Business organization

You want to go into business for yourself. After much consideration, you narrowed your choice of products to one of the sixteen listed below. Begin addressing the items below: –

Business organization

What type of business organization? (Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC) Why?
 – What type of organizational structure? (Simple, functional, divisional, etc.) Why?
 – Locate a manufacturer to produce your product, and provide the name, address, phone, website, etc. for the company.

You must make it known to the manufacturer that you are planning to sell the products under your own brand name. (It must be a real company.)
 – Decide on a name for the product and confirm that the name can be trademarked.
 – Get the actual pricing for your products. (You will need to also ask what the minimum order quantity [MOQ] with be.)
 – Determine how much you will charge for your products. Explain your pricing strategy.
 – Where will your market the products? (Which country and, if in the U.S., which area.) Why?
 – Will you sell wholesale or retail? Why?
 – Develop a budget for your product(s).

Develop revenue projections for your product(s). Explain how you came to those projections.
 Products from which you may choose (select only one product group):

(1) A plan that provides a detailed description of the business that you will create. (2) The plan should include the strategies and a projected budget. (3) You should provide as much detail as possible. (4) You should provide a rationalization for your strategies. (5) There is no set limit for the number of pages. (6) Your plan must have a cover page containing your name and the name of the product and/or company. (7) A Table of Contents must be included. (8) The pages must be numbered. (9) Do not include a reference or citation page. If you want to cite a resource, use footnotes at the bottom of the page where the resource is cited.

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