Viable Business Ideas

Viable Business Ideas

Identify why you think that these are viable alternatives.  Consider the following. What are the pros and cons associated with each?  What are the outcomes that each alternative will produce if chosen?

Why you think that these are viable alternatives

Identify why you think that these are viable alternatives.  Consider the following.
What are the pros and cons associated with each?  What are the outcomes that each alternative will produce if chosen?  Detail what resource(s) the company possesses and must initiate in each alternative for success.  How do these alternatives impact the company’s value creation?  What could the potential financial opportunities, or challenges, can occur from these alternatives.  What might be the impact on the Vision/Mission and the cultural and social images of the organization?

More details;

a viable alternative

An “alternative” is a choice or a possible solution to a problem.

A “viable alternative” is a choice or possible solution which might work.

To illustrate this with an example, imagine that you need to get to work but you don’t want to drive a car. Walking to work is not a “viable alternative” because you live too far away from your office. But maybe riding a bicycle is a “viable alternative”.

Alternatives can be “viable” or not “viable” in a few different ways:

  • economically viable
  • politically viable
  • commercially viable (able to be sold
You’re discussing social issues with a couple of friends. One issue that’s important to you is the environment. You think it’s important for your country to develop “green” energy, so you say this.

fossil fuels


“Fossil fuels” are fuels like oil (which is used to make gasoline), natural gas (which is used to heat homes and for cooking), and coal.

These fuels are called “fossil fuels” because they come from decayed plants and animals from a very long time ago. A “fossil” is the remains of a plant or animal which died a very long time ago.

Reorganizations and Consolidated Tax Returns for a company

Reorganizations and Consolidated Tax Returns for a company

This is an assignment that discusses the Reorganizations and Consolidated Tax Returns for a company. The paper also compares the long term tax benefits.

Reorganizations and Consolidated Tax Returns for a company

Firstly, suppose you are a CPA, and you have a corporate client that has been operating for several years. The company is considering expansion through reorganizations. The company currently has two (2) subsidiaries acquired through Type B reorganizations. The client has also asked you for tax advice on the benefit of a Type A, C, or D reorganization over a Type B reorganization. Additional facts regarding the issues are reflected below.

The company currently files a consolidated income tax return with the two (2) subsidiaries acquired through a Type B reorganization.
ABC Corporation, a subsidiary targeted by the client for takeover, has substantial net operating losses.
XYZ Corporation and BB Corporation will be acquired as subsidiaries in the next six (6) months.

Additionally, use the Internet and Strayer Library to research the rules and income tax laws regarding Types A, B, C, and D reorganizations and consolidated tax returns. Be sure to also use the six (6) step tax research process in Chapter 1 that was demonstrated in Appendix A of your textbook as a guide for your written response.


1.      Firstly, compare the long-term tax benefits and advantages of each type of reorganization and recommend the type of reorganization that will be most beneficial to the client.
2.      Secondly, suggest the type of reorganization the client should use for the ABC Corporation based on your research. Justify the response.
3.      Thirdly, propose a taxable acquisition structure for the client’s planned acquisitions over a nontaxable reorganization. Assess the value of a taxable transaction over a nontaxable reorganization for the client.

4.      Examine the value and limitations of including the ABC Corporation if acquired as a wholly owned subsidiary in the consolidated return and provide a recommendation to your client. Then, support the recommendation with applicable research.
5.      Create a scenario that will allow the client to reduce any disadvantages from filing a consolidated return as a member of a controlled group.
6.      Lastly, use the six (6) step tax research process, located in Chapter 1 and demonstrated in Appendix A of the textbook, to record your research for communications to the client.

Assignment requirements

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Type, double space, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Also, check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze and research tax issues regarding corporations, partnerships, S corporations, and consolidated tax returns.
Create client, internal, and administrative documents that appropriately convey the results of tax research and planning.
Subsequently, create an approach to tax research that results in credible and current resources.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Sequence of instructional procedures

Sequence of instructional procedures

This is an assignment that focuses on the explanation of sequence of instructional procedures. The paper also requires students to explain the purpose of the lesson.

The explanation of sequence of instructional procedures

Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):
Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning:

Identify pre-requisite skills students need to already know (i.e., possess, control, understand) to be successful in this lesson.
Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Presentation Procedures for New Information:
Explain the purpose of the lesson.

Explain at least one activity which serves as an anticipatory set, schema, or review of definition of terms activity and actively engages students and allows them to do at least one of the following:
Make connections to their background knowledge related to the focus skill.
Make connections to previous learning related to the focus skill.
Ask themselves questions which will serve as a guide throughout the lesson.

Explain the purpose of the lesson (if not done above).

Explain how you will model the skill.
Modeling is a time when the teacher uses ‘thinking aloud’ to show and explain how to ‘do’ the focus skill. (e.g., if you were going to teach a child how to tie his shoes, you would first demonstrate how you tie your shoes and you would explain the steps as you go).

Guided Practice:

Explain how students will practice the focus skill with teacher guidance. Students and teacher might work together in a large or in small groups. Students might work independently or with peers as the teacher provides support and checks for understanding.

Independent Student Practice:

Explain how students will practice the skill independently. The teacher steps back during this time and allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the focus skill. This can be a pure practice time or a time when the assessment is administered.

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:

Explain how you will end the lesson by describing an activity or discussion which allows students to articulate what was learned during the lesson and how that learning might be applied in the future. You might also include a review of relevant terms and connections to the next lesson.
Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):
Explain at least one pedagogical strategy used in the lesson. Pedagogy is the way the overall instruction was done; it is the general way we categorize teaching (e.g., direct instruction, interactive instruction).

Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:
Describe how you will differentiate for two or more subgroups. Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, students with learning disabilities, students with hearing or physical disabilities, and/or gifted/accelerated learners.

Use of Technology:
Explain how you will incorporate 21st century technology into the lesson.

Income statement calculation for Smith and Jones

Income statement calculation for Smith and Jones

This is an assignment that discusses the income statement calculation for Smith and Jones. The paper also discusses the amount the equity for every day in the first month.

The income statement calculation for Smith and Jones

Worth 20 points, so think, don’t just fling numbers around

Smith and Jones start a business to build custom bicycles. Smith invests personal funds of $80,000 and Jones invests $70,000. Grandma Smith loans the company $12,000 with the provision it is to pay back in 12 equal monthly payments plus 1.5% monthly interest. Smith and Jones agree that ownership would be proportional to their equity investments. In addition, they borrow $38,000 from the bank at interest of 1.5% per month payable monthly. (They do not have to pay back the principal for five years, so ignore it.) They buy $90,000 worth of parts. Use $60,000 of those parts in the first month. Additionally, they pay factory workers a total of $10,000 for the first month. Also, they pay rent of $3,000 for the month for a factory. They each (not Grandma) draw salaries of $4,000 per month. They sell the resulting bicycles for $120,000.

a. Prepare a balance sheet for day zero, that is, store is ready, people hired, parts on hand, money collected from bank, Grandma, Smith, and Jones.

b. Prepare an income statement for the first month.

c. Prepare a balance sheet for the last day of the first month.

d.  What is the percent ownership by Smith, Jones, and Grandma on the first day of the month.

e. How much equity is owned by each on last day of the first month.

Hints: The interest calculations can be done in your head. I am not looking at some kind of sophisticated loan amortization calculations. That means grandma gets 1/12 of her money back each month and also gets her interest calculated on the initial amount.

Managing business records record management cash flows inventory records

Managing business records record management cash flows inventory records

This is an assignment that focuses on the BSBRKG304 topic on managing business records. The paper also discusses the legislation regulation documents.

The BSBRKG304 topic on managing business records


Question 1. Firstly, what legislation regulates the retention of documents by an agency?

Question 2. Secondly, what are the Australian Standards for records management?

Questions 3. Thirdly, what is the purpose of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Principles of Good Corporate Governance? List the principles.

Question 4. Fourthly, identify and list the legislation relating to the following aspects of business operations: ·Ethical principles and codes of practice ·Privacy and freedom of information ·Archives and records legislation ·Occupational health and safety

Question 5. Then, what is records management as defined in the Australian Standard ISO 15489

Question 6. How is a record defined in the Standard ISO 15489-1-2001?

Question 7. Explain the concept of records continuum?.

Question 8. How long must you retain the following documents?
·       Non-financial records
·       Records use for tax purposes

The BSBRKG304 topic on managing business records

Question 9. Additionally, provide six examples of records that relate to dealings with clients that an agency is required to hold.

Questions 10. Also, what controls can be implemented to ensure protection and security of records?

Question 11. What are the elements of an effective records management system?

Question 12. Subsequently, discuss the responsibilities of the following organisational roles in regards to records management:
·Staff ·Management ·Records management personnel

Question 13. List three types of reports you may be required to develop in your role as a licence estate agent or salesperson?

Question 14. Lastly, what are the steps used in preparing reports?

The paper should be in at least 3 to 4 pages long. The paper should also have three sources fro credible resources Wikipidea not among them. Use Times New Roman font.

Question 12. Subsequently, discuss the responsibilities of the following organisational roles in regards to records management:
·Staff ·Management ·Records management personnel

Question 13. List three types of reports you may be develop in your role as a licence estate agent or salesperson?

Question 14. Lastly, what are the steps in preparing reports?

The paper should be in at least 3 to 4 pages long. The paper should also have three sources fro credible resources Wikipidea not among them. Use Times New Roman font.


Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

The following is a paper that focuses on Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union. The paper also discusses the various questions like the legal and regulatory information.

Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

Summarize the employment-at-will doctrine, both statutory and common law exceptions. Scenario You are the newest HR associate at a well-known corporation. An employee has contacted you with a grievance.

The following is the information during your conversation:

The employee has just been discharged from their long-term job. A union contract was not representing them,  and over the past thirty (30) years, they had enjoyed a generally pleasant work environment. The employee emphasizes that a recent change in leadership has been causing significant hostility and intimidation throughout the office. Also, the employee is convinced these factors culminated in their termination. Additionally, the employee strongly believes the action is without merit and is seeking damages/compensation ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍from the employer. The employee wants to know what the legal rights are.

You are going to consult with the in-house legal department. You will also need to review and utilize the employee’s file. To access the file, click here. Click for more options. Instructions. Prepare a 2-3 page memorandum prior to the meeting with the legal department addressing the next questions: What are the major issues that you have identified based on the employee’s concerns? Complete research to identify legal or regulatory information that supports the employee’s position. What are some of the possible arguments against either the employer and/or the employee? What are some of the likely outcomes in this matter?

Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page according to APA guid‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍elines. Also, ensure to include references from the sources to which you cite your work from.

John purchases a delivery van at an online auction for his new business

John purchases a delivery van at an online auction for his new business

You must show your calculations and explain your answer. John purchases a delivery van at an online auction for his new business. Prior to using the van the following cost were incurred. The cost of the van is $35,000. Shipping costs are $400.

John purchases a delivery van at an online auction for his new business


 Part 1:

Firstly, John purchases a delivery van at an online auction for his new business. Prior to using the van the following cost were incurred. Also, The cost of the van is $35,000. Shipping costs are $400. The van to be paint to make a uniform fleet of vans in which the cost was $1,000. Sales tax on the van is $2,500. Shipping insurance was $200. Lastly, The van was wash for and additional $25. A tune-up which costs $200. What is the tax basis of the delivery van?

Secondly, Mary purchased a building to store inventory for her business. The purchase price is $750,000 and she paid $3,000 to repair the roof, $6,000 to make the interior ready for finish goods, and $500 in legal fees. What is the tax basis of the building to store inventory?

Thirdly, ABC Company bought equipment for its manufacturing plant. The equipment costs $40,000. The equipment shipping costs $2,000, the setup fee is $1,000, and testing the testing fee is $300. Upon testing, ABC discovers damage to the equipment from shipping. The damage is $2,000 paid by ABC. What is the tax basis of the equipment?


Part 2:

Given the following information for Amber Smith, complete Schedule D and form 8949 for 2018.

Firstly, Stock options, which she purchases on February 14 of the current year for $850, expire on October 1.

Secondly,  On July 1, she sells for $4,500 her personal-use automobile acquired on March 31, 2010, for $18,000.

Thirdly, On August 16, she sells for $3,100 her stock of York Corporation purchased as an investment on February 16, for $1,600

Fourthly, On March 15, she sells for $5,600 an antique ring, a gift from her grandmother on January 10, 2004, when its FMV was $1,600. The ring was purchase by her grandmother on April 2, 1979, for $1,800.

Lastly, She has an STCL carryover of $250 from last year.

Provide a comprehensive financial and investment analysis

Provide a comprehensive financial and investment analysis

You have been employed to provide a comprehensive analysis and discussion on a number of investment scenarios provided by your client. As your client has little knowledge of finance it is your responsibility to provide both the theoretical and mathematical calculations for the investment(s) they provide and the theoretical questions they pose.

You have been employed to provide a comprehensive analysis

Firstly, you have been employed to provide a comprehensive analysis. Also, the discussion on a number of investment scenarios provided by your client. As your client has little knowledge of finance it is your responsibility to provide both the theoretical and mathematical calculations for the investment(s) they provide and the theoretical questions they pose.

Firstly, your client’s knowledge of financial theory and financial mathematics is almost non-existent, however has been looking for investments for both short-term and long-term returns.

Secondly, your client has complete  some research and has found a number of investments that need to be assesse to identify whether they may be viable investment options.

Thirdly, your client has specific investment criteria, and has suggested investments based on this criterion, and therefore does not expect you to identify additional investment options.

Fourthly, as your client wishes to invest in securities for retirement, only the viability of the investment(s) should be considered in this report.

Lastly, while you expect that your client has a good base salary you have little knowledge of their assets or liabilities or overall financial position, hence it is impossible to know how many of these investments your client can purchase / invest.

Therefore, you are expect to provide advice on each investment in isolation from the other investments, i.e. not as a portfolio of investments.

Client’s Financial Questions:

1) The time value of money is a key theoretical concept in finance. Why is it so important in the field of finance?

How is this concept use d in a practical and everyday manner?

2) The finance industry (specifically banks, financial planning and superannuation) has recently been in the spotlight. In relation to ethics, through the Financial Services Royal Commission. Without making specific reference to any company or organisation, describe how corporations should act with respect to other stakeholders (shareholders, clients and other organisations) and the effect, on those stakeholders, when a corporation engages in unethical behaviour.

3) Detail the differences between an ordinary annuity and an annuity due. Additionally, describe how the present value and the future value of an annuity is calculated. (Use diagrams if it helps your discussion).

Client’s Investments:

1) Your client has provided, for your evaluation, an investment which pays $20,000 in 12 months, $15,000 in 3 years, $10,000 in 4 years and a further $40,000 in 7 years. The interest rate over the period of the investment is a nominal rate of 18% p.a., compounded monthly. If your client can buy the investment today for $50,000 would you recommend that this is a good investment? Why or why not?

2) DIY Investments Ltd has proposed two investments to your client.  However your client is unsure of their potential, with your task being to provide some advice on these investments. The first investment costs $60,000 today. It pays the following cash flows.

Years 1 to 6: Yr 1: $10,000, Yr 2: $15,000, Yr 3: $20,000, Yr 4: $25,000, Yr 5: $30,000 and Yr 6: $35,000.

The second investment option is a perpetuity which pays $6,000 a year. With the 1st cash flow occurring at the end of year Your client can buy the investment today for $40,000.

Your client indicates that he requires a rate of return of 12% p.a. which is on both of these investments.


Identify for him whether these investments are good (or not).

3) Two annuities, which your client has identified, are available for purchase. The first annuity pays $6,000 each three-month period over 4 years, at a nominal rate of 12% p.a. This annuity also has a lump sum payment at maturity (at the end of the 4th year) of $30,000. The second annuity pays $2,500 each month, again over 4 years, at a nominal rate of 11% p.a. This investment has an annual fee of $1,000, paid at the start of the year, starting immediately. If each of the annuities cost $100,000, identify which (if any) of the annuities you would recommend to your client.

Communication economic theory in creative application

Communication economic theory in creative application

This is an assignment that focuses on the communication economic theory in creative application. The paper also focuses on the interest and understanding of creative application.

The communication economic theory in creative application

Learning Objectives:
1.     Firstly, explore a topic of interest in more depth strengthening understanding of the topic through a creative application
2.     Secondly, synthesis of complicated issues/topics related to the use of environmental and natural resources
3.     Thirdly, communicate economic theory in a creative way to an audience of fellow undergraduates
4.     Fourthly, contribute to the success of classmates improving interpersonal communication and problem solving
5.     Then, display complex information in a visually appealing and creative way

Part I: Research Proposal (20 points)
Given your topic, write a 1 or 2 page (maximum) outline for your final project and also submit the assignment in the e-learning graded discussion. This should be original work and plagiarism policies apply (see if you are not sure what constitutes as academic dishonesty). The research should include the following components:

The communication economic theory in creative application

I.                 Problem statement (thesis statement): What is happening?
a.      Firstly, include a brief summary of the environmental/natural resource issue and why it is important.
b.      Secondly, be sure to clearly identify the attributes of the resource that make efficient allocation problematic.
c.      Thirdly, identify who has standing (the population impacted by this issue and those who are expected to contribute).

II.               Preliminary analysis: Is there a solution?
a.      If there is a policy, discuss the background and the current state of the policy including how this policy addresses or fails to address the problem at hand (hint: look at the incentive/disincentive structure imposed by the policy).
b.      If there is no current regulation, discuss why that may be the case and potential for future governmental intervention or the need to avoid government intervention.
III.             Describe the deliverables of this project: how will you present the relevant information?
a.      Discuss how you will inform the audience about the topic either via a news article, art project or poster. Be sure to include justification for the project choice.
b.      Additionally, discuss how your project will communicate economic principles/theories and/or market failure at work.

Be sure to consult the rubric regarding required components. You must collect data from at least three outside credible sources, use in-text citations and include a bibliography with all sources (separate from the two page requirement). Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced is preferred.

Business Opportunity Analysis

Business Opportunity Analysis

Download and read this Assessment Overview document which explains the details of the concept, purpose and structure of this assignment.Assessment 1 and 2 are based on the same topic. Your Opportunity Analysis (A1) will form the foundation on which to build your Marketing Mix Plan (A2) assessment piece. Both assessments will therefore be based on the same organisation, which you will create. Overall, the purpose of this assessment task is for you to develop a tutoring service that will best assist students that are new to university. Please read the overview document to give you a better understanding of the project. Using the template The Opportunity Analysis Template details the structure and required sections you are expected to complete for this assessment task. The sections include: Introduction to the marketing problem, Brief company overview, Situation Analysis (including Macro/PESTLE and Micro Analysis being 3Cs, SWOT etc.), New Marketing Initiative and goals, Reference List You can alter the template as you wish and you can also present the needed information as you see fit. Therefore, you can add tables, figures, graphs as you wish, however the word count must still be adhered to. You can also put information in dot points where it may form a list, or in a table if needed. Please do not take sections out as they correspond to the marking criteria (refer to the marking rubric attached). Word Count Whilst sometimes students are eager to give as much information as possible, the idea behind both an opportunity analysis and marketing plan is to get straight to the point. However, students need to be mindful that the decisions or statements made (as they progress through the various sections) may, in some cases, need to be supported as to justify why that decision/statement is being made. In such cases, relevant and current references should be included. This will give validation to your proposal/idea and also show depth of application. Ensure you adhere to the word count of 1500 words (+/- 10%). Please note the following are excluded from the word count: executive summary (appears in the marketing mix plan only) table of contents tables figures reference list Everything else is included in the word count, including in text references and headings.