The impact of Corporate Governance on Credit Ratings A Case of Listed Firms in the UK

The impact of Corporate Governance on Credit Ratings. A Case of Listed Firms in the UK.
Software: STATA


Paper details:

I had a dissertation about 12000 words. So far, i had finished literature review and methodology, approximately 5500 words. I need the data analysis about the data results in table in two days, with the software of Eviews or STATA. Finally, i need the final draft (data analysis, introduction, conclusion) I already collect the data and used STATA to run the data but the result shown that the independent varaiables are insignificant and my tutor gave me suggestions that i need add samples or control variables and then run data again i can give you my data in EXCEL, can the writer add more samples or control variables until the results are significantly

. Discuss how retailers have shifted their distribution networks based on changing customer preferences Make sure to cover omnichannel distribution


Readings For Assignment: (in links) Amazon continues building warehouses: Target/Walmart/Amazon – Black Friday: Amazon Lockers: UberRush: – Answer These Discussion Questions (based on all of the articles):

1. Discuss how retailers have shifted their distribution networks based on changing customer preferences. Make sure to cover “omnichannel” distribution.

2. What is the impact of “last mile logistics” (the final delivery from a retailer to a customer) on retail? What changes do you expect to see in the next several years?

Describe the types of risks that a project manager should consider and the risk management process

Use terms and information to formulate responses from the books below.

I am a pharmacy retail store manager, so any information about work perform research to make answer authentic.Cachon, G. & Terwiesch, C. (2013). Matching supply with demand: An introduction to Cachon, G. & Terwiesch, C. (2017). Operations Management: . New York, NY: McGraw Hill Irwin. ISBN 978-1-259-142220-8 Larson & Gray, C. (2018). Project Management The Managerial Process 7E: . New York, NY: McGraw Hill Irwin. ISBN 978-1-259-66609-4.

1.Discuss why the airline industry is the perfect example of needing to match demand to BUS 530 Operations and Project Management (ONLINE) 45 supply. What are some other industries that have similar challenges?(200Words)

2.Describe the types of risks that a project manager should consider and the risk management process.

Why should a project team spend time worrying about things that might happen, how does risk management help ensure a project’s success.(200Words) 3.For the business plan/proposal you created for the Business Functions class, devise a process innovation using concepts discussed in this class.

This should be a reflection paper, one-page single-spaced. APA format is not required. If you did not complete the Business Functions class, develop a process innovation for an existing process in your current work environment. (I did not complete the course above, I’m a retail pharmacy store manager, so match a process to that environment) 4. Complete Case 10.2 The Tom Bray on page 371 of Larson and Gray (Chapter 10). As a team, prepare a short presentation and respond to questions 1 through 3 presented at the end of the case. Each presentation will be 7 slides or less and will be presented in class in 10 min or less.

Labor Relations


Though union influence has diminished over the past years, they still are a force in some industries such as domestic auto production and public-sector employment. Therefore, a key factor in understanding human resource management is to effectively create and manage a strategy to develop a positive working relationship with labor unions, both their representatives and their members. Given this background, compose a paper that addresses the following: Briefly describe the nature and scope of today’s union and its members, including—among other demographic variables—their average age, educational level, and type of industry/professional. Describe the role and function of a union in today’s industrial landscape.

Craft a five-point plan that a human resource professional should follow/adapt in order to create a positive, conducive, and mutually rewarding relationship between unions and organizations. Be sure to discuss the impediments to this relationship and how one can overcome those impediments. Your paper should be supported by at least 5 scholarly sources (provided, please use at least 2 of them. You can use 3 of your own sources). a credible source is defined as: A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article. A government-based website or publication. A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as and Each paragraph must be 5-8 sentences and supported by 2 in-text citations. Be sure to create subheadings for topics discussed.

Analysis PESTLE and Porter Five Forces for casual wear in Hong Kong market


Please read the assignment brief that it needs to analysis PESTLE and Porter Five Forces for casual wear in Hong Kong market. It needs to check Esprit recent strategy and compare its performance to competitors in Hong Kong. Base on above research results to give recommend strategies (ie.: On line business) and suggest effectively implement. All data and idea are needed in text citation (with page #) and relevant academic referencing.My tutor must check every in text citation and referencing for marking. Good recommendations will have high mark. No general discuss and needs to give evidences or ideas to support your ideas.

Describe why it is important for an organization’s performance to be measured by outside agencies/surveyors

Health care organization assessments are conducted by agencies and organizations such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Joint Commission. Begin this assignment by reviewing The Joint Commission Accreditation Process Overview provided in the topic materials folder. Also review the videos provided in the Topic Materials folder. Using the Joint Commission resource and the Standards Information for Hospitals, write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that includes a description of the Joint Commission’s accreditation process. Include the following in your essay: Describe why it is important for an organization’s performance to be measured by outside agencies/surveyors

Describe the purpose of the Joint Commission. Explain the Joint Commission Survey process. Describe the Joint Commission Standards? Provide a minimum of two examples of standards for quality of patient care or national patient safety goals. Describe how the Joint Commission Standards affect the accreditation status. Describe the Intracycle Monitoring (ICM) profile and the Focused Standards Assessment (FSA) process. Summarize how a leader would present the significance of understanding accreditation and assessment information to the team.

The value of bitcoin comes from government. At first, the failure of monetary governance brings the rise of bitcoin


Thesis: The value of bitcoin comes from government. At first, the failure of monetary governance brings the rise of bitcoin. Last, Government defines bitcoin as an asset not as money and bitcoin run under the rules of neoliberalism. Government sustains its value under neoliberalism. Discuss why government is important in monetary system in the case of bitcoin. *IPE perspective is needed. IPE related references should be considered first. *Hayek and Polanyi have to be used. ——————– For references: *Denationalization of money is utopia. *Weakness / failure of classical liberalism *The role of government is important in term of regulation and monitoring *Trust is important for money because money is semiotic *Liberalism is embedded

Southern Company Case Study


Evaluate the effectiveness of the roles that the strategic leaders played in the formation of the performance management strategy. Develop a five (5) point criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the talent management strategy and how the data could be collected. Critique the components of your talent management strategy and suggest alternative ways to achieve effective results. Outline the functional expertise component of this strategy and how it optimizes the company’s ability to identify highly qualified individuals. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Sustainability in finance sector


Description:Edit the attached article base on this ideaSustainability is a subject rising on the agenda of the financial services sector. Clients ask for it, legislation requires it. Moreover, society calls upon the financial services sector to contribute to a sustainable future. Banks, insurance companies, private equity and other market players are seen as a crucial factor to finance and realise the transformation to a sustainable economy. Write an article about sustainability in the finance sector, and how the finance sector can contribute ti UNSDGS (united nation sustainable development goals )

What is the role or power of consumers as supply chains become more transparent

riminal Investigation


Paper details:

please respond to the posted online commentary and discussion questions in your own words. The discussion questions will come from chapter’s 1 through 4. There will be a total of eight discussion questions that will be listed. Chapter 1 1. What are three events or policies that impact trafficking and modern-day slavery in your country (USA) or a country of your interest? 2. Given the controversies around the TIP report, what are some viable alternatives and why? Chapter 2 3. Identify at least one driver of profit for the demand of trafficking and modern-day slavery. What does this entail? What are the implications to this practice? 4. What is the role or power of consumers as supply chains become more transparent?