!!! Product : GoPro Hero 7 camera My domain: Macro Level:
Industry Attractiveness (see attachment 3rd resume answers to what it is yellow) Assessment Guide (Task 1- Video- 80 Marks- The video should be created in the form of a documentary/ television programmegroup of 4 people/4 domains)
Task 2- Script- 20 Marks. !!!Task 2 – Script -see the photo attached (1st attachment) -that’s the way should be structured.
This is a written report that shows your individual contribution and research to the business idea based on your domain. – see The 7 Domain attachment for creating this report and also the short reflection at the end about the group work (3rd attachment). The script is no longer than 2 sides of A4.
It will be marked against the script marking criteria. -see marking criteria attachment for a better understanding of what I need (2nd attachment). Your report should start withOur idea is…… My domain is……. (the report should end with 1 phrase or 2: a reflection of how the group worked together – teamwork was a plus and time management a minus/problem;
I do believe I should use 1 person at least introduction and the short reflection at the end of the report). apart of the 2 pages – Task 2-The report, I would like if possible the last 2 pages with what should I speak in the video during the 2 minutes about my domain: Macro level: Industry attractiveness (please see the other 3 domains, there is a scheme in there with 4 in total and should be a connection between them. Also, there are questions to all of them and that’s what my colleagues are talking about).
So I would like the other 2 pages to be my speech, if possible about my domain…maybe 2,3 references with a chart or something like that…some figures….And very important, the speech should be related to my report…a resume of the report. Also, the sources can be in total 5. For report 3 maybe and 2 the speech ones. ( just an example)