Accounting Errors

Assignment Details Select a publicly traded company that had an accounting change during the reporting year, and e-mail it to your professor for prior approval. Then, complete the following: Obtain the 10K report of the company for the immediate past year. Provide a summary of the corporation’s primary operations.

Describe the different sections of the annual report. Explain the key items covered in the financial section of the report. Discuss the accounting change the entity reported during the year. What impact did the change have on the financial statements. Describe in your words the note disclosure the corporation made due to the accounting change.

Write a report for the company under the following headings: Title page: Use a running head, and put the title in all capital letters. Abstract: Provide a summary of your paper; this is not an introduction. Use third-person voice. Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be mindful of the spacing, do not triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs).

The type face should be 12-pt. Times New Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5–6 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. Use a variety of academic sources. Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the last page of your paper. References must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper- and lower-case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. The Reference page is not a bibliography; rather, it is an expanded listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

McDonalds Technology Environment

Objective: Students will become familiarized with theories and approaches to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic) Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst company to learn why it is not successful. Prompt: Continue working with your chosen least admired company for the assignments and complete the following: Identify the hard and soft technology used for both the domestic and global environments. This is not about computers or software; see lesson plan for details and remember to incorporate critical thinking (see resources). Identify the technology barriers to the company in both environments. Discuss how the company can overcome these. Evaluate the strategy used and how the company will protect their technology. Instructions: Write a section of the final paper that details the items above. Research requirement: minimum 2 scholarly sources PLUS something from your readings.

The effects of deal premium on cross-border mergers and acquisition valuation


Aanalyse the impact of deal premium on cross border mergers and acquisition valuation. I need help with the data. Mainly an OLS regression analysis with premium being the dependent variable. The independent/control variables should be Target size, deal value, level of investor protection, industry relatedness, rival bidders and country level characteristics i.e. accounting standards).I have attached some data from Zephyr database and i’m happy to provide more at your request.

Risk Management Framework RMF

Choose Your Roadmap to Certification Part 1: Risk Management Framework (RMF). In this assignment, students will review the risk management framework (RMF). Provide an overview of the framework in a visual graphic format of the six steps in the process and provide a brief description of what happens in each. Then, in 750-1,000 words, explain the following: The number of controls/sub-controls found in the framework The categories used in the risk-based approach Why today’s organizations should base security program strategy and decisions upon it The differences between risk management and enterprise risk management Make sure to reference academic or NIST official publications (most current year available via the Internet) or other relevant sources published within the last 5 years.

Completed BSN ePortfolio

Description Instructions Review your Brightspace portfolio to ensure you have submitted all requirements from previous coursework that show your completion of program outcomes. Also, upload your Change Project Proposal and Philosophy of Nursing Statement to their respective pages. These are the final components of your ePortfolio. Share your portfolio with your instructor for a final review and grade. At the end of the capstone course, you should have a complete ePortfolio to share with potential employers, potential graduate programs, or professional organizations. In Module Eight, you will upload the following elements from your capstone course to finalize your portfolio: 1. Change Proposal (Capstone Project) 2. Philosophy of Nursing Statement (Capstone Project) 3. Transformative reflection completed in the Module Eight journal assignment, which reflects on your achievement of the program outcomes Guidelines for Submission: assignment should be 1-2 page in length. You should not need to cite any sources, but if you do, follow APA formatting.

Aspect of the external environment of an organization

Your assignment should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length. You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources. There should be a minimum of two reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper. Follow assignment requirements ASSIGNMENT For purposes of the Module 2 SLP, once again consider yourself to be an expert in the field of Strategic Management. In this assignment, you will blog about some aspect of the external environment of an organization, providing examples based on current events you have found in a recent article in a trade journal, newspaper, or magazine (e.g., the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Business Week, or Forbes). Hint: Visit either ProQuest or EBSCO-Business Source Complete in the library. Choosing an industry that is of interest to you, find a recent article related to how one or more of Porter’s Five Forces or PESTLE have impacted your chosen industry. You may want to type in a specific force as a key word (e.g., Social, Economic, Legal, Threat of Entry, Competitive Rivalry, Suppliers, Buyers, etc.). Be sure to click on “Trade Publications,” “Newspapers,” and/or “Magazines”. You may also select a specific company and discuss how a force (or forces) in the remote or industry environment have (for better or worse) affected that company. For example, you might find a recent article related to how the fiercely competitive nature (one of Porter’s Five Forces) within the soda industry has affected the market share of such major company players as Coca-Cola or Pepsico. Or you might find an article that evaluates how a new law or regulation (in the remote environment) has impacted the healthcare industry. Remember that you are playing the role of a Strategic Management blogger, who is conveying to the public how environmental forces (whether remote environment or industry environment forces) are affecting a particular industry. Your main article(s) for your blog entry must be no older than 12 months. You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion and analysis, however, the current event article serving as the main focus of your paper must be no more than 12 months old. Required Reading Drake, P. (n.d.). Financial Ratio Analysis. Retrieved from Kukalis, S. (2009). Survey of recent developments in strategic management: Implications for practitioners. International Journal of Management, 26(1), 99-106. Retrieved from ProQuest. Michaux, S., Cadiat, A., & Probert, C. (2015). Porter’s forces: Stay ahead of the competition. [Place of publication not identified]: Retrieved from EBSCO eBook Collection. PESTLE Analysis. (2017). Retrieved from Tracy, B. (2015). Business strategy (The Brian Tracy Success Library). New York: AMACOM. Retrieved from EBSCO-Ebook Collection. Southwest. (2017). Culture. Retrieved from SWOT analysis. (2010). Quick MBA. Retrieved from Grand Strategy Selection Matrices The Internal Profile Optional Reading For a very good overview and examples of SWOT Analysis, review the links at the Free Management Library website (scan down to the section entitled “Do a SWOT Analysis of Results of Looking Outside and Inside the Organization?” here: Allio, R. J., & Fahey, L. (2012). Joan Magretta: What executives can learn from revisiting Michael Porter. Strategy & Leadership, 40(2), 5-10. Retrieved from ProQuest. Dobbs, M. E. (2012). Porter’s five forces in practice: Templates for firm and case analysis. Competition Forum, 10(1), 22-33. Retrieved from ProQuest. May the five forces be with you. (2016, May 08). Telegram & Gazette. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. China’s steel industry: Porter’s five forces strategy analysis. (2016, Feb 03). M2 Presswire Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. Ireland, R., & Hitt, M. A. (2005). Achieving and maintaining strategic competitiveness in the 21st century: The role of strategic leadership. Academy of Management Executive, 19(4), 63-77. Retrieved from EBSCO-Business Source Complete.

Zerocol Company

This Assignment has two sections: The Excel document and the written portion of the financials (sources and use of funds, plan assumption, and break-even analysis) as described below. I will attached the background information on the Zerocol company, the required excel spreadsheet that needs to be completed, and the “portfolio” for reference. Section I: The Business Plan financials (Excel document) Using Zerocol info attached, you will complete all the worksheets in the Excel document (atatched)in order, so that you can complete the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projections, and Balance Sheet sections from the Business Plan Financials spreadsheet. (Parts of this worksheet are already filled out, so the rest will need to be filled out according to those). Section II: Financial section of the business plan You will have 3 headings as outlined below: 1.Sources and use of funds: Outline the funds you have currently (see “portfolio” pages 4-8, attached) and the ones you intend to raise (you need to raise funds per the “portfolio” page 4). Explain how you plan to use the funds (a clear plan for how you will use the money). 2. Plan assumptions: The Financial plan must be based on decisions and facts. Investors want to know if this plan is realistic. In this section you will outline your plan assumptions. 3. Break-even analysis: The break-even point is the point at which you make enough money in revenue to pay your expenses, but no profit (or loss). In this section, clarify what the break-even number is for year one (average). You will extract this information from the Break-even tab in the Excel document.

Hoover business review

Hoover business review


Paper details:

The document from Hoover. This is the only source that is allowed to be used. Define which factors comprise a business’ competitive environment and macroenvironment.•Using research and your own knowledge, describe at least one example of each competitive and macroenvironmental factor that impacts your chosen company.•Your submission should include a title page, introduction, main body, conclusion, and reference list. For assistance writing a paper or formatting a reference list in APA format, please see the “Citation and Plagiarism Resources” link under “Academic Tools”.•The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages in length, using size 12 point font.

Create a credit risk model using logistic regression

Create a credit risk model using logistic regression to estimate the probability of people who have leased cars, to be late in their payments (default) and then investigate specifically what are the factors that make people be late in their payments (default). WRITE a relevant literature review. There are no many articles with credit risk modeling or probability of default in the leasing industry, so you can write generally about credit modeling and probability of default (POD) or probability of bad (POB) payers. Include as many articles as you can find on probability of default models with regards to the leasing industry. Also, please focus on the papers that use logistic regression as the method to estimate a probability of default/probability of bad. It is important that you mention what factors are most likely to affect the probability to default/bad or to be late in a payment according to the authors of the papers you will include. Bear in mind that this is a literature review request, don’t include any introduction or conclusions.

Offer different explanations as to why firms engage in corporate social responsibility CSR

Read the following papers which offer different explanations as to why firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR): Dimaggio, PJ & Powell, WW 1983, ‘The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields’ (Links to an external site.), American Sociological Review, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 147-160. Freeman, ER 2008, ‘Managing for stakeholders’ (Links to an external site.), in T Donaldson & P Werhane (eds), Ethical issues for Business, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, pp. 39-53. Matten, D & Moon, J 2008,’ ‘Implicit and explicit’ CSR: A conceptual framework for a comparative understanding of corporate social responsibility’ (Links to an external site.), Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 404-424. Mitchell, RK, Agle, BR & Wood, DJ 1997, ‘Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts’ (Links to an external site.), Academy of Management Review, 22: 853-886. Suchman, MC 1995, ‘Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches’, (Links to an external site.) Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 571-610. Compare and contrast these course readings and produce a 1000 word critical reflection on course literature about what corporate social responsibility is, what it is not, and what drives corporations to engage in CSR. In this critical reflection you should provide a reasoned explanation for choosing the perspective(s) that you believe best explain why firms engage in CSR. Assessment criteria: Responds originally, clearly and directly to the question. The work shows good evidence of original insight. Evidence of the selection of high quality information/references. The work demonstrates a high level of understanding and curiosity in analysing the question and clearly addresses the task requirements. Material is deployed in a disciplined way and demonstrates a sophisticated comprehension of key issues of debate. Advanced ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise and apply theoretical and technical body knowledge in a broad and creative way to a range of areas and diverse contexts. Highly effective use of a range of literature to build a strong argument. Highly developed and appropriate structure designed to effectively present argument. Meaning is communicated clearly and effectively through consistent and sophisticated use of academic style, unambiguous language and correct and appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling. Appropriate Harvard style referencing (in text and list of references) References consistently conform to the appropriate conventions. Excellent reference list in terms of quantity and quality. Effective citation in text, both in terms of style and content.