Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

This is a paper that is focusing on the Business strategies and methodologies research objectives. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

Submit a narrative discussion of your final Short Term Goals and explain the objectives you plan on achieving to arrive at those goals.  Be sure to also provide a description of the various specific methodologies and strategies you intend to employ to achieve your targeted objectives.  Be sure to explain how you plan to measure your success or failure in achieving your objectives or the effectiveness of your strategies and methodologies.  Finally identify Long Term Goals that you will attempt over the next two semesters and beyond to begin your business.

2.  Begin developing your survey questions to administer to potential consumers

Business strategies and methodologies research objectives

1.  Firstly, understand the difference between primary and secondary research in business.

2.  Secondly, identify data necessary to assess feasibility of a business hypothesis.

3.  Thirdly, describe sources to acquire and capture that data, including public libraries, paid research data reports and materials, academic journals, interviews, surveys and observation.

4.  Fourthly, discuss the role and benefit of field experiential learning in regard to the individual business venture.

5.  Also, revise their plan of action to assess and analyze their industry and a means to assess their own success at determining the feasibility of their business hypothesis.

6.  Finalize Short and Long Term Goals to allow for assessment of feasibility of a business model and also concept through the identification of objectives with specific methodologies and evaluation strategies.

7.  Lastly, describe the steps of research methodology in business:

1. Defining the research objectives
2. Planning a research design
3. Planning a sample
4. Collecting the data
5. Analyzing the data
6. Formulating the conclusions and preparing the report

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

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