BSAD 156: Product Management-Explain the “Hummingbird effect”

BSAD 156: Product Management-Explain the “Hummingbird effect”. All the innovations Johnson writes about in How We Got To Now play such fundamental roles in our lives that we may sometimes not even consider them when thinking about important innovations. Describe another innovation like these that had hummingbird effects of its own?

BSAD 156: Product Management-Explain the “Hummingbird effect”

BSAD 156: Product Management

Written Assignment, Reading #3: The written assignment is due through Blackboard by noon.

Reading #3: HOW WE GOT TO NOW, by Steven Johnson, Riverhead Books @ 2014. The assignment is based only on the following: Introduction plus Chapters 2, 4 and 5. In case you don’t have access to your books, the key portions have been scanned by the Howe Library staff. I reduced those assignments to just the absolutely relevant materials to complete our assignments here: You can also watch the chapters as episodes of the PBS series, How We Got to Now on Amazon Prime. The episodes do a good job of demonstrating the key points of each chapter.

Question 1:  Explain the “Hummingbird effect”.

Question 2:  All the innovations Johnson writes about in How We Got To Now play such fundamental roles in our lives that we may sometimes not even consider them when thinking about important innovations. Describe another innovation like these that had hummingbird effects of its own?

Question 3: Chapter 5 takes us through the long process of making time more and more exact, from the swinging altar lamps to the atomic clock. Is there an innovation today that you think may still be in the early stages of efficiency?

General Assignment Instructions:
1. This is an individual assignment. Your work must be your own.
2. Late write-ups are not accept ed.
3. Your submission should be word processed, proofread and concise. There is no specific page limit but I would expect these to be well and thoroughly done in about 2-3 pages.
4. Any materials you use apart from class notes and the assigned book should be appropriately cited.

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