Entries by Bernard

Sub-culture through the lens of cultural history

Sub-culture through the lens of cultural history For this essay, in 600 or more words, discuss any culture/sub-culture of your choice through the lens of cultural history. That is, consider how that particular group expresses itself through symbolic media such as art Sub-culture of your choice through the lens of cultural history For this essay, […]

Professionalization of the Physician

Professionalization of the Physician Read from “The professionalization of the Physician” to subtitle “The Control of Medical Education”. Compose a 2-3 Page APA formatted paper explaining how the Flexner Report changed medical education in US. Read from “The professionalization of the Physician” 1.    Read from “The professionalization of the Physician” to subtitle “The Control of […]

Can protection orders truly prevent intimate partner violence

Can protection orders truly prevent intimate partner violence Topic: Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence. Change Question Word count: 450-500 Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence Topic: Analyze whether or not protection orders can truly prevent intimate partner violence. Change Question Word count: […]

Presentation to recommend your implementation plan

Presentation to recommend your implementation plan Will prepare a presentation to recommend your implementation plan to the appropriate audience for your innovation (e.g., venture capitalists, your CEO, your board of directors, etc.). Presentation to recommend your implementation plan Will prepare a presentation to recommend your implementation plan to the appropriate audience for your innovation (e.g., […]

Elements of each organization’s culture

Elements of each organization’s culture In Innovation as Usual: How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life (2013), Miller and Wedell-Wedellsborg discuss the importance of establishing systems within organizations that promote not only the creativity that results in innovation How to Help Your People Bring Great Ideas to Life (2013) In Innovation as […]

Creative Project Art Creative Writing Performance

Creative Project Art Creative Writing Performance This is a Final Assignment – Structures of Difference (15% or 15pts). As discussed within both our lectures and texts, we have come to understand that social categories such as gender, race, class, and sexuality Final Assignment – Structures of Difference (15% or 15pts) As discussed within both our […]

Maus steeped in stereotypes

Maus steeped in stereotypes As readers begin Maus, they see that the book is steeped in stereotypes. However, this book eventually leads readers to understand how oversimplified and dangerous it can be to view people in this way. As readers begin Maus, they see that the book is steeped in stereotypes Prompt: As readers begin […]

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance. You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for […]