Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

TRUTH CLAIM: Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society. You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6

Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society

Section 1: Argument Diagram
You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6 for reminders on how to diagram arguments. As you remember, your truth claim will go at the bottom because it is your conclusion, and evidence for your conclusion goes above those conclusions.

Evidence for that evidence goes above the original evidence. Don’t forget to indicate when premises are conjoint premises vs. independent premises. You can create this diagram with Google Jamboard, or any other program with graphic and text capacity. The diagram will need to indicate the elements of the argument within the textbox, and it should be able to stand alone and be intelligible. The argument must have at least 10 boxes to it. For example, it might look something like the diagram below but can take any form that corresponds to the argument you want to make.

Section 2: Argumentative Essay

You have now diagrammed out the key elements of your argument. Your next job will be to describe your argument in an essay. This essay should contain the same elements that are discussed in your diagram, but it can address them in more detail. If your essay does not reflect your diagram you will lose points because the purpose of the diagramming process is to think carefully about your argument and give it good structure.

This structure should help in the writing of your essay. As with your past assignments, your essay should have bolded section headers. How you use them is up to you, but make sure your assignment has at least 4 bolded section headers. Your argument diagram should give you some clues for how you might organize your sections as well. Your essay should be at least 500 words in length.

Section 3: Informal Fallacies Analysis

Fallacies from Section 3.2

Firstly, appeal to force.

Secondly, appeal to pity.

Thirdly, appeal to the people: Direct (Bandwagon, Vanity, Snobbery, and Tradition)

Fourthly, appeal to the people: Indirect (Ad Hominem Abusive, Ad Hominem Circumstantial, and Tu Quoque}

Also, argument against the person (abusive)

Further, argument against the person (circumstantial)
Argument against the person (tu quoque)
Straw man
Missing the point
Red herring

Fallacies from Section 3.3

Appeal to unqualified authority
Appeal to ignorance
Hasty generalization
False cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc, non causa pro causa, and oversimplified cause)
Slippery slope
Weak analogy

Fallacies Analysis
I will be checking through your diagram and written essay to make sure that you have not used any fallacies in your argument, so be sure to run through your argument and make sure you have avoided all of these fallacies. If you think any of your arguments might be mistaken for fallacies address 3 places where you might someone might mistake your argument for a fallacy, define that fallacy, and explain why you don’t believe your argument is fallacious even though it might raise a question.

If you don’t think that any parts of your argument might be flagged as possibly fallacious, then choose 3 fallacies from the above list that you think would be most likely to be used by a less aware reasoner who was arguing for your claim. For each of those 3 fallacies do the following:


Define the fallacy in your own words.
Explain how a thinker might erroneously use that fallacy in making an argument for your claim.
Explain how you avoided that fallacy in making your arguments.

You only need to address 3 fallacies in total in this section. For example, if 2 of the fallacies you consider are relative to your actual examples in your own argument, then you would only need to generate 1 hypothetical example.


Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain

This is a paper that requires the student to analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain talent. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain

“Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation
For this assignment, assume you are a compensation analyst in a large financial services company. You have been in your role for almost a year. At your weekly one-on-one with your boss, she tells you that the human resources representatives at the company are fielding a number of questions from employees and applicants about compensation. The human resource representatives’ knowledge of compensation is not deep.
She asks that you prepare and deliver a 10- to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10–15 slides) at an upcoming departmental meeting that provides basic information about what is going on in the compensation field today. Specifically she wants you to address compensation strategies that companies employ, note three of their best compensation practices, and examine three compensation challenges today’s companies are facing.

Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain

Develop and deliver a 10–15 minute audio PowerPoint presentation (10 to 15 slides) in which you:

Firstly, analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain talent.
Secondly, determine three best compensation practices used by companies.

Thirdly, be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these best practices as opposed to others.

Fourthly, examine three compensation-related challenges companies face.

Also, be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these compensation challenges as opposed to others.

Additionally, explain what discretionary benefits are and how companies use them to benefit the company and its stakeholders.
Examine how laws, labor unions, and market factors impact companies’ compensation strategies and practices.
Deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on compensation strategies, best practices, and challenges.

Note: Be sure to include additional detail about what you will say as you deliver your presentation on the notes pages in PowerPoint.
Consult Use Kaltura [PDF] for help in recording your presentation and uploading it to the assignment area.

Integrate at least three quality resources using in-text citations and a reference page in your assignment.

Identify the organization’s information systems and their functionalities

This is a paper that is requiring the student to identify the organization’s information systems and their functionalities. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Identify the organization’s information systems and their functionalities

Assignment Content

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Kansas City, Missouri. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure.

Review the Riordan Manufacturing website under the Business tab on the Virtual Organizations Portal.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

Firstly, identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
Secondly, do not describe the background or history of Riordan. Focus on the information systems.
Thirdly, describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
Fourthly, explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.
Lastly, format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Compare and contrast levels of financial benchmarking

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to compare and contrast levels of financial benchmarking. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Compare and contrast levels of financial benchmarking

Imagine that a group of physicians who are planning to open a single-specialty group practice has hired you as a consultant. Your job is to advise the physicians in creating a business plan. It includes management strategies that will help ensure their success. The physicians have stipulated that the plan must promote medical excellence. Additionally, limit their exposure to risks associated with the practice of medicine and the operational functions of the practice. In addition, they are aware that a public health emergency or natural disaster could have a significant impact on their practice. Therefore they want to include a strategy for emergency preparedness as part of their plan so that they will be able to manage their patients and help serve the community as needed.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:
Compare and contrast the two main levels (i.e., internal comparison and external comparison) of financial benchmarking. Next, analyze the strategic purpose of each level of benchmarking and specify the overall importance of benchmarking as a financial planning tool for a medical practice.
Recommend a Health Information Technology (HIT) system that includes an Electronic Health Record (EHR) for the new practice to implement. Support your recommendation by determining three main benefits of having this type of system for the practice.

Compare and contrast levels of financial benchmarking

According to the text (p. 368), some of the main areas of risk exposure for a group practice include: property (general liability and safety), technology, and financial practices. Determine one specific hazard associated with one of these risk categories. Propose a strategy to mitigate the impact this risk could have on the practice. Support your analysis with a real-life example.
Determine the main functions of the practice that will need to remain operational before, during, and after a natural disaster or public health emergency. Next, suggest a strategy that the practice should take to maintain communication with employees and patients, secure patient and financial records. Also, ensure that resources will available to care for patients during a disaster or emergency. Provide a rationale for your response.

Sales and marketing assignment essay

Sales and marketing assignment essay

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to write on MRKT8020 sales and marketing assignment essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Write on MRKT8020 sales and marketing assignment essay

MRKT8020: Sales and Marketing

Assignment details:
Choose ONE organisation in an industry of your choice and prepare a 3,000 word (minimum 2700 maximum 3100) Microsoft Word document to answer the following questions:
1).        Firstly, identify the segmentation and targeting strategies the chosen organisation.(400 words more or less)                                                                                                                 (12 marks)

2).        Secondly, describe the possible choice criteria that may be used by customers considering buying any ONE specific product or service sold by the chosen organisation. .(400 words)
(12 marks)

3).        Thirdly, give an account of the identifiable elements of the service culture of the chosen organisation and suggest whether you consider the organisation to be customer-centric? .(800 words)                                                                                                          (22 marks)

4).        Fourthly, critically evaluate the customer retention strategies of the chosen organisation. .(800 words)
(22 marks)

5).        Lastly, discuss, using examples, any THREE issues that you consider may affect the management and evaluation of sales and marketing personnel in the industry in which your chosen organisation is based.  .(800 words)                                        .                                                                                                                                               (22 marks)

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Describe a new product’s design features and processes

This is a paper that requires the student to describe a new product’s design features and processes. The paper also provides additional tasks to follow in the writing and submission of the assignment paper. Below is the brief of the assignment details.

Describe a new product’s design features and processes

– Purpose: Innovation is crucial for businesses in today’s highly dynamic and competitive environment. Innovation is defined as the introduction of something new or different. It is the tool that guides new-product development. New products (i.e., goods or services) include not only those that are new-to-the-world but also improved versions or designs of the existing ones. The purpose of this paper is for you to tap into your own creativity and propose a new product idea that could be marketable. Based on the proposed idea, you will also think about appropriate marketing strategies to provide values for your chosen target market.

In addition, the process of completing this paper may ignite your sense of entrepreneurship and give you practical skills to become a successful businessperson in the future.

Describe a new product’s design features and processes

Directions/ Requirements: Tasks to Complete

– Task 1 Firstly, describe the new product (good or service) you are proposing; including its designs, features, and/or process. Explain how you came up with the idea (from your personal experiences, consumers’ current issues/problems, light-bulb moments, changes in technology, social or cultural changes, etc.)

– Task 2  Secondly, describe the target market for the proposed product using demographic, psychographic, and geographic characteristics as well as their needs/wants that could be satisfied by the proposed product.
– Task 3  Thirdly, explain thoroughly Pricing strategy for the proposed product. At which price point would be justifiable, considering the assumed costs to make this product and customer’s perceived value.
– Task 4  Fourthly, explain thoroughly Place/Distribution strategy for the proposed product. What type of distribution would be appropriate considering desired positioning? Where should the product be available and accessible to create value for the target market?
– Task 5  Lastly, explain thoroughly Promotion strategy for the proposed product. What promotional messages should be communicated with the target market to create desired image and appeal? What promotional elements through which channels should be used?

Other Requirements. In completing the tasks, you must provide thorough explanations/discussions as required.  Use the outline above for completing different tasks to develop and organize your paper, 3-5 pages required.

Investigate the control systems at the Coca-Cola Company

This is paper that is requiring the student to investigate the control systems at the Coca-Cola company. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment overview to read:

Investigate the control systems at the Coca-Cola Company

Assignment Overview

In the Module 4 Case, we will investigate the control systems at the Coca-Cola Company.

Case Assignment

Visit the website of the Coca-Cola Company:, and go to the Investors page. Look around at this page (there is a lot of excellent information here), and search for information related to the organization’s structure and controls. Then, locate the company’s most recent Annual Reports and 10-K filings. After completing some research at Coke’s website, in the library, and on the internet, please address the following:

Firstly, describe the organizational structure at the Coca-Cola Company (what form of structure does the company have?). Include any information you can find regarding the company’s Board of Directors and the company’s committees.
Secondly, describe the organization’s culture. How well does the company’s Values statement align with its culture?
Thirdly, do some research at the Coca-Cola Company website and in the library (be sure to look at trade magazines and newspapers as well) and find as much information concerning the company’s control systems as you can (budgets, inventory control, annual objectives, functional strategies, policies and procedures, personnel evaluation systems, or other). Describe these controls, and also discuss how they assist in keeping Coca-Cola’s strategies on-track.
In the Module 3 Case, you identified a grand strategy (or grand strategies) that the company should follow. Do the company’s organizational structure, culture, and control systems align well with this strategy? Explain.

Assignment Expectations

Your Case Assignment should be a minimum of 5 pages in length.

You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources.  There should be a minimum of three (3) reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper (your sources must be different from the sources provided you in the Background materials).

Please make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment.

Discuss role of women in similar fashion to Frankenstein

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss role of women in similar fashion to Frankenstein. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the paper description to follow:

Discuss role of women in similar fashion to Frankenstein

General Topics:

1. The role of women is played out in a similar fashion in Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, and Things Fall Apart.  However, there are distinctive differences as well.

2. The roles of the characters in the novel are very different before and after colonization. In Frankenstein, the  characters and not affected by colonization because they are European, and thus, the colonizers. In Heart of Darkness the Africans are fully colonized. Finally, in Things Fall Apart, we witness the effects of colonization as the white man moves in with their religion.

Specific Topics:

For this paper, you will develop an argument that addresses either the role of women in these novels through the lens of either feminism or post-colonialism. You will also want to examine what the role is like for women in Europe even though the country is not colonize. Do they have more or less freedom? What is their role?


You will examine the role of the characters in light of pre- and post-colonialism. What freedoms do they have before colonialism? What do they lose?

The questions above are very general. You must do more than just answer them. You must have a specific argumentative topic. In other words, your thesis will not be: “The role of women is similar and different in these novels.”  What is the specific point you will be arguing? You will decide this after completing your research on the novels and on feminism or post-colonialism.

You must use one of these approaches to in your paper. (If you use one of these articles from Purdue, it does count as one of your scholarly sources. What will you argue about feminism or post-colonialism? You will not know your specific argument until you do the research. Research, and read the material first, then once you see what information you have, and what the literary critics have to say, you can start developing your argument around the sources you have.

Identify and describe the target market for organization’s products

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to Identify and describe the target market for organization’s products. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Identify and describe the target market for organization’s products

Choose an organization that you believe is great at marketing.  Choose an organization that you can observe the marketing efforts of and are familiar with. If you choose a very large organization that markets many different products, focus your assignment and research on one product or product line. We will use Adidas for an example. Adidas has multiple brands including Originals, Stella McCartney and Ivy Park, the brands offer shoes, clothing and accessories. You may decide to choose Adidas and focus your assignment on the Yeezy product line.

After choosing an organization,

Next step is to identify and describe the target market for the products(s) about which you are presenting. Try to pinpoint the thing(s) that makes the target market respond to the firm’s marketing mix in ways that are different from people who are not members of it.

It is very difficult to do a good job on this assignment if you do a poor job of defining the target market.

After identifying the target market,

then analyze the marketing mix (the four Ps) the firm is using to attract the chosen target market. You should describe each of the four Ps. Also, analyze how each one is being used to attract members of the target market.

After analyzing the firm’s marketing mix,

Lastly, assume the role of a marketing consultant and make specific suggestions for improving the firm’s effectiveness. These suggestions can be in the form of changes to any part of the current marketing mix to fix the problems you identified. If you did not identify any problems, you should make suggestions for additional marketing activities.

Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose 

Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose ( and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words. You should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources on the Internet as long as they are credible.

What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree program

SCM Case Analysis: Information Technology

Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose ( and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words. You should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources on the Internet as long as they are credible.

1. Analyze and describe the company’s information management system. As part of your analysis, analyze if its IMS gives the company a competitive advantage over their competition.
2. Recommend improvements for the competitive aspects of the organization’s IMS.
3. Analyze how the IMS helps coordinate between supplies chain partners.
4. Analyze how the IMS helps to monitor orders and inventory levels and satisfy customers.
5. Analyze why managing information is equally or more important to the company than moving products.