Accounting ethics

In a 6-8 page APA-formatted paper, discuss the following: Explain the problem or issue, presenting perspectives on the various sides of the conflict. If possible, include differing opinions that have been given about the conflict. Clearly state what the ethical problem is. This section should be neutral and objective. Discuss the way three different ethical philosophies or frameworks would deal with the problem/issue. Do not present your opinions or solutions to the problem here. Identify the stakeholders and their interests/positions in the problem/issue. Describe the ethical concepts or laws that apply to the problem/issue and how they apply (e.g. corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, consumer protection, employment laws, etc.). What is the best solution to the problem or issue? Which ethical philosophies guide the decision? Explain the decision-making process. Your term paper should be well-written with good organization, no writing errors, and citations to sources that support or provide evidence for the ideas and claims presented in the paper.

Competitor analysis + recommendation

Competitor analysis + recommendation


Paper details:

Analyze 4 competitors of and Based on your analysis, propose and justify 1 recommendation that can be implemented to improve the effectiveness of the firm’s marketing communications strategy. *All just need bullet points ( table for competitors)

Security-Creating Company E-mail and WIFI / Internet Use Policies

You have just been hired as the Security Manager of a medium-sized Financial Services company employing 250 people in New Hampshire, and have been asked to write two new security policies for this company. The first one is an e-mail policy for employees concentrating on personal use of company resources. The second policy is that of WIFI and Internet use within the company. There are many resources available on the web so researching these topics and policies should be easy. The most difficult part of this exercise will be determining how strict or how lenient you want to make these policies for this particular company. Project Plan You are asked to create two separate policies on use of EMAIL and a WIFI/INTERNET USE within the company. Be specific in your terms and conditions of use. Consider these items to be included in your policies (as applicable). 1. Overview 2. Purpose 3. Scope 4. Policy 5. Policy Compliance 6. Related Standards, Policies and Processes 7. Definitions and Terms Some useful links and resources :

Macroeconomics in Global Context

1. Suppose you are given the following information for an economy without government spending, exports, or imports. C is desired consumption, I is desired investment, and Y is income. C and I are given by:C = 1300 + 0.85YI = 450What is the equation for the aggregate expenditure (AE) function?Applying the equilibrium condition that Y = AE, determine the level of equilibrium national income.Using your answer from part (b), determine the values of consumption, saving, and investment when the economy is in equilibrium.2. Consider the simplest macro model with demand-determined output. The equations are:C = 150 + 0.8Yd, Yd = Y-T,I = 400, G = 700,T = .2Y, X = 130, andIM = 0.14Y.What is the Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) in this model?What is the Marginal Propensity to import?What is the total autonomous expenditure?What is the equilibrium GDP?

Amazon Case Study Analysis Paper



The Case Study Analysis Paper is designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the strategic management techniques we are studying. It also allows students to hone writing and critical analysis skills that are critical to success in any profession. General: Case Study Analysis Papers will have all of the components of the Case at a Glance outline plus an Executive summary section (this should appear at the beginning of the paper). The executive summary consists of the following:

One to three paragraphs long Identifies the major problems facing the key characters in the case Identifies and summarizes the recommended plan of action with a brief justification for the recommended plan Your papers must use APA citation style. I urge you to review APA citation style before beginning to write. Failure to follow APA guidelines (especially in-text citation and reference listing) will be heavily penalized, i.e. your paper will not receive a passing grade. You will find you need some outside reference sources in order produce quality work. Please use appropriate sources and avoid blogs, Wikipedia, Investopedia, anything-opedia.

Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization

Microsoft® PowerPoint® Class Presentation Three Learning Teams Resource: Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization Grading Guide Purpose of Assignment In this week, students are learning about managing different types of economic costs. Organizations typically have either high fixed costs or low fixed costs, and it is important to understand how business decisions differ in organizations with high fixed costs from organizations with low fixed costs. Assignment Steps Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products. Hoover’s Company Profiles by ProQuest located in the University Library Choose two publicly-held organizations: One organization must have high fixed costs and low variable costs, and the other organization must have low fixed costs and high variable costs. Note: A publicly-held organization is a private-sector firm that is owned by stockholders. Companies with high fixed costs include manufacturing companies, such as automobile manufactures, whereas service companies, such as accounting firms, might have low fixed costs. Create a minimum 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes or voiceover, analyzing the methods of managing cost depending on the cost construction. Research the University Library for recent publications regarding each company and the industry data. The analysis should include the following: Analyze your two chosen companies’ cost construction. Do the companies have high fixed costs or low fixed costs? Do the companies have high variable costs or low variable costs? What evidence presents itself to support your findings? In Excel®, chart the relationship between total cost and the number of units produced (output) for each organization/company. Plot two lines on the graph – one line for each company you analyzed. Copy your graph from Excel® and paste it into your PowerPoint® presentation. Analyze currently used methods to minimize costs for the companies and provide recommendations how to improve the process of minimizing costs based on the available information for the industries in which the companies operate. Note: Companies are categorized by the industries they operate in. For example, Wal-Mart is a company operating within the retail trade industry. Hoover’s Company Profiles by ProQuest located in the University Library Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources. Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss the worldwide motor vehicle industry

Description 1. Assessment Task 1 – Individual Authentic Learning Case-Study Assignment (1200words) Individual Authentic Learning Case-Study Assignment 1200 words Due date : 24 Aug Topic: Discuss the worldwide motor vehicle industry, inclusive of a background to the study, an external environmental analysis inclusive of a Five Forces and political, economic, social and technological analysis. A final element of the discussion should explain why motor vehicle manufacturers import rather than manufacture in Australia. Purpose The purpose of Assessment Task 1 is to undertake a strategic analysis that involves three sections: 1) Background to the study including a brief history of the world automotive industry; 2) A Five Forces model explaining the new car motor vehicle import industry as this applies to Australia OR a Five Forces model explaining the worldwide new car motor vehicle industry; 3) Explain why car manufacturers prefer to import rather than manufacture in Australia. All three sections of this assessment task must have references to the strategic management academic literature from peer reviewed journals. There must be at least three references to the Subject core text in whole submission. General rules: 1. Students must demonstrate an engagement with the Body of Knowledge. This is demonstrated through the application of at least one relevant reference per 150 words, or a minimum of eight (9) references in total. 2. No article may be referenced more than twice; 3. The submission must have an introduction, a main body, a conclusion and a bibliography. Headings and sub headings may be used. 4. All three sections of this assessment task must have references to the strategic management academic literature from peer reviewed journals.

Competing with Fast Fashion at Zara

Description Prepare a document that summarizes your preliminary evaluation of the how and why Wearable Wishes can compete with the threat Zara poses to its U.S. market base. Choose a topic for analysis (i.e., revenue recognition, transfer pricing, segment reporting, the balanced scorecard, product costing, activity-based costing, customer profitability analysis, target costing, cash flow analysis and/or budgeting) apply to the case firm. Use specific details from the case to support your answer. Your analysis should incorporate full-sentences/paragraphs (i.e., no bulleted lists) and should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

The History of Business

The History of Business: Putting It All in Context

Use the Internet to research an American company that has been in business for more than 100 years. Explain how this company has changed over its lifespan. For example: 1. Has it always produced the same goods and services, or has its focus shifted over time? 2. Which of the five eras did this company operate during, and how did these historical shifts affect the company? 3. Did this business always align with the conventions of its time, or did it lead the way into new eras? You may find the following USA Today’s List of Centurions helpful: (Links to an external site.)

Market Efficiency and Market Failures

This summit revolves around the concept of elasticity of demand and its effect on consumers! For this essay, please investigate an industry market failure that has occurred within the last 10-years in the U.S. Identify the events that led to market failure. Discuss steps that should have been taken to self-correct the market failure and steps that are being taken to eliminate the need of another government bailout in the future. Is your chosen industry currently operating efficiently? Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the College Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion: State the article or event you selected. Identify the microeconomic concept(s). Describe your findings. Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.