Cost Accounting Nonprofit project – Human Options

Cost Accounting Nonprofit project – Human Options

Cost Accounting: Nonprofit project – Human Options

You can find Human Options’ 2016 Form 990 on the website: also accumulates and makes available a vast amount of information on charities and charitable giving. When you look at Human Options’ 2016 Form 990, please answer the following questions (you may need to consult the 2015 Form 990 to answer some of these questions), which will be provided later. -Please be sure to answer each of these questions in order. -Please do not have any grammar and spelling errors.

Business ownership types their advantages and disadvantages

Business ownership types their advantages and disadvantages

Milestone Three: Case Study Three Discussion In Module Six, you will submit the third milestone. This milestone is a discussion regarding business entities and their advantages and disadvantages. Your active participation in this discussion topic is essential to improving your understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the various business entities. Actively engaging with your peers will help you complete the remaining critical elements in the third case study for your final submission. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Jeb and Josh are lifelong friends. Jeb is a wealthy wind-power tycoon, and Josh is an active outdoor enthusiast. They have decided to open a sporting goods store, Arcadia Sports, using Jeb’s considerable financial resources and Josh’s extensive knowledge of all things outdoors. In addition to selling sporting goods, the store will provide whitewater rafting, rock-climbing, and camping excursions. Jeb will not participate in the day-to-day operations of the store or in the excursions. Both Jeb and Josh have agreed to split the profits down the middle. On the first whitewater rafting excursion, a customer named Jane falls off the raft and suffers a severe concussion and permanent damage to her spine. Meanwhile, Jeb’s wind farms are shut down by government regulators, and he goes bankrupt, leaving extensive personal creditors looking to collect. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. Identify the main types of business entities and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. B. Recommend a specific business entity for Arcadia Sports and include your reasoning. C. Based on the characteristics of each type of business entity, determine the type under which Jeb and Josh would be personally liable to Jane for damages. D. Based on each type of business entity, analyze the ability of Jeb’s personal creditors to seize the assets and/or profits of Arcadia Sports. I’ll upload project rubric and guidelines. in this file you’ll see guidelines for entire project from milestone one to the final project, But I have already finished milestone one and two. I only need milestone one and case study one, which are the same thing, same directions.

Strategy for company to succeed in the Belgian and UK market

Strategy for company to succeed in the Belgian and UK market

I’m writing a research paper. The question is: how can company DLVX (digital agency) differentiate itself and thrive in the Belgian and/or UK market? I will finish half of the work so only need half my paper done! I will do part of the research and still company introduction so only need a small part of extra desk research and the full strategy But I don’t have enough time to do the strategy part, this is how can the company differentiate itself and enter the market, price strategies, buyer personas, entry modes… I will upload the file I already have: it’s called THESIS 2019 I will also upload a file, which can be used as a direction: it’s called RESEARCH 2018 (it’s for another company.)

Consumer Decision Process Consumer Behavior

Consumer Decision Process Consumer Behavior

Consumer Decision Process: Students are required to choose a product within the automotive or consumer electronic industries. Each student should conduct a depth interview with 2 persons regarding their buying behavior for this product. Your interview protocol (questions) should help you determine the consumer motivation, perception, involvement, and attitude toward the purchased product along with the consumer’s basic demographics. Based on your analysis of the interviews, you should analyze the consumer decision process for the product and compare the process for each interviewee.A written report (3-5 pages double-spaced)

Traditional annual evaluation budgeting process

Traditional annual evaluation budgeting process

For the midterm, you’ll be planning three days of healthy meals on a budget, shopping for these foods, and then writing about your experience. INSTRUCTIONS: download the document, and then complete it by filling in the areas that have are highlighted between brackets < >. Once you have completed your exam, SAVE the document – then upload your completed exam by clicking on the Midterm Exam link, and adding your completed exam as a file attachment. Good luck! REMEMBER: YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO CANVAS . YOU MUST ALSO BRING A PRINTED COPY (STAPLED) TO CLASS ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD. NO EXCEPTIONS. MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW THE FINAL EXAM GUIDANCE DOCUMENT! This assignment is designed to support the following learning outcomes: Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions. Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. Develop healthy relationships through effective communication with self and classmates Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition and personal eating habits Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition choices Explore the impact of processed food, fast food and junk food on personal nutrition Review nutritional ingredients on food bought for self and family identifying chemicals, sugars and additives. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. TO COMPLETE YOUR EXAM, download a copy of the document. Type your responses into the Highlighted fields, and save your work. Turn off “Track Changes”. If you use photos, SHRINK the file size. It is recommended that you SAVE your exam as a PDF file type, in order to make uploading more efficient. If your file size is too large, it may not upload to Canvas. SAVE your exam, and then UPLOAD it to Canvas dropbox. Good Luck!! for the map please try to google a grocery store called Safeway located in Tempe AZ, on Broadway st.

Analysis and interpretation of financial statements financial ratios

Analysis and interpretation of financial statements financial ratios

Analysis and interpretation of financial statements(you can change the topic after you see the requirement) – 2,500 word report (50%). This individual assignment will involve writing a report to evaluate the performance of a real-life company. All submissions must be presented in typescript (Word format), 12pt, 1.5 line spacing.

1. Requirements: –

(a) Provide an introduction with a background of the business in question (e.g. strategy, prospects, SWOT analysis). (20 marks) –

(b) Explain how the cash flow statement interfaces with the statement of financial position and income statement. Illustrate your discussion with an example taken from the company’s financial statements.(10 marks) –

(c) Calculate at least three profitability ratios of your choice to support your discussion. Discuss the profitability position of the company. (20 marks) –

(d) Calculate at least three effectiveness/efficiency ratios of your choice to support your discussion. Discuss the efficiency/effectiveness position of the company. (20 marks) –

(e) Calculate at least three liquidity/solvency ratios to support your discussion.Discuss the ability of the company to meet its financial obligations. (20 marks) –

(f) Highlight any one specific issue from the financial statements which may limit the usefulness of the ratio analysis. Provide clear examples/references (10 marks)- TOTAL: 100 MARKS. 2.Guideline:

 Research updated literature on “Analysis and interpretation of financial statements”.

 You are expected to choose one company from the ones below: (a). Morrisons PLC (b). Smith & Nephew PLC (c). Glencore PLC

 Annual reports are available under the heading of ‘Investor Relations’. You should inform the lecturer of your company’s choice as soon as possible.

 The financial information you need should refer to, at least, THREE (03) consecutive years of the company’s operation; to allow you to compare/analyse/comment on the business financial trend.

 An online copy of the most recent company’s financial statements (not a web link), which served the basis for the requirements below, should be submitted as part of this coursework.

 University rules on plagiarism apply (please refer to postgraduate information on Moodle for further details). All materials used to prepare this coursework need to be accordingly referenced. Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

Business and implementation plan

Business and implementation plany

Assessment Instructions In this assessment, you will plan for all pertinent details involved in implementing a new initiative. Scenario The senior management members have sent you their thanks and notes on your feasibility study for your proposed economic initiative. They have determined that your proposal has the potential to benefit the organization in both the short and long term. The last step in this process is to complete a thorough implementation plan for your proposed initiative. This plan will need to include a budget of relevant expected material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the initiative (see the Resources for some examples and guides about budget planning), as well as projected earnings from the initiative for the care setting. You must also include a plan and timeline for rolling the initiative out, an analysis of how it may impact other aspects of the care setting, an explanation how it can remain viable in the face of environmental changes, and sufficient relevant supporting evidence. Directions In your 6–10-page plan, you have been asked to be sure to address the following. Note: The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each of the bullets below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity document, linked in the Resources, to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion:

• Create a budget for relevant expected costs and earnings or benefits over the first five years of a proposed economic initiative.

• Propose a plan to roll out your economic initiative that will enable your care setting to successfully implement it in an ethical and culturally equitable way that will ensure achievement of quality or service improvements.

• Analyze how your proposed initiative, once implemented, may impact other aspects of your care setting and ways in which negative impacts could be mitigated.

• Explain strategies you have integrated into your proposed economic initiative that will ensure it can remain a viable asset to your care setting in the face of dynamic environmental forces.

• Justify the relevance and value of the quantitative and qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly evidence you used to support your recommendations throughout your plan.

• Communicate your business and implementation plan in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

• Effectively support your plan and recommendations with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Modernization vs Traditional Aboriginal economies

Modernization vs Traditional Aboriginal economies

Modernization vs. Aboriginal Traditional Economies Rudi Volti’s book offers 3 chapters which address technological change, work, and the economy. For the most part he considers work-related technological change in societies which have already experienced modernization. For example, when he discusses the technological threat to jobs in historical perspective, he only goes back as far as the Industrial Revolution. Or when he discusses how technology creates jobs, he does so in the context of modern industrial and post-industrial economies. But what about the relationship between technological change (or modernization, more broadly) and the traditional economies of Indigenous peoples? For Written Assignment Option #2 you are required to write a new section for Volti’s chapter 10 (“Technology and Jobs: More of One and Less of the Other?”) in which you discuss the impact of modernization on the traditional economies of Canada’s isolated Northern Aboriginal communities. For this part of your paper you should use the article immediately below. You might want to check-out the numerous links which appear at the end of the article. The Canadian Encyclopedia. 2015 (last updated). Indigenous People: Economic Conditions. You should include a brief description (no more than 200-250 words) of the current economic status of Canada’s Indigenous peoples in terms of employment/unemployment, income, educational attainment, and community well-being. You will find fairly recent core indicators in the following article: The National Aboriginal Economic Development Board. 2015. The Aboriginal Economic Progress Report 2015. Assignment Format Requirements: Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length (not including your title page and References page), use 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1” margins. You must provide a title page and a References page. Your paper is worth a maximum of 10% of your final course grade. The deadline for Written Assignment Option #2 is Friday November 29, 11:59 p.m. ET. You must submit your paper using the Dropbox tool on our course site (see the yellow navigator bar at the top of the page). Your submission must be in Word format (any other format will not be accepted). A late penalty of 10% per day applies to all submissions which arrive after the deadline. Assignments submitted 48 hours after the deadline will not be accepted.

Dividends distribution to shareholders

Dividends distribution to shareholders

Distribution to shareholders: Travelers (Travelers is a company)  Main sections and research starting point

Introduction (really short intro)

Distribution to shareholders P&C industry o

Distribution to shareholders Travelers Companies o Dividends o Share repurchases (include more info on this) o (this link might not work, uploading a word document for you instead)


Corporate Financial Management Financial Ratios of a Firm

Corporate Financial Management Financial Ratios of a Firm

Assume that you are working in the corporate financial advisory services department of a large investment bank and your director (who has read extensively about shareholder value analysis) has asked you to prepare a shareholder value analysis and a short-term valuation report on your chosen company using the following basis for your valuation:

• Planning period is to be set at five years

• A residual value based on constant cash flows from year five onwards (infinite life) will be estimated at the end of this five-year period

• Beta factor to be obtained using current information held on Bloomberg, DataStream or other sources 11/29/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 5/7

• FTSE All-share return to be taken as 12%

• Risk free rate to be taken as 5%

• The target capital structure to be set based on the company last financial year (preferably 2018)

• The gross cost of debt over the financing period is to be estimated at 8% per annum

• As for the other key value drivers (forecast sales growth rate, operating margins, tax rate, incremental working capital requirements and incremental fixed asset investment) you are required to decide these yourselves. The director has advised you to review the latest annual report and accounts of your chosen company and use the data therein and other financial journalistic analysis and intelligence that you consider appropriate to help you decide upon the growth levels of your chosen drivers.


1. Using the information on certain key drivers already given above together with the other key driver figures decided upon by yourselves, prepare a spreadsheet using the shareholder value analysis model to determine a purchase price for your chosen company. A short report explaining how the valuation method works and the purpose of each stage in the spreadsheet calculations should support the model. (Marks allocated: 70% – 700 words excluding appendices)

2. Review the certain value driver’s assumptions given above and growth levels suggested by you for other drivers and write a brief report justifying or criticising the growth levels of the chosen drivers.