Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make. While the possibilities can be endless, come up with ten and then rank them from the most offensive to the least offensive.

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make

Brainstorm and list some rude comments that customers can make. While the possibilities can be endless, come up with ten and then rank them from the most offensive to the least offensive. Keep in mind you should respond as a manager who is trying to diffuse a problematic situation.

Attached are the pages of the book “The world of customer service, 3rd edition, by Pattie Gibson.” they are related to this topic.

More details;

Dealing with rude clients is not a piece of cake, and only best customer service agents know how to turn anger into positive feelings.

An American entrepreneur, Marshall Field, once said that “the customer is always right.” The man believed we should treat all customers equally and deliver the best service no matter how the person behaves.

The man had the point, although I believe it’s hard to treat angry people well. Still, we need to, at least, try to be nice as customers who received an excellent service can share their positive experience with others.

What’s more, such a person is more likely to purchase our products in the future.

It’s also good to know that people talk about bad experiences more often that about the good ones. That’s why we need to put additional effort to calm a rude person down as it may save us from notorious fame.

How can you deal with rude customers?

  • The University of British Colombia found out that customer service representatives deal with rude clients much better if they expect them to be rude. Therefore, if you want your agents to handle angry customers with ease, provide them with some training. Give them some scenario that would help to go through an emergency situation. You can also help your team learn some psychological strategies and share your experience with happy-end stories to inspire new customer service representatives.
  • It’s normal that you want to punch a customer that screams at you for the heck of it. Still, yelling at such a rude person would bring only temporary relief. And imagine a “mess” you would need to clean after mistreating a customer. That’s why I recommend taking a deep breath every time a rude client rub you the wrong way. It’s better to take some time to prevent lacing into a customer.
  • If you feel that you are already angry, try to lower your voice and speak slowly. The loud voice could only deteriorate the situation.
  • Listen to what your customer wants to say. People feel better if they can “pour away” their emotions and grieves. Let your a person finish their complaint so that they can cool off a bit.

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