Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis


Assignment Content Resource: Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis Grading Guide Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of calculations of cash flow and strategies to increase it. Assignment Steps Select a multinational company from the following industries: Retail Pharmaceutical Computer Hardware Manufacturing Automotive Review the selected company’s most recent financial statements. Calculate the following cash conversion cycle ratios based on the financial statements using Microsoft®Excel®: Average inventory Inventory turnover rate Average account receivable Account receivable turnover Average collection cycle Explain in 700 words the importance of the cash conversion cycle, including: Discuss the purpose of the cash conversion cycle and its components. Analyze the results obtained in the cash conversion cycle equations. Propose strategies to increase the cash flows of the company under study. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Systematic Approach to Training


“The Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is a methodology for managing training programs. It is an orderly; logical approach to determining what people must know and do at a particular job or in a specific profession” (Dhawan, 2018, p.1). This approach is focusing on core objectives and “end in mind” to ensure that employees can master the main takeaways upon completion of the training in order to function properly. Pros to systematic training: · “Organized Approach · Clarity and Responsibility ·

Recognizing the Student’s Abilities · Hands-On Design” (Katchi, 2015, para.8). Some of the cons of systematic approaches are lack of adaptability, flexibility within the process, being able to change the structure on a moment’s notice or exercise innovative approaches to training. Please provide examples of systematic or any other training methods that are currently in place within your organization and analyze its pros and cons. Write an approximately 1800 word paper, APA formatted, with three sources. Please reflect not only on the presented articles but on the ones, you find online or in our library. References Dhawan, S. (2018). The Systematic Approach to Training: Main Phases of the Training Cycle. Retrieved from Katchi, M. (2015). Creating a Well-Oiled Machine: 5 Advantages of a Systematic Approach to Training. 360 Training. Retrieved from

Culture Beverage Industry Supply Chain Management

Discussion 2: Culture Unlocked: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 7:24 AM EDT – Sunday, September 1, 2019 11:59 PM EDT. Must post first. In 2 fully-developed paragraphs, discuss the influences that conflicting cultural values can have on a global supply chain in your industry. Include an illustration involving your own home culture and the culture of a foreign supplier from a country that you have visited or would like to visit

Systematized strategies for a franchise system

Assignment Brief: You started to expand your business a few months ago, based on the franchise system. During the initial stage of the expansion, you didn’t realize the importance of systematized strategies for a franchise system to become successful. Now, you are very keen to focus on developing some effective strategies. Prepare a report on your franchising system, addressing the franchise relationship, social responsibility, legal matters and the future of this franchising system. In your report discuss the following areas from the standpoint of a franchisor: strategies for negotiation, innovation and emotional turbulence the possible social responsibilities involved in your franchise system the franchisor and franchisee’s obligations and dispute resolution strategies the future of your franchise system (e.g. information technology, stock control or green franchising etc.) Justify your arguments by making references to relevant franchising theories. In terms of the number of references, your assignment should have 6-10 All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry-related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.

Supply Chain Analysis and Design

Description A case study is a scenario in a particular professional context which students are expected to analyse and respond to, guided by specific questions posed concerning the situation. In many cases, the scenario or case study involves a number of issues or problems that must be dealt with in a professional workplace. Case study assignment requires students to demonstrate their developing knowledge of theories and quantitative methods to make informed decisions and provide recommendations to either prevent or solve some of the issues in that scenario. Students will be provided a case study and associated questions. Students are required to read the case and associated questions carefully.

Highlight the main points of the case and any issues that you can identify. Read the questions closely and analyse what they are requiring you to do. Read the case again, linking the information that is relevant to each question you have been asked. develop a quantitative model to solve the problem. answer to the case questions based on the output of your analysis. Students are required to submit a Word file to explain your mathematical models, to report your answers, and to write recommendations for decision makers based on the identified solutions, and an Excel file to demonstrate how you use spreadsheet to identify the solutions. You must ensure that the file is in a workable condition before the submission. Submission process: Students are required to submit both Word and Excel files individually. Submission of a zipped file attracts no mark. Failing to submit the Word or Excel documents will result in no mark (zero).

The naming convention for both Word and Excel files is: ‘Student Number_Student Name’. If quantitative method is required to be linear programming, students must use the Solver to solve this problem. No intuitive or hubristic approach is acceptable.

Cyber security influence on Transportation Marketing planning report

You can state your preferences in three areas: (a) Marketing, (b) sector/industry, and (c) technology-related trend. *Marketing Planning Report* Introduction Imagine you have recently had a lunch meeting with a good friend of yours whom you hadn’t seen for some time. Your friend wanted to tell you about her latest venture. Together with three business partners, she is the founder of ACME Marketing Innovation plc. The aim of their consultancy business is to provide market and sector reviews to multinational firms, specializing in impact studies on technology-related trends. (Clients often use them for marketing planning purposes.) Their business is still at an early stage. Your friend mentions, for example, that the partners haven’t been able to agree on which industries to focus on. But she also makes it clear that her preference is to offer consulting services to firms in the Retail, Transportation and Entertainment sectors. To be able to convince her partners, she is looking for someone to prepare an initial set of research reports. You are a little surprised when your friend steers the discussion towards your expertise in Marketing. When she asks whether you may be willing to prepare a technology assessment report for their new venture, you are intrigued. In response to your request for further information, she mentions that she had recently attended several technology conferences. The topic of the first conference was “Internet of things (IoT)” and that of the second conference “Cybersecurity” as a technology-related business trend. (Your friend also mentions having attended a conference on “Big Data” that she describes as “underwhelming” with the topic being “little more than a buzzword” and the conference “just a sales pitch”.) It is obvious to you that she is convinced that these trends have their potential to fundamentally reshape the Retail, Transportation, and Entertainment sectors. All that she now needs is the help of a trustworthy friend (such as you)! Before you have a chance to ask a single question, your friend rushes off, saying that she is already late for another client meeting. On her way out, she tells you to “analyze from an Marketing perspective” (obviously!), to ensure that the report “gives meaningful recommendations,” and to contact her assistant for further information. From what you can gather, you have a choice between analyzing the impact of either “Internet of things (IoT),” “Cybersecurity” or “Big Data” on either the “Retail,” “Transportation” or “Entertainment” sector. Of course, you would have appreciated the opportunity to ask further questions. But then again, managers can be busy, and the assignment your friend gave you really is an opportunity to take ownership of the report—after all, if your friend doesn’t tell you exactly what to do, you are free to make your own decisions! –END OF THE 2018-19 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT BRIEF FOR – Your friend’s assistant, a friendly and approachable person, replies to your request within minutes. Her email includes a list of resources related to Internet of things (IoT), Cybersecurity, and Big Data (see Appendix A below), and also stresses the importance of including in your report (1) a meaningful executive summary, as well as (2) a set of presentation slides your friend can present to her business partners in September. Unfortunately (for you), the assistant concludes her email by saying that she won’t be able to provide any further information. Instead, the assistant directs you to the project’s Moodle page with the suggestion to visit the forum frequently and also to carefully read all materials published there: Summary of your individual assignment (add this box to your report) Your assignment is to submit a 6,000 to 8,000-word research report assessing— from an Marketing perspective—the potential impact of “Internet of things (IoT)” (or, alternatively, “Cybersecurity” or “Big Data”) on the “Retail” sector (or, alternatively, the “Transportation” or “Entertainment” sector). Your assessment must draw on Marketing-related research literature. You may also draw on any additional framework, theory, concept or idea to conduct your assessment. Further details for what the report must include can be found in the course manual for MN5349 available on Moodle. Use your own judgement on any aspect of this assignment not specified in either this 2018-19 assignment brief or the MN5349 course manual. Using your own judgement is also required when choosing relevant sources to support your argument and the assumptions you have to make in your report. (It is recommended that your reference list includes no fewer than 15 relevant sources.) Appendix A: Technology-related news stories (selection) News related to “Internet of things (IoT)”: 1. 2. 3. News related to “Cybersecurity”: 1. 2. 3. News related to “Big Data”: 1. 2. 3.

Selling on Amazon

Selling on Amazon

The links to those articles are below. I need all of the articles merged into one essay and separated by chapter as if it were a book. I need you to provide an introduction and conclusion for each article. All information within each article is not needed. Most articles conclude with business contact information. You can simply edit out those details and focus on that content of each article when drafting an introduction and conclusion for each article.

The title of each article can be the chapter or heading title. I would also like you to create a one-page introduction to start the essay primarily focusing on Jeff Bezos and how unfairly Amazon seller performance treats third party sellers that sell on Amazon Links to articles:

Business Communication : Business Etiquette

After reading Business Etiquette throughout the Organization, explain, through your own experience, why it is important to use the communication practices the author has described. In your response, address the following: Describe which of the top 10 “dos and don’ts” is most challenging for you. Explain why it would be important for you to improve any areas that you deem challenging, based on importance of effective business communications. Describe the benefits, including a minimum of one scholarly and/or credible source to support your response.

Surgery and a Holiday

Type 2-3 pages single- space. Visit the website for Medical Departures International to learn more. Then, answer the following questions. 1. As explained in your textbook, the marketing concept means that an organization directs its efforts at satisfying customers at a profit. How does Medical Departures International work to deliver superior customer value? See your textbook for more discussion on the interplay between the marketing concept and customer value. (50 points) 2. What is the marketing strategy implemented by Medical Departures International? Discuss both the target market and the related marketing mix. Provide specific examples from the website in your answer. (50 points) Source: “Click Here for Hip Surgery and a Holiday” by Ari Altstedter, Bloomberg Businessweek, July 16, 2018, p.19-20. Tips for Writing an Analytical Paper 1. Define the marketing principles used in your answer. In other words, demonstrate that you read the assigned readings. 2. Analysis is NOT the same as opinion. Analysis is based on facts and principles. You organize your answer around the marketing principle(s) that is(are) relevant to the analysis. Example: A target market is a homogeneous group of customers that the company chooses to pursue. Starting with this core definition as your guide to analyzing who is the company’s target market, you must find evidence of how the customers in the group are similar (homogeneous) as well as evidence that the company is pursuing them. Notice that the definition guides you in determining which facts are relevant and important. Connect the relevant facts to the definition. 3. Edit your answer before submitting it. Correct all errors (grammar, organization and spelling).

Transformational Performance Measuring


Submit a position paper using Turn It In, on the potential utility and importance of transformational performance measurement based on a composite deconstruction of scholarly literature, balanced scorecard metrics, systems alignment, and collaboration to a) strategic leadership and b) your own leadership position within an organization of your choice. Keep in mind that leadership is important at every level of an organization.