A literature review written for the above topic of my dissertation . Provide tables and figures minimum 5 used in the literature review. , please find below a high level description of my dissertation project. ————–
The mobile game industry has proven itself to be a stable and steady growing market, Hence this research project is focused/aimed on taking user data from social media and using that data to make a more informed decision on game type and game design, hence being able to target specific customers, or appeal to a specific group as a whole. This project will use unique finders on tweet catcher to identify different groups of individuals their wants and what they are interested in based on the information they freely give out. App Annie will also be used to divulge certain information about the games currently trending across different filters such as their demographics, gender, age, device type. Etc.
This information will be cleaned to remove redudndant data and it will be transformed then fed to different machine learning algorithms e.g. neural networks algorithms, decision trees algorithms, random forest algorithms. Once the algorithms have been trained, they will be tested to assess the True positive, False negative, False positive, and true negative prediction based on information given to it. The output would typically be a classed user behaviour. This project will use the Agile methodology allowing for a number of continuous iteration