Concepts: coaching coaching styles coaching process and performance review

Concepts: coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, and performance review.

Introduction: In the project for week three, you developed a plan to link the performance management system with an organization’s strategic goals. Now, it is time to evaluate the following concepts: coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, and performance review. Tasks: -Evaluate the components of coaching. -Integrate coaching styles with the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory. -Analyze the coaching process. -Evaluate each element of the performance review meetings.

Financing new ventures

PROVIDE a 10 slides presentation about a company with takes care of the following questions. there should not be too much text on the slides. Does the company has potential? Does the story make sense? Why? What are the biggest risks associated with an investment in Orderlion? How would you address them? Which valuation would you pay them? Show different forms of calculations? Would you syndicate with other VC’s? Which ones? What would you tell the CEO of Orderlion to make better?

Product : GoPro Hero 7 camera My domain: Macro Level: Industry Attractiveness


!!! Product : GoPro Hero 7 camera My domain: Macro Level:

Industry Attractiveness (see attachment 3rd resume answers to what it is yellow) Assessment Guide (Task 1- Video- 80 Marks- The video should be created in the form of a documentary/ television programmegroup of 4 people/4 domains)

Task 2- Script- 20 Marks. !!!Task 2 – Script -see the photo attached (1st attachment) -that’s the way should be structured.

This is a written report that shows your individual contribution and research to the business idea based on your domain. – see The 7 Domain attachment for creating this report and also the short reflection at the end about the group work (3rd attachment). The script is no longer than 2 sides of A4.

It will be marked against the script marking criteria. -see marking criteria attachment for a better understanding of what I need (2nd attachment). Your report should start withOur idea is…… My domain is……. (the report should end with 1 phrase or 2: a reflection of how the group worked together – teamwork was a plus and time management a minus/problem;

I do believe I should use 1 person at least introduction and the short reflection at the end of the report). apart of the 2 pages – Task 2-The report, I would like if possible the last 2 pages with what should I speak in the video during the 2 minutes about my domain: Macro level: Industry attractiveness (please see the other 3 domains, there is a scheme in there with 4 in total and should be a connection between them. Also, there are questions to all of them and that’s what my colleagues are talking about).

So I would like the other 2 pages to be my speech, if possible about my domain…maybe 2,3 references with a chart or something like that…some figures….And very important, the speech should be related to my report…a resume of the report. Also, the sources can be in total 5. For report 3 maybe and 2 the speech ones. ( just an example)

Brainstorming New Product Ideas

Brainstorming New Product Ideas


Paper details:

After reading and viewing the module materials, you are now familiar with the product levels (core, actual, augmented) and attributes (quality, features, style, and design) specific to marketing purposes. More commonly, attributes can be described as descriptive (i.e. color, shape, texture, sound, taste), process (i.e. marketing, selling), social (i.e. responsibilities, politics), price (i.e. cost to the manufacturer or consumer), and ecological (positive or negative impact on the environment).

Choose a product or service and try to improve it. Your chosen product or service may be aimed at either consumer or business customers. You might benefit from viewing the ‘SCAMPER’ resources again. Look at each product attribute through different product levels, and ask yourself again and again, how and why? How else can this be accomplished? Why does this have to be this way? Use the SCAMPER methodology and create a Powerpoint® presentation that includes a mind map. Brainstorm Use the SCAMPER methodology as a checklist of idea-spurring questions. The SCAMPER methodology was originally designed by Alex Osborn and later on rearranged by Bob Eberle, and the version listed below is adapted from Michalko (2006): Substitute something Combine it with something else Adapt something to it Modify or Magnify it Put it to some other use Eliminate something Reverse or Rearrange it As you brainstorm, ask yourself the SCAMPER questions and document what new ideas emerge.


Identify four policies the government put in place during the recent Financial Crisis

Description Part 1 Research at least two articles describing government policies implemented during the recent financial crisis. Provide bibliographic information for the articles following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find articles. Submit these to this assignment dropbox.

Part 2

Identify four policies the government put in place during the recent Financial Crisis.

How to change your credit card information on Amazon’s website

Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how accomplish a task on a website. • Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions must have 6 or more steps. More information on the number of steps is provided below. • Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step. o at least 6 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions o all graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating o all graphics should be labeled Brief Description and Strategies to Follow: Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment: • You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website. topic: o how to change your credit card information on Amazon’s website • You must have at least 6 steps. • Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in the class indicate. • Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions. Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions: The set of instructions will include the following sections: • Title Page • Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to accomplish the task you are describing. • Instructions o number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate o provide a graphic for steps of the instructions that need a graphic  all graphics will be screen captures of the website.  all graphics should be labeled Helpful Guides and Resources: • Chapter 10 from Tebeaux and Dragga should be read thoroughly as you begin this assignment. • The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class, has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into instructions. • The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features excellent tips on writing instructions. o Section 2.8.3 of the handbook, Instructions and Procedures, will be particularly helpful.

Social Entrepreneurship Business plan


Please follow instructions and ask me as soon as possible if there are any questions. I need this to be done well and presentable. I have attached examples of the BUSINESS PLAN. Two miles that I have attached are examples of what is to be expected in the Business plan. The third document attached is the outline/template of what is to be done with the instructions. Again, please let me know if there are any questions, I need this to be done as best possible but not too proffessional that it could be caught as kind of fake. This is merely a warning just in case for your knowing.

Bad Behavior and The Difficult Employee

Bad Behavior and The Difficult Employee

Read each of the scenarios below and write a 2-page response (for each scenario) that evaluates the role the supervisor played in the maintenance of good order within the organization. Scenario 1: Bad Behavior? Sergeant Officer Stevens, the sergeant on the evening shift, reported to you (the shift lieutenant) that after roll call he heard two male officers telling sexually explicit jokes in the hallway. As the sergeant exited the roll call room, he noticed one of the female dispatchers standing within a few feet of the two officers. The sergeant chose to ignore the immediate situation and just made a report to you. Scenario 2: The Difficult Employee Officer Smith has become very difficult to deal with. During roll call, he is sarcastic about any new policy changes, orders, or directives given to him or the group. He is also one of the most productive officers you have, and other officers respect his leadership abilities. Recently, his sergeant brought disciplinary charges against Officer Smith. This resulted in a suspension and Officer Smith has now become far less productive. Address the following issues in your paper: Evaluate the sergeants’ responses to the scenarios. How did the sergeants respond in both scenarios? How do the sergeants’ actions ensure the maintenance of good order? If they do not maintain good order, what specifically about the sergeants’ actions disrupt that order? In each scenario, how could the sergeants have done better? What should the sergeants do in each case to ensure good order? Write a 2-page response for each scenario.

World Trade Organization


The WTO has a system to settle disputes between WTO member countries concerning their rights and obligations under the WTO agreements. The purpose of the WTO dispute settlement system is the prompt settlement of disputes between WTO Members concerning their respective rights and obligations under WTO law. In view of the above: Explain how decisions of the panels and Appellate Body are enforced and suggest ways of improving the enforcement of their decisions

High Growth Industries

High Growth Industries

• Who is the protagonist? • What are his or her objectives (implicit or explicit)? • What decisions (implicit or explicit) must I make? • What problems, opportunities, and risks do I (as the protagonist) face? • What evidence do I have to help make the decision? Is the evidence reliable and unbiased? Can I improve it? • What alternative courses of action are available? • What criteria should I use to judge the alternatives? • What action should I take? • How should I convince others in the case and in the classroom that my approach is the best? • What did I learn from this case? • How does it relate to past cases and my own ‘live’ experiences?