Theorem tells us that, so long as property rights are fully assignable and can be enforced by the courts, a society will arrive at efficient allocations even when some economic activity by some citizens imposes negative externalities on other citizens. Explain how this works. Do you think the Coase Theorem provides a valid framework for solving externality problems in real life? What about public goods problems?