Business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in

To gather information from a business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in, to help you make more informed decisions about your career.

Business contact about occupation and industry you are interested in

To gather information from a business contact about occupation and industry you are interest ed in, to help you make more informed decisions about your career

Conduct an information interview either via telephone or in-person (NOT via email) with a professional within the U.S. who is currently in the career field that you are considering. The purpose of this assignment is to learn more about a career area of interest by interpreting the answers yourself.


You should be processing the answers in your own words and from your own perspective. Simply having your interviewee complete the answers for you via e-mail will result in a 0 grade on the assignment. In addition, simply repeating answers in quotes only or confining answers to just the most basic regurgitation of interviewee responses will result in either reduced or 0 credit for specific answers or, in the most egregious cases, a 0 grade for the entire assignment.

List each of the items/questions in your paper and document the information you have uncovered concerning the following:

5) Why you selected this particular individual to interview.

6) Also, General background information concerning the interviewee: degree, years in current position, etc. (Do not ask about interviewee’s salary)

7) Additionally, What are the primary tasks perform ed for this position and what percentage of the day is spent in each of these primary tasks?

8) Further, What do you find to be the most rewarding and most difficult aspects of your job and why?

9) Also, What kinds of technical and people skills are necessary to do well in this career, and why are they necessary?

10) Moreover, What is the work environment like (i.e., hours, facilities, co-workers, and culture)?

11) Besides, If you could start all over again, would you change your career path in any way? Why or why not?

12) Consequently, Which professional journals (or any other written materials) and organizations would help me learn more about this field?

13) Additionally, Design your own question and provide the interviewee’s answer>

14) Finally, Design your own question and provide the interviewee’s answer>

15) Lastly, State what you learned from the interview>

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