Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to enhance the performance of products and/or services


Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to enhance the performance of products and/or services throughout their life cycles; paper requirements/instructions are attached and rubric/areas that need to be met. The marketing plan includes the development of an excel spread sheet which i am counting as a page or two, not sure; Summarize the company’s budget, Financial Assessment; schedule and monitoring in a spreadsheet, and include comments.(sales forecast, expense forecast, marketing expenditures alignment with strategy and tactics, Break even analysis). I would like the marketing strategy to be done on Starbucks; a resource/report I was planning on using is also attached, if it can help; Dudovskiy, J. (2017). Starbucks Corporation Report, Retrieved from

Porter’s Competitive Strategies

You will research and write a scholarly Literature Review. The Literature Review must be in current APA format, must be a minimum of 16 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and reference list), and must utilize a minimum of 15 scholarly references. Submit the Literature Review: Topic Selection by 24 August at 1700 p.m. (ET). Below is a list of topics that you must choose from to complete your Literature Review. Note: Be sure to include a rational/reason for why the topic was chosen. • Porter’s Competitive Strategies • Miles and Snow’s Strategy Typology • Operations strategy and planning • Bureaucratic Organizations • Chaos Theory • Hawthorne Studies • Organizational Theory • Organizational Behavior • Scientific Management • Organizational Structure • Supply Chain Structures and Relationships • Collaborative Networks • Impact of Technology on Job Design • Organizational Decision Making Systems • Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization • Organizational Decision Making Submit the Literature Review: Outline and Title Page by 29 August at 1700 p.m. (ET) The title page and outline are present. The title page contains the required components. The outline is well developed and includes headings and subheadings. The framework of the Literature review is apparent and well established. It includes all the required components as follows: • Title page • Abstract • Introduction • Findings • Conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions for further study • References Spelling and grammar are correct. The assignment includes an outline that was per the APA format (Alphanumeric, Full sentence, or decimal). The entries are properly formatted. A cover sheet (title page) is present that is formatted per APA Submit the Literature Review: Abstract by 12 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) All key components of the Abstract are present. The Abstract for the Literature Review is clearly articulated. The Abstract has a clear, logical flow. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. The paragraph contains appropriately varied sentence structures. The Abstract is formatted per APA. A cover sheet is present that is formatted per APA. Review: Annotated Bibliography by 19 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) All key components of the Annotated bibliography are present. The bibliography contains the fifteen scholarly sources that are three years old or less. The sources are current and relevant to the topic. An annotation exists for each source listed. Each annotation correctly summarizes/describes the corresponding source and demonstrates critical thinking skills regarding interpretation and application of material. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. The annotations contain appropriately varied sentence structures. The bibliography is formatted per APA. The entries are properly formatted. A cover sheet is present that is formatted per APA. Submit the Literature Review: Final by 26 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) There is a clear thesis statement that specifies the topic that is going to be addressed. The introduction provides a clear overview of the Literature Review’s contents. The introduction f is clearly articulated. The introduction has a clear, logical flow. All key components of the Literature Review are present. The body of the paper includes clarity and relevancy of material with the appropriate level of citations. The assignment has a clear, logical flow. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. At least fifteen peer reviewed references are included that are three years old or less. The issues raised regarding the topic are properly treated. Differing viewpoints are considered, analyzed, and treated. The analysis is thorough. The conclusion offers a good summary of the issues treated in the Literature Review. The conclusion offers suggestions for further study with the appropriate level of citations. The conclusion has a clear, logical flow. Major points are summarized clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. The bibliography contains a minimum of 15 scholarly sources. The sources are current (three years old or less). The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format. The Literature Review uses current APA format correctly. The paper contains a minimum of 16 pages of content that does not include the cover page, Abstract, outline, reference page, or charts/tables

Is cash flow sensitivity a measure of financial constraint

 Is cash flow sensitivity a measure of financial constraint?


Paper details:

Main Body: Supporting the Use of Cash Flow Sensitivity. In the Excel sheet, you can find the list of the literature that should be implemented for that specific part. Although, more research papers can be added in this part if necessary.

Individual Market Factors

 Individual Market Factors


Paper details:

-Select an organization of interest to you. -Research the organization using information from the organization’s website and at least three other sources. -Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you discuss each of the following market opportunity factors as it relates to the organization: -Market demand -Environmental elements -Competitors -Business -Consumer description – Complementary and substitute products

Staffing Strategy


You are the new Staffing Director for General Health Charities (GHC). GHC is the fundraising division of General Health Systems, a five hospital, 1,500 bed, 12,500 employee organization, which specializes in all areas of acute care. The system relies heavily on GHC for funds to build and modernize buildings, recruit new talent, and purchase new equipment. You currently have four recruiters reporting directly to you. Each recruiter is responsible for a different area (i.e., leadership, business office, service personnel, and service). You deem the system to be inefficient, specifically since you are not recruiting qualified applicants in any of the areas. Furthermore, turnover remains high. For the purpose of this assignment, you are required to do the following: Create a new staffing department system. Be creative in the information that you provide, though specifically explain how GHC will recruit and select qualified candidates. Select two of the four areas of recruitment and create a plan for each area. For example, one of the recruiters is responsible for recruiting service workers. Therefore, it is important to explain the following based upon the two areas selected: The role of the service worker. The necessary qualifications for the service worker. The job outlook for service workers. Any other important information. Finally, explain how GHC can compete with other local healthcare organizations/systems to recruit the best candidates. Explain current health system recruitment challenges. Explain how the company will utilize monetary and non-monetary initiatives to enhance recruitment efforts. Write a 5-7 page paper, or about 2300 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required. Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate. You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references, and can include resources from this course


Refer to the activity in the Unit 7 module: Religious-based Companies. Read about each company in the presentation and choose one to research further. In the discussion, answer the following questions about the company you chose: (MARY KAY) What is the company, and its religious affiliation? Does the product or service they provide have anything to do with religion? Are there business practices discriminatory based on religion? If so, why? How do they discriminate? Are there any examples you found in your research where this company’s religious affiliation caused a problem either within the company or with customers? Did they break any laws? What’s your opinion? Is the company discriminating based on religion or are they practicing freedom of expression? Be sure to support your answers with authoritative references and use APA for references and in-text citations. Mary Kay Cosmetics employees have accused the company of creating a “cult‐like environment.” In 1997, the company’s owner Mary Kay Ash claims the company is successful because she took God as a partner.

Pestel and swot analysis of AUDI MOTORS GLOBAL

Pestel and swot analysis of AUDI MOTORS GLOBAL

ASSESSMENT 1. RESEARCH ANALYSIS (Individual ). 20% DUE DATE 24 AUG 2019 23:30 HOURS 1,500-1800 words individual CHOSEN COMPANY: Audi (cars) – Global 1: Over view of the Business( AUDI CARS GLOBAL) WITH REFERENCES Company Vision Company Mission Company Annual turnover and net profit for the last five years Company Total FTE staff (FULL TIME EMPLOYEES) Company Geographic operations scope – Operating in one nation or multiple nations Company Nature of the industry that the business operates in Company Main competitors Company Others contextual factors researched to support general knowledge of business 2: PESTEL ANALYSIS of audi car WITH REFERENCES 3: SWOT analysis audi car WITH REFERENCES The worksheets will address a Business Overview and one of the following analyses, and a summary with emerging issues. Prescribed Textbook: Thompson A., Peteraf M, Gamble J., Strickland A, Crafting and Executing Strategy: the quest for competitive advantage, concepts and cases 21th edition. McGraw-Hill, 2018. Several hard copies and an electronic copy of this textbook iare available from the VU Library. Note previous editions are not suitable. They do not contain required cases. Recommended readings: Richard Whittington, What is Strategy? –and why does it matter? London, Thomson Learning 2001. Henry Mintzberg et al, Strategy Safari: a guided tour through the wilds of strategic management, New York Free Press 1998. Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy: techniques for analysing industries and competitors, New York Free Press 1980. Barney J.B., and Hesterly W.S., Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, Prentice Hall 2010 Grant R.M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Carlton Blackwell, 2008 Mark Jenkins Advanced Strategic Management: a multi-perspective approach. London Palgrave MacMillan 2007. Worksheet 2: External Environment PESTEL analysis of audi car Economic Factors (E.g. state of the local economy, levels of disposable income, job growth and unemployment, inflation, interest rates). Political/Legal Factors (E.g. proposed or potential law changes, potential for government change, employment law, industry specific legislation). Socio-cultural Factors (E.g. age consumer attitudes, media reporting of industry, fads, consumer buying patterns). Technological Factors (E.g. rate of technological change, future raw material availability, raw material cost, technological developments in related areas, product life cycles). Global Factors (E.g overseas trends in the industry, overseas trends in similar markets, external global economic events). Demographic Factors (E.g. lifestyle changes, population shifts, education levels, diversity). SWOT ANANLYSIS OF AUDI CAR GLOBAL Worksheet 3: Identifying Opportunities and Threats Translate your notes from the above brainstorming exercise into the following table. Be specific and identify particular factors. Factor Opportunity (O) or Threat (T) Why? Impact? High, Medium or Low Source of further information? Eg ageing population (Demographic) Opportunity Threat • Opportunity: ageing population is increasingly active, they’re living longer, many are interested in exercise and healthy life-styles • Threat: Are there as many ‘young’ people interested in joining a gym? • High • Low • Government reports on healthy life-styles • Official statistics on population trends Worksheet 4: Internal Analysis: strength and weakness assessment test Strengths Why is this a strength? Weaknesses Why is this a weakness? Strong brand Instantly recognisable and trusted in the market Unfamiliar with specific gym industry Could be difficult to compete with more knowledgeable competitors Worksheet 5: Integrated SWOT Analysis Strengths (include from internal analysis) Weaknesses (include from internal analysis) Opportunities (include from external analysis) [How do we use these strengths to generate opportunities) [How do we address the weaknesses so that I can support opportunities?] Threats include from external analysis) (How do we use these strengths to reduce the likelihood and impact of these threats?] [How do we address the weaknesses that will mimise these threats?]

New Business Canvas Generation


On successful completion of this assessment: – Explain the interaction between key factors of a business model and the impacts of that interaction – Evaluate the status of an existing business model in light of surrounding market conditions – Identify and communicate opportunities for improvement and innovation within an existing business model. – I have added a earlier assignment done in PowerPoint if you can base it on that assignment, its called Amen Boost Business Plan.

Walmart Gets Serious about E-Commerce

As the world’s largest retailer, Walmart has built thousands of brick-and-mortar stores in the United States, Mexico, and elsewhere. Although a success story when it comes to traditional retail locations, Walmart has struggled with its e-commerce efforts, with recent online sales accounting for about 3 percent of the company’s $300 billion in annual sales. The company has tried several different e-commerce strategies in the past, but none of them was an overwhelming success. Some company insiders objected to the pricing strategy used for online purchases; they were fearful that Walmart’s lower prices online would take customers (and sales) away from the retail locations. Doug McMillon, Walmart’s CEO since 2014, believed a significant change was needed in the company’s e- commerce business, and he recently made changes in a big way. Over the past two years, Walmart spent billions to acquire several online companies to expand its e-commerce business in an effort to take a small bite out of retail giant Amazon’s success. In 2016, Walmart purchased, an e-commerce site that sells a little bit of everything (books, clothing, electronics, etc.) at discount prices. Once the $3 billion acquisition was completed, Jet’s cofounder and CEO, Marc Lore, who now runs Walmart’s e-commerce platform, worked with McMillon to identify other established online companies to add to their e-commerce portfolio, and add they did. First Walmart purchased footwear e-tailer ShoeBuy for $70 million in January 2017. The following month, Walmart bought outdoor specialty retailer Moosejaw for $51 million. Then in March, Walmart paid $75 million for ModCloth, an eclectic shopping site for women’s fashions. Walmart is also said to be in negotiations to buy Bonobos, a hip fashion retailer geared to millennial males. Reaction to the acquisitions has been mixed, depending on whom you ask. Retail analysts applaud the company’s radical move, pointing out that several well-known traditional retailers have closed their doors or filed bankruptcy because they failed to take part in the e-commerce revolution. Fashionistas, on the other hand, are lukewarm about the move. However, McMillon’s decision to allow the online retailers to operate independently may help retain loyal customers. The new e-commerce strategy may also lure typical in-store shoppers to take advantage of the expanded offerings available through both and Critical Thinking Questions What are some advantages of Walmart purchasing established web businesses? What impact is Walmart’s acquisition of nontraditional retailers likely to have on the shopping habits of Walmart’s customers? How will the aggressive e-commerce plan implemented by Walmart affect operations at its retail locations?

What caused Kmart to plunge from being a top retailer to its current state

The paper needs to be able to provide information of what cause Kmart’s downfall from the Procurement and acquisition discipline. Maybe divide the failures into three categories; those issues that have to do with the changing consumer buying preferences (online); changes in economic conditions; and finally and most important the company management and their ability to change strategy in light of consumer. Did they not see it coming? why? Kmart Corporation is an American big box department store chain. The paper needs to be able to depict the downfalls from the beginning to now