Choosing an organization to observe marketing efforts research

This is a paper that is focusing on the choosing an organization to observe marketing efforts research. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Choosing an organization to observe marketing efforts research

Choose an organization that you believe is great at marketing.  Choose an organization that you can observe the marketing efforts of and are familiar with. If you choose a very large organization that markets many different products, focus your assignment and research on one product or product line. We will use Adidas for an example. Adidas has multiple brands including Originals, Stella McCartney and Ivy Park, the brands offer shoes, clothing and accessories. You may decide to choose Adidas and focus your assignment on the Yeezy product line.

After choosing an organization,

Next step is to identify and describe the target market for the products(s) about which you are presenting. Try to pinpoint the thing(s) that makes the target market respond to the firm’s marketing mix in ways that are different from people who are not members of it.

It is very difficult to do a good job on this assignment if you do a poor job of defining the target market.

After identifying the target market,

then analyze the marketing mix (the four Ps) the firm is using to attract the chosen target market. You should describe each of the four Ps. Also, analyze how each one is being used to attract members of the target market.

After analyzing the firm’s marketing mix,

Lastly, assume the role of a marketing consultant and make specific suggestions for improving the firm’s effectiveness. These suggestions can be in the form of changes to any part of the current marketing mix to fix the problems you identified. If you did not identify any problems, you should make suggestions for additional marketing activities.

Supply chain strategy to ensure continuous availability of foods

This is a paper that is focusing the Supply chain strategy to ensure continuous availability of foods. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Supply chain strategy to ensure continuous availability of foods

This assignment is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of essential item(s) during pandemics. The items under discussion are currently being from outside Scotland, across different locations, including Africa, Asia, other European countries. The pandemic is global; however, its nature suggests that countries are not affect on the same scale. Mainly due to different times at which countries are expose to it.

The situation is hurting the supply chain of food products in Scotland which is by a sudden surge in consumers’ demand due to restrictions and lockdown that forced people to consume food more than they normally do. Due to the seasonality of agricultural food production and the evidence that many countries are accessing the same resource pool in Africa, Asia, and other European countries. A robust and resilient supply chain is for Scotland to meet the growing food demand of its
population. As a supply chain specialist/consultant acting on behalf of a client

in Scotland, use appropriate and relevant supply chain models/theories, such as forecasting, S&OP, CPFR, lead capacity strategy, and theory of constraints, that are covered in this module to design a resilient supply chain strategy/model that will reduce the food supply chain complexity and ensuring the effective supply of foods to meet the daily demand of about 5.6million people in Scotland.

Key Requirements:

The goal of the assignment is to design/propose a flexible and resilient supply chain strategy/model to ensure continuous availability of foods. The report must address but not limited to the followings:

The focus of this assignment is on food supply chain management and not on the pandemic;
Select at least a food product (the product must be from outside the UK) of your choice. Conduct a critical analysis of its supply chain (i.e. route to market). Propose how the complexity of SC can be improved using appropriate supply chain models/theories;

Identify and critically discuss the position of your client in the food value chain
Design a supply chain audit protocol for your client: (1) to increase the traceability of the selected food product(s).  (2) to integrate its logistics functions into a seamless supply chain operation that can effectively interact with suppliers and customers (i.e. end-to-end SC integration);
Using relevant supply chain tools/techniques that are in this module. Critically explain how your client can enhance its inventory (replenishment and ordering) management while maximising the availability of food to all its customers in Scotland.

How sexuality is a market to us as a consumerist product

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explore how sexuality is a market to us as a consumerist product. The paper also provides additional information to use in the assignment paper. Below is the  assessment description to follow:

How sexuality is a market to us as a consumerist product

Marketing Sexuality/Gender in Media and Culture:

We live in a world where ‘sexuality’ is marketed to us as a product and in various media forms. sexuality is something that we both buy and sell, and consequently reproduce through its purchase and sale. Sexuality is also something that is a construction, production and representation in various media forms for this assignment. You are to explore how sexuality is market to us as a consumerist product or construction, representation and depiction in a media form.

How sexuality is a market to us as a consumerist product

You have options two for this assignment:

1) The marketing of toys for boys and girls. (2. Representations of male/female sexuality/gender in media.

• For this option you can either visit a department store toy section or look a media form and write your assignment about the ways that sexuality is market or representation through socially produce differences between boys and girls/ men/women. How are toys for boys and girls marketed to us? You must discuss toys for boys and toys for girls.
• If you chose the second option, you must discuss how sexuality/gender is a construct and representation in the media form that you choose.
• This assignment must include: a) How sexuality/gender is as a marketing tool, or how it is representation in media, b) Potential effects these strategies have on consumers or in the second option, on boys/men and girls/women, and c) What does all of this tell you/us about sexuality?

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Discuss Capstone’s Corporation legal claims case study

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss Capstone’s Corporation legal claims case study. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Discuss Capstone’s Corporation legal claims case study

In this assignment, you’ll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from another series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.

Paula’s bad luck continues. Five days after the events detailed in your last assignment, Paula returns to work at Capstone Corporation. Unfortunately, she used her company e-mail to send her mom a personal note about her injuries, despite being aware that Capstone’s company policy prohibits use of company e-mail for personal communication. Paula’s supervisor, Mikey Manager, discovers Paula’s violation and Paula is reprimanded. When Paula goes home, she uses her personal computer to post disparaging comments about her boss and Capstone Corporation on social media. The next day, Paula is fired from her job.

After several days of bad luck, Paula believes her luck is about to change. She finds a new job in a nearby town. Paula had been using the bus to go to work at Capstone Corporation, but she will need to purchase a car to commute to her new job. Fortunately, her neighbor Freddy Ford has just purchased a new vehicle and is selling his old Mustang. Paula meets with Freddy and agrees to purchase the Mustang for $1000. The parties also agree that Paula will bring Freddy the money the next day when she picks up the car. The next day, Paula calls Freddy and says, “I have the money. I’d like to come pick up my car.” Freddy replies that Paula is too late. He sold the car earlier in the day.


In a 6–10 paragraph paper, answer the following questions:

Does Paula have any legal claims against Capstone Corporation? What about Paula’s actions? Does Paula have a contract with Freddy to purchase the car? Consider the following:
Does Paula have a right to privacy when using Capstone Corporation’s e-mail system? Discuss one’s right to privacy and relate it to the facts in the scenario.
Can Paula be legally fired from her job for making negative comments about her boss and her company on social media? What about free speech? Discuss these issues and relate them to the facts of the scenario.
Do Paula and Freddy have a contract for the sale of the Mustang? Discuss the elements of a contract and relate those elements to the facts of the scenario.

Market Risk in trading portfolios 10-K report

Market Risk in trading portfolios 10-K report

Citigroup includes a detailed discussion and analysis of Market Risk in its trading portfolios in its 10-K report.
·         10-K for 2018:  Primary discussion found on pages 101-105

Market Risk in its trading portfolios in its 10-K report

Market Risk Discussion
Citigroup includes a detailed discussion and analysis of Market Risk in its trading portfolios in its 10-K report.

·         10-K for 2018:  Primary discussion found on pages 101-105

·         10-K for 2005:  Primary discussion found on pages 90-91

Discuss the changes in the level of disclosure between 2005 and 2018.

As part of your discussion, please address the following points:

Firstly, has the framework Citigroup uses for measuring Price Risk changed?

Secondly, what additional information about their risk management approach have they disclosed in 2018 over that of 2005? Provide at least three examples that you consider significant.

Thirdly, in what ways has the lengthier discussion of 2018 added to your understanding of Citigroup’s price risk management over that of 2005?

Please note: You do not need to discuss the actual results of either year. Also, how the numbers changed from 2005 to 2018.

Finally, focus only on the way price risk in the trading portfolios is presented by Citigroup.

Analyze the behavior of an organization at the four zoom-levels

Goal: Analyze the behavior of an organization at the four zoom-levels (individual, group, organization, and external). Premise:  You enter or “parachute” into an organization and describe the behavior using the concepts from the course.

Analyze the behavior of an organization at the four zoom-levels

Goal: Analyze the behavior of an organization at the four zoom-levels (individual, group, organization, and external)

Premise:  You enter or “parachute” into an organization and describe the behavior using the concepts from the course.  This analytical paper explains how you observe and orient in this new environment and understand the organization’s behavior.

Address in your paper the deeper currents of culture as well as how processes, systems and mission drive behaviors.  In addition to specifically incorporating a wide variety of organizational behavior distinctions from the course, the paper should also address distinctions of leadership, motivation, communications, and ethics.  The paper must analyze (not merely describe) the organization’s behavior from each zoom level: individual, group, organization, and external.

When writing about the individual zoom level, do not pick yourself as a subject.  When writing about the group zoom level, choose one group or a selection or representational groups.

This is a final paper and should draw upon and synthesize concepts, distinctions, and major themes from the entire course.  You may use an organization you have experience with or research one where you would like to work.

Ideally, from reading this paper, I should have the experience of being there with you and also gain a valuable understanding of this organization’s behavior.

The exercise of writing this paper will hopefully create a template you can use for analyzing future organizations, avoiding organizational pitfalls, and also more quickly make a valuable contribution.

How can data analytics help organizations improve quality and performance?

How can data analytics help organizations improve quality and performance? What are the six essential skills of competencies that leaders in technology need to acquire to be more effective in leading innovation?

How can data analytics help organizations improve quality and performance

Digital Leadership Research Paper:  Write a research paper that explores what leaders need to know to effectively utilize social media. Sample topics you may wish to explore, include:

Firstly, what are some of the key issues surrounding the use of social media in technology innovation and/or technology business applications?

Secondly, what do leaders need to know to make informed decisions about their organizational presence online?

Thirdly, how can data analytics help organizations improve quality and performance?

Fourthly, what are the six essential skills of competencies that leaders in technology need to acquire to be more effective in leading innovation?

Further, what are key issues and concerns with migrating to cloud computing and sharing knowledge and resources in a global online environment?

What security measures need to be in place to protect organizations from IP theft, hacking, malware, loss of data, misuse of information, etc. as the world moves toward virtual applications and data warehousing outside the organization?

Follow the Instructions for writing a research paper.

APA format is required. 12 point font. 1” margins. Cover page, narrative, references. You may attach appendices and include charts and graphbiks, if you like. Length: 10-15 pages.

More details;

If you’re like most businesses, you already have at least one workload running in the cloud. However, that doesn’t mean that cloud migration is right for everyone. While cloud environments are generally scalable, reliable, and highly available, those won’t be the only considerations driving your decision.

For companies considering their first cloud migration, there are a lot of factors that you’ll want to take into account. From the benefits and the risks to the cloud service model and type that is right for your business. In this article, we’ll look at the high-level elements that you should consider as you contemplate a move to the cloud.

To learning everything about cloud migration — from the fundamentals to advanced — Cloud Academy has a Cloud Migration Training Library that helps you learn migration best practices, test your knowledge, and build the skills you need to successfully migrate your business to the cloud.

Review the Riordan Manufacturing website business tab

This is a paper that is requiring the student to review the Riordan Manufacturing website business tab. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Review the Riordan Manufacturing website business tab

Assignment Content

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Kansas City, Missouri. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure.

Review the Riordan Manufacturing website under the Business tab on the Virtual Organizations Portal.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

Firstly, identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
Secondly, do not describe the background or history of Riordan. Focus on the information systems.
Thirdly, describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
Fourthly, explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.
Lastly, format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

How organizational structure interfaces with organizational culture

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to address How organizational structure interfaces with organizational culture. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

How organizational structure interfaces with organizational culture

Using the articles listed below, and research where appropriate develop a 6-8-page research paper that addresses the relationship of structure to culture in creating an effective and efficient place to work. For this assignment, you will evaluate the strategies managers can utilize to impact organizational structure and culture. Address the following in your paper:

Firstly, explain how organizational structure interfaces with organizational culture to create a smooth work and decision-making flow. Be sure to include a discussion of how organizational purpose relates to the relationship between the integration of structure and culture.
Secondly, select two organizations from the best places to work. Research and describe their structures and cultures.
Thirdly, select two organizations from the worst places to work. Research and describe their structures and cultures.
Fourthly, identify and explain why the structure and culture work well in those organizations that are deemed best places to work. Identify and explain what does not work well in structure and culture in those organizations that are not favored by their employees.

In the case of the disliked organizations, recommend three strategic ways a manager could improve the interface of structure and culture.
Finally, many large organizations are trying to transition to smaller more flexible structures. Suggest at least three management strategies that can make a bureaucratic organization a more team-oriented, collaborative, and inclusive culture.
Use of at least five scholarly articles and other professional sources to support your work.

Additional Sources may include:

The Best Companies to Work For

10 Unmistakeable Signs of a Toxic Culture

Forbes Just Companies

Forbes Best Employers

Also, Forbes Best Companies

Money Worst Companies to Work For

100 Great Places to Work

Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

TRUTH CLAIM: Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society. You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6

Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

Section 1: Argument Diagram
You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6 for reminders on how to diagram arguments. As you remember, your truth claim will go at the bottom because it is your conclusion, and evidence for your conclusion goes above those conclusions.

Evidence for that evidence goes above the original evidence. Don’t forget to indicate when premises are conjoint premises vs. independent premises. You can create this diagram with Google Jamboard, or any other program with graphic and text capacity. The diagram will need to indicate the elements of the argument within the textbox, and it should be able to stand alone and be intelligible. The argument must have at least 10 boxes to it. For example, it might look something like the diagram below but can take any form that corresponds to the argument you want to make.

Section 2: Argumentative Essay

You have now diagrammed out the key elements of your argument. Your next job will be to describe your argument in an essay. This essay should contain the same elements that are discussed in your diagram, but it can address them in more detail. If your essay does not reflect your diagram you will lose points because the purpose of the diagramming process is to think carefully about your argument and give it good structure.

This structure should help in the writing of your essay. As with your past assignments, your essay should have bolded section headers. How you use them is up to you, but make sure your assignment has at least 4 bolded section headers. Your argument diagram should give you some clues for how you might organize your sections as well. Your essay should be at least 500 words in length.

Section 3: Informal Fallacies Analysis

Fallacies from Section 3.2

Firstly, appeal to force.

Secondly, appeal to pity.

Thirdly, appeal to the people: Direct (Bandwagon, Vanity, Snobbery, and Tradition)

Fourthly, appeal to the people: Indirect (Ad Hominem Abusive, Ad Hominem Circumstantial, and Tu Quoque}

Also, argument against the person (abusive)

Further, argument against the person (circumstantial)
Argument against the person (tu quoque)
Straw man
Missing the point
Red herring

Fallacies from Section 3.3

Appeal to unqualified authority
Appeal to ignorance
Hasty generalization
False cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc, non causa pro causa, and oversimplified cause)
Slippery slope
Weak analogy

Fallacies Analysis
I will be checking through your diagram and written essay to make sure that you have not used any fallacies in your argument, so be sure to run through your argument and make sure you have avoided all of these fallacies. If you think any of your arguments might be mistaken for fallacies address 3 places where you might someone might mistake your argument for a fallacy, define that fallacy, and explain why you don’t believe your argument is fallacious even though it might raise a question.

If you don’t think that any parts of your argument might be flagged as possibly fallacious, then choose 3 fallacies from the above list that you think would be most likely to be used by a less aware reasoner who was arguing for your claim. For each of those 3 fallacies do the following:


Define the fallacy in your own words.
Explain how a thinker might erroneously use that fallacy in making an argument for your claim.
Explain how you avoided that fallacy in making your arguments.

You only need to address 3 fallacies in total in this section. For example, if 2 of the fallacies you consider are relative to your actual examples in your own argument, then you would only need to generate 1 hypothetical example.