Quadruple Aim and Business Framework

Quadruple Aim and Business Framework

Professor’s Instructions: Participant will identify a segment of the health care delivery system in the context of the quadruple aim they would like to impact (i.e. population health, patient experience, provider experience, or cost per capita). Within that segment, the participant will then select an actual/potential practice project and a business case/cost analysis or business plan framework to address their selected project. The participant will provide an overview of the quadruple aim segment and framework with rationale (why and how it applies to the specific project). Be sure to utilize evidenced based, peer reviewed articles related to this particular framework. Explain how the selected framework pertains to the project proposal by integrating or using an example in the discussion. Utilize the business case/cost analysis or business plan framework identified, develop a business plan/analysis for the identified project. IMPORTANT – this proposal should include: 1. An introduction with a thorough project description including a project goal and desired outcome 2. Overview of the overall quadruple aim and the specific QA segment (i.e. population health, patient experience, etc.) 3. Overview of the selected framework; rationale for selection; synthesis of evidence-based peer reviewed literature 4. Financial analysis pertinent to the framework and project 5. An executive summary that provides an overview of the project and the expected benefits to be derived (i.e. return on investment – ROI; access, quality, and cost).

Business and Corporation Law


This is the Short Written Response for LAW81210 Business and Corporation Law. 2 questions Each answer should be of approximately 1000 words in length, totaling 2000 words for the submission. Submissions should be compliant with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Need to use the HIRAC Model please refer to the attached. Also need to use attached the AGLC Table and the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Attached is the Marking Rubric as a guideline. need to use Australian legal citation footnotes. Please include a bibliography and reference list which does not count to the 2000 words

What Goes into a Team Charter International Marketing


This is a team project between five members and each one is contributing to one section of the entire project. The project consists of opening a US based company in another country (within Europe). 1. For all team assignments, team members have to be within certain “boundaries” which have to be written in this assignment. 2. This assignment is supposed to outline these boundaries and is to be written in a “contract” format. 3. Answer the following questions below. Boundaries • What policies, procedures and values do you subscribe to that cannot be violated? • What are the limitations on the teams’ performance (e.g., time and resources)? • What decisions can you make on our own versus needing permission from others? • What activities are and are not legitimate for the team to engage in? [ex, Plagiarism] • Who are the stakeholders affected by your team’s activities?

Ethic Codes CAN Build True Corporate Ethics

Read The Given Selection Parts Of The Article, “How To Conduct An Ethics Audit” By Eric Krell, Then Answer The Following Questions: 1. After reading the selection parts article, “How to Conduct an Ethics Audit” by Eric Krell”, proof that Ethic Codes CAN Build True Corporate Ethics to your audience by using PowerPoint. 2. You need to provide 5 PowerPoint slides to convenes your audience that: Ethic Codes CAN Build “True” Corporate Ethics. (Two Slides from topic “Setting the Tone” and three Slides from topic “Laying the Groundwork”) 3. ALL your opinion and statements should ONLY be gathered from the given article. 4. You will need to provide TWO paragraphs of summary on. “How to Conduct an Ethics Audit” (One Paragraph for “Setting the Tone” and One Paragraph for “Laying the Groundwork”)

Managers determine organisational culture

Requirements for Essay Outline and References. Its purpose is to check you are on the right track for completing the essay. The best way to explain the Essay Outline Assignment is to explain the structure of the essay. Because the essay is 1200 words, this means the approximate word allocations to structure the essay are as follows. Paragraph 1 Introduction approximately 150- 200 words including: a definition of the proposition; a brief summary of the arguments for and against and around the proposition Ie an outline of the body of your essay; and finally a sentence or two on your conclusion. Write the introduction after you have written the body and the conclusion so you know what you have written and can summarise it in the introduction. Paragraphs 2-5 (approx. 150-180 words each) Body Each paragraph should address one argument or one aspect of an argument for, against or around the proposition. Each paragraph must start with a topic sentence that explains what is in the paragraph. Paragraph 6 (approximately 150-200 words) Conclusion The conclusion states your final position in relation to the arguments about the proposition and justifies your position. Requirements for the Essay Outline and References Draft Introduction Write out the topic sentences for each paragraph in the body of the essay. Draft Conclusion References for three scholarly articles must be given at the end of the document. It is advisable to select articles that have different perspectives on the key theme of the proposition.

Pinto Ford Motor Company

You will conduct thorough research regarding The Ford Motor Company’s Pinto. It is appropriate to use the Internet. However, Wikipedia is not a reliable source and you may not cite to Wikipedia. That is not to say that you cannot find reliable sources by first going to Wikipedia and looking at the endnotes. I will set up a forum so you all can discuss the Pinto Project. Feel free to share sources and discuss any questions that you might have. In your paper, you must clearly develop each of the following:

1.The background of the development of The Ford Pinto.

2.The design defect the car.

3.The knowledge of the business managers.

4.The cost-benefit analysis, including the various options for fixing the defect.

5.The design of other cars in the same classification.

6.As summary of the legal cases that arose as a result of the design defect of The Ford Pinto.

7.Whether The Ford Motor Company should have been held liable under the theory of strict product liability.

8.A determination, IN YOUR OPINION, whether The Ford Motor Company acted properly. In determining whether The Ford Motor Company acted properly, you should consider moral, ethical, and legal considerations.

You should clearly state what The Ford Motor Company would have done had you been in charge. Your research needs to be included fully in your paper, citing your resources appropriately. Do not include long quotes. You must use a minimum of five credible sources. You will need to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your paper should be in MLA format, including the Works Cited page. Your paper should be well organized. Use headings to clearly identify each section required above. Your Pinto Project paper

International Culinary Arts Business Concept


This research project is a sustained, in-depth and independent piece of work into the development of a new food product for an identified target market. Based on theoretical approaches and exercises on new product development students will combine practical skills, entrepreneurial principles and marketing theory to develop, produce, and launch a new food product for a consumer market segment.

Widget Corporation Network Redesign Report


Group Project Report The body of the report for this project must be a minimum of five pages in length, but can be as long as you wish to make it. All seven elements listed previously must be included in the body of the report.

The paper is to contain a title page, table of contents, and reference page, none of which are part of the five pages minimum required for the body of the report. Even if your group decides not to go with a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN as the means of connecting to the new American client for Widget Corporation, include the commands one could use to setup such a connection (refer to the lab from Week 5). You must also include the commands one would use to setup syslog on a network (refer to the lab from Week 6).

There needs to be a section in the report where it clearly indicates the student’s name, the hours that student spent on the project, and exactly what it is they did. It is not to contain a generic research as what a student spent time working on. It must indicate how many hours they spent on research, what exactly they researched and what they did with the research they gathered as well as any other activities they engaged in. This section is also not part of the body of the report that has to be a minimum of five pages in length. If your suggested solution requires the purchase of any new equipment on the part of Widget Corporation, then a cost breakdown must be included that indicates how much this new equipment will cost. While all costs will be approximations, whatever costs you find from researching equipment will suffice.

Business Law – Cardigan History

The Cardigan family has made a name for themselves in the sweater industry whereby they have designed sweaters for a variety of uses and for a wide target audience ranging from toddlers to business professionals. Cassandra, whom everyone calls Cassie, is the CEO of CARDWARE Inc., Camoni is the spokesperson for the sweater line, and Candie models the lines in the professional sphere. They often use their mother, Camille, as a business consultant for input about various new ideas and marketing because she was the manager and agent of her son’s glove company. Cora and Caley, Camille’s two youngest daughters from her second failed marriage to Bo Jenkins, are co-office managers of their headquarters located in Silkadonia. Camille has developed a good network among those in the fashion industry, especially the seamstresses who have been hired by well-known celebrities. One day, Camille spoke with Sonya, the owner and Lead Seamstress for Shazam Clothing Industries. Shazam is a leading manufacturer of unique limited edition clothes in Silkadonia. Camille presented Sonya with her order to sew a limited number (500) of hot pink and black machine knitted sweaters with a matching knit hat. Each sweater was to have a number and Candie Cardigan’s signature on a label sewn onto the bottom right side of the sweater. The hats would have the same label with matching number to its sweater, but sewn on the right side of the turned up hat cuff. Sonya agreed to make each sweater and hat pair for $100. Camille’s plan was to sell each set for $300 thereby making a $200 profit per set. While discussing the type of yarn to be used, Sonya’s cell phone rang. Sonya pushed a piece of paper and a color palette towards Camille and whispered “write the type of yarn you want used and exact dye lots” and I will begin work on this right away. Camille did as requested, but forgot to give Sonya the traditional 25% down payment. The down payment has always been used to purchase the materials. Sonya completed production of all 500 sweaters in record time and has presented Camille with an invoice for payment for the same. At the bottom of the invoice, the words, “Payment Due Upon Receipt” were written. Camille changed her mind about wanting the sweaters and hats, as she decided that the items would not be as profitable as originally anticipated. Sonya now comes to the law firm you work for, P. Strami, and Hammond, Attorneys at Law, and wants to know if she has any recourse. Attorney Strami hands you the following instructions and asks that you draft a memorandum to him incorporating your research.

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Software: Writers choice (Any)


Paper details:

Assessment Instructions Scenario As an HR manager in a unionized hospital or other health care organization, it has come to your attention that the collective bargaining process can be used as a focal point for the formation of policies and practices that will improve the organization’s employee-centered philosophy and, therefore, assist in the implementation and humanistic enforcement of key provisions of the National Labor Relations Act and the Civil Rights Act. Deliverable Complete the following parts of this assessment based upon your research and understanding of methods of addressing the scenario described above. Part 1: Problem Description and Analysis Complete the following: Explain and suggest ways that collective bargaining and legal mandates can advance the strategy of improving working conditions and environmental ambience in a health care organization. Explain how the collective bargaining process can be used to develop organizational policies and practices. Include some of the obstacles inherent in the collective bargaining process that might hinder effective development of policies and practices. Explain how the National Labor Relations Act provisions related to protected activities of employees can be used to foster improvements in workplace conditions. Explain how the Civil Rights Act provisions related to discrimination based on gender can be employed to foster improvements in a safe and secure work environment. Part 2: Recommendation: Action Plan Recommend an employee-centered plan of action that will address improvements in discriminatory practices by: Reducing workplace sexual harassment. Fostering improvements in collaborative working arrangements. Encouraging open and clear communication among staff and management. Developing and maintaining a secure work environment. The audience for this action plan is senior management and workplace union leadership. Base your recommendation on the following expansion of the scenario: It has been determined that employee satisfaction and morale is due primarily to discriminatory practices and lack of clearly delineated policies that foster harmony in the workforce and provide a safe and secure working environment. Part 3: External Stakeholder Considerations Once you have senior leadership on board, you must also consider options for reformatting the action plan for external stakeholders, such as union leadership, regulatory boards, community members, et cetera. Include a 2–4-paragraph reflection on how you would need to reformat this plan to meet the needs or requirements of external union leadership and other key external stakeholders. Additional Requirements Your assessment should meet the following requirements: Written communication: Your assessment artifacts should be professionally written in a form and style appropriate for the various stakeholders. Consider the purpose of the document, its intended use, and the setting in which your plan will be presented. APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting standards. Number of resources: Include a minimum of five resources. Page length: 4–6 pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point