Service Marketing Pitch


Your task is to identify a real service organisation that has a problem with one of the 7Ps or how they are evaluated, and then pitch a solution to that problem to the organisation’s board (i.e., your tutor and classmates). You will have a maximum of four minutes to (1) succinctly identify the organisation’s problem, (2) convince the board that you have a potential solution to this problem, and (3) justify why your solution is optimal in relation to services marketing theor

Elements of the Change Plan—Focus Areas Rationale and Risk

For this milestone, submit part three of your final project: focus areas, rationale, and risk to your change-management plan. You should focus on the cultural competence of the main areas targeted for change, the drivers and constraints for change in terms of risk to the organization, and the structures needed to implement the plan that foster collaboration and cultural sensitivity. Recommend policies and procedures for your department relevant to the change.

Innovation through Marketing and Technology


Innovation through Marketing and Technology

Please prepare an APA double spaced report of each discussion topic as outlined. 3 pages per topic please. I will provide access to my school forum where you can see the discussion boards for Project 3. They are labeled Topic 1 through 4 respectively. Please ask if you are uncertain of anything. I am pressed for time and need these to be done as accurate as possible (not generic).

Wild Wood Apartments


Submit an analysis of the organization that will use the database developed for the final project. Select one of the scenarios provided for the final project. Using the selected scenario, analyze the organization to determine the problem/challenge, business requirements, and limitations of the current system(s). Explain how the problem or challenge impacts the various departments and operations within the organization. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Organization A. Problem: Analyze the organization to determine the problem/challenge, business requirements, and limitations of current system(s). B. Departments and Operations: Explain how the various departments and operations within the organization are impacted by the issue or challenge. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a three- to five-page Microsoft Word document using appropriate modeling language and/or diagrams. It should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. It should include at least three sources, which should be cited in APA format.

New mobile game development based on customer behaviour analysis using social media data

A literature review written for the above topic of my dissertation . Provide tables and figures minimum 5 used in the literature review. , please find below a high level description of my dissertation project. ————–

The mobile game industry has proven itself to be a stable and steady growing market, Hence this research project is focused/aimed on taking user data from social media and using that data to make a more informed decision on game type and game design, hence being able to target specific customers, or appeal to a specific group as a whole. This project will use unique finders on tweet catcher to identify different groups of individuals their wants and what they are interested in based on the information they freely give out. App Annie will also be used to divulge certain information about the games currently trending across different filters such as their demographics, gender, age, device type. Etc.

This information will be cleaned to remove redudndant data and it will be transformed then fed to different machine learning algorithms e.g. neural networks algorithms, decision trees algorithms, random forest algorithms. Once the algorithms have been trained, they will be tested to assess the True positive, False negative, False positive, and true negative prediction based on information given to it. The output would typically be a classed user behaviour. This project will use the Agile methodology allowing for a number of continuous iteration

Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Methodology

Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Methodology

Thailand context. This methodology is a part of a research proposal. I will do the research by interview, exploratory research, abductive approach and will apply the attached framework. The outline is as followed: 1) Introduction 2) Research questions and objectives 3) Research philosophy, strategy and design We used the Domains of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework. I think it will be good to explain this framework along with the methodology as well. The interview will be held in Thailand (1-1) with 24 entrepreneurs and 4 policy makers (from government sector) 4)summary You can ask me anytime if you want more information or you have something to ask about my method. As said it is only a research proposal so something might not clear yet, but I will try to answer you as much as possible.

Business Ethics & Corporate Culture – Decision-making Styles


Business Ethics & Corporate Culture – Decision-making Styles

Dear writer, Please see attached. Compare the decision-making styles of the others with your mine. Where are my styles complementary, and in what ways my styles differ? How would you approach working together to make an ethical decision? What strengths and weaknesses of each style should be considered during the decision-making process?

Perfectly Competitive Industry

Option #1: Perfectly Competitive Industry Complete the following:

• Based upon this week’s readings, analyze an article published within 60 days prior to the term that deals with a perfectly competitive industry. • Analyze the factors driving change in the industry. Are there potential changes due to globalization or technology that might alter this industry? And if so, what are they? Requirements: • Your paper should be at least 2 pages in length and must conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

• Include a supply-demand graph relevant to a perfectly competitive firm. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source. Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points. • Incorporate at least three scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Relationship difficulty between employees – employers


In your post, you mentioned, among others, that: ” […] the difficulty in managing human resources may stem from the complexities in employee and employer relationships”. I would like to further expand on this relationship and ask what makes the relationship between employees – employers difficult? How is the “psychological contract” perceived by contemporary organizations?

Statement of Financial Condition

For this exercise, refer to the material on capital management in Section 3.8 of the text as needed.

Access your bank’s financial statements on Yahoo!Finance*, the SEC website, or the bank’s own website. From the balance sheet/aka “Statement of Financial Condition” for the most recent fiscal year available, find the amount of the bank’s common equity (common stock + capital surplus + retained earnings –Treasury stock) and its total assets. Compute the bank’s common equity capital ratio = common equity/total assets x 100%. Does this amount seem to be adequate protection against the bank’s insolvency in the event of another financial crisis? Why or why not? Following the Basel III accord and Dodd-Frank legislation, banks with international operations have to maintain much stricter capital adequacy ratios, as assets are adjusted for risk.

In order to be “adequately capitalized” a bank needs a total capital ratio of 9.68%. Based on the guide for risk-adjusted assets shown in the text, does your bank make the grade? (Note: If you are unable to calculate the adjusted amount for assets, at least you know that it will be smaller than the “total assets” used in the previous calculation. Thus the ratio will be larger. So if you made the 9.68% threshold before, you may assume that your bank is “adequately capitalized” based on the new rules!)