Future Investing

Description Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Describe (3) ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance. Include terminology from finance and use citations as necessary to support your explanation of the terminology. 2. Discuss one of the (3) ways you feel most confident as a way to invest in your future. Explain your level of confidence. 3. Of the (3) ways you will invest in your future, discuss the one you perceive might be the most challenging. Then, discuss how you might overcome some of those challenges. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Business and Society – Assignment: Poster


Overview An academic poster is a textual and graphic means of presenting information in a concise and persuasive way. In the workplace, you may be asked to present a poster to your peers. This way of presenting information can also allow for valuable networking opportunities with other stakeholders involved in a project. Poster presentations can give an opportunity for you to showcase work at business conferences and meetings.

Your task is to create a poster that examines stakeholder tensions and priorities in a public–private partnership (PPP). You will need to examine and identify the role of various stakeholders in your chosen PPP and explore the relationship between key internal and external stakeholders. You should investigate actual or potential stakeholder tensions that can arise from PPPs and explore the specific skill-sets required for managers in this setting. – Assignment is two-fold: written research (1500 words) + visual ‘poster’ for presentation. Any tool can be used however not PowerPoint. – All additional materials/document to be uploaded seperately.

Improving development plans

Company Background You will continue using the same scenario from the previous assignment. You have been brought in to consult with Green-Plus Industries, a growing organization that is preparing to open a new regional office. Currently, Green-Plus Industries has eight facilities in other regions; in fact, this new facility will be the first of three new regional offices slated to open in the next three years. This new facility will be a multipurpose regional office with over a thousand employees in a variety of disciplines. Green-Plus Industries is planning to hire for a range of positions, including: Regional vice president and senior staff functions. A customer service team. A distribution/warehouse team of about 400 employees. As the organization continues to grow it is finding increasing difficulty in recruiting qualified employees to fill key management positions and positions at all levels of the organization. Current Employee Development The training department has these programs that are used to conduct employee development: The 5-day management development program was created in 1995 by the former training director. It is conducted several times a year and “up and comers” are sent to this program when it is offered. This program focuses on planning, controlling, organizing, delegating, and employee discipline. The job shadowing program is for the same employees. It involves a two-week planned shadow of selected employees with the goal of exposing trainees to key jobs and the duties involved. Individual departments also set up and run their own department-level training programs. Your Role Based on your role as an external consultant, your next goal is to recommend a development program that focuses lower-level management development program. These training programs could include the development of specific skills, and leadership programs and areas beyond simple training programs; such as coaching, on-the-job training, mentoring and career development, et cetera. Examples of the kind of program that is needed would be developing new department supervisors for the distribution centers. Assignment Description As a first step, develop a supervisor training program for both internal candidates and newly hired supervisors. Consider the following: Analyze a coaching program based on current research models. Recommend a coaching program, including how you would select and train the coaches, using research from at least two applied and research articles. Explain the advantages of this program, and any issues you foresee in using this program. Compare three additional components of a development program. Recommend at least one additional component to this development program, based on research. Describe the details of this program and why you would select this program over other options. Recommend a supervisory training program based on current research. Conduct a benchmark analysis by looking at how other organizations handle this type of development program. Recommend a needs analysis program to identify specific employee needs. Recommend a type of program (internal or external instructor, onsite or remote, et cetera). Justify your plan. Include metrics and a plan for analyzing the success of the training program. Deliverable Format Create a professional report that tells your client: A coaching plan that identifies how coaches would be selected and trained. A comparison of at least three additional components (beyond the coaching) that you believe would be the best options to include in a development program. Recommendations for a supervisory training program that includes the benchmarking and identifies employee needs, program type, and how to measure the success of the training program.

Recommending a hiring policy

While the new operation will be hiring many candidates externally, there are a number of jobs that would be attractive to employees from the eight similar operations. For example, the HR department will have a staff of about 15, six of whom will be at the managerial level and there are distinct advantages to promoting employees from a similar operation elsewhere in the company. A key element of an effective performance management program is creating opportunities for employees to move up within the organizational structure. Some key elements of a successful performance management program would be: A succession planning program to fill key positions quickly after they become open. A career path program for individual employees. An internal promotion program. As an external expert in this area, you have been asked to work with a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) to develop a succession planning program, a career path program for employees, and an internal promotion program. You intend to base these plans on current research and on the facility described below:


The new facility will be a multi-purpose regional office with 1500 employees in a variety of disciplines. The new employees will be hired for all positions, ranging from a regional VP and senior staff functions, to the customer service team, and the distribution/warehouse team with 400 employees. The new facility will be similar to eight existing facilities in other regions. Instructions Describe the advantages of promoting from within the organization, based on current information from both application and research articles in the fields of staffing and promotion. Include examples of organizations that successfully use internal recruiting. Select an area of the facility described above and recommend a succession plan for at least two levels of the facility (for example, manager, two assistant managers, six department supervisors).

Create effective development plans to prepare people to move into these higher level positions, based on current information from both application and research articles from the areas of human resource development and staffing. Propose how you would integrate a research-based career path program into the succession plan. Justify your recommendation with research.

White Paper (report/proposal) presenting the Pros/Cons of positioning and expanding the Company’s strategy and operational direction in the Global Markets

Instructions The Topic is: Prepare a “White Paper (report/proposal) presenting the Pros/Cons of positioning and expanding the Company’s strategy and operational direction in the Global Markets. This “report” is to be exclusively a narrative paper; however, can have supporting graphs/charts in its appendix to support statements within the “white paper.” The audience to receive this “report” is Senior Executive Management. This report will be a reference source for the President of the company to prepare his presentation to the Board of Directors on the same subject. The written assignment should be a minimum of 5 pages (body of paper). These 5 pages do NOT include the cover page, table of contents, reference page, appendix and tables.

Business Outline Notes on Article What’s a Business For by Charles Handy

Source: “What’s a Business For” by Charles Handy (PDF provided) Article Notes (this is a more in depth version of an annotated bibliography): To received full credit you must do the following:

-Citation at the top (APA or MLA format is fine) : Handy, C. (2002). What’s a business for? Harvard Business Review, 80(12), 49. -Take detailed and thorough notes on the article, if you write less than 250-words, then the score is ZERO.

You are trying to distill out all the ‘good stuff’ from the article… what are the major insights… if there is some sort of 3 or 4 point framework, then you best be certain to list it out and explain what it is and how it works. -Professionally formated… outline format, bold type font where necessary… it should have a professional appearance and could allow you to stand up in front of the class and teach the article (not to worry, I won’t make you actually do this… but good article notes are well formated)

-Good article notes should be thorough enough that you would not need to read the full article again if we were to discuss it several months from now… you would only need to read your notes (so don’t just do a bunch of bullet points without a narrative to connect it all).

in game advertising


The topic of “In-game Advertising”.

Here is the full description of the topic “Over 33 million people in the Uk play video games. In-game advertising which is the inclusion of products or brands in games is gorwing fast and advertisers have the option of advertising on the internet, mobile and games consoles.

However, the rising intolerance towards adverts, leadsto questions about the players’ attitude towards in game advertising. The aim of this study is to investigate consumer perception of in-game advertising and identify key factors that affect engagement with the latter”. In my dissertation proposal, I have decided to choose qualitative research as my main approach. I want to conduct a series of questions that can assist me to interview people on the topic of “In-game Advertising”. My goals of my dissertation are as followed:

– To examine the effectiveness of in-game advertising compared to traditional advertising methods.

– To determine how in-game advertising is shaping consumer’s perception/attitude.

– To identify possible factors of in-game advertising which affect the consumer’s purchasing decisions.

Additionally, I also need to provide some information on the proposed analytical approach for the collected qualitative data. Please include books about qualitative approaches and justify why I have chosen the topic. I am planning to do face-to-face interviews with 16 participants from both genders, aged 18 to 34.

The questions should be related to the topic and allow me to understand their perceptions on in-game advertisements.

Social Issues and the Role of Business

(One page for the initial post and the second for the student responses). Respond to the following questions in your initial post: What do you think are the two most important issues that we face as a society and why? What are some ways that the business community might be able to help solve those two critical social issues? Do you believe businesses only care about profit or do you believe they care about stakeholders? Justify your arguments with examples. In responding to your peers, think about how their arguments compare and contrast with your arguments and identify any new information learned from reading their posts.

Stock Valuation


Assignment Content Resource:

Stock Valuation Grading Guide

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to practice stock valuation problems and to locate financial information on the Internet, which can be used to expand their knowledge of how stocks behave.

Assignment Steps Resources:

Stock Valuation Template Calculate the following stock valuation problems: Company AMAZON is paying an annual dividend of $1.35 and has decided to pay the same amount forever. How much should you pay for the stock, if you want to earn an annual rate of return of 9.5% on this investment? You want to purchase common stock of Company X and hold it for 7 years. The company just announced they will be paying an annual cash dividend of $6.00 per share for the next 9 years.

How much should you pay for the stock, if you will be able to sell the stock for $28 at the end of seven years and you want to earn an annual rate of return of 11% on this investment? Select one of the companies studied by one of the group members in Week 3. Search the Internet for financial information about the company selected. 9/3/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing https://www.writershub.org/writer/orders/464574#instructions 4/5 Evaluate the following in a 525-word response: Characteristics of common and preferred stock. How stock markets work.

The connection between the value of shares and dividends. Mention the ticker symbol of the company studied, the current price of the stock, and its financial history. Indicate if you would recommend investing in this stock and why.

Explain. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Note: Grades are awarded based upon individual contributions to the Learning Team assignment. Each Learning Team member receives a grade based upon his/her contributions to the team assignment. Not all students may receive the same grade for the team assignment. chosen company AMAZON

The Consumer Decision-Making Process

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve been a consumer all your life. The types and costs of your purchases have changed over time, but you’ve learned from watching others and experiencing the sensation of choosing an item and making the purchase. What you may not realize is that you’ve likely followed a consumer-purchase process. For this assignment, you will do a three-part deep dive into the consumer decision-making process. Part One. Complete the following: Identify and discuss the process, taking care to explain each step. Walk your reader through each step of the consumer purchase process, defining each step. Choose a major purchase that you plan to make in the future (e.g., a vacation, a car, a smartphone, a computer, a Hermes handbag, a horse, etc.). Apply each step to your purchase (e.g., identify why you find yourself making this purchase, perform an information search, evaluate alternatives using a table, make a choice and justify it, and so forth.). You are not expected to actually make the purchase, so you may predict the outcome, as opposed to actually describing it. Part Two. In this section, you will identify and analyze the factors that have influenced your actions and decisions throughout the process. These include: Personal factors that affect your perspective (e.g., faith, age, lifestyle, location) Pricing and personal accounting The type of purchase—functional versus hedonistic Family influence Ethical considerations Image Ease and place of purchase Part Three. For this final section, synthesize your findings and analysis from Parts One and Two. Consider the following questions: What factors are strongest and least likely to change your purchase decisions? What factors are more variable? How can marketers use these insights to attract new customers and deepen relations with existing ones? Your paper should meet the following requirements: Be 10-12 pages in length. Be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least four outside sources, preferably peer-reviewed journal articles, in addition to the case study. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.