Entries by Bernard

Exploration in the effect of Cybersecurity on ethnicity

Exploration in the effect of Cybersecurity on ethnicity The purpose of this assignment is an exploration in the effect of Cybersecurity on ethnicity, race, and diversity. You should write a 2 to 3-page paper that explores some of the challenges in cybersecurity taking into consideration ethnicity Exploration in the effect of Cybersecurity on ethnicity The […]

Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing Marijuana This paper focuses on Legalizing Marijuana. Introduction: Marijuana should be legalized throughout the whole country because the legalization would bring economic benefits. Legalizing Marijuana I.  Introduction 1.  Marijuana should be legalized throughout the whole country because the legalization would bring economic benefits. 2.  Such as creation of new jobs, tax revenue, and even […]

“Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’

“Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’ Please read the following paper “Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’: An Analysis” and write 250 words summary “Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’ Please read the following paper “Misyar Marriage between Shari`ah texts, Realities and scholars’ Fatawa’: An Analysis” […]

Eethnic restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing

Eethnic restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing “You should go to an “ethnic” restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing, but not your own ethnicity, at least three times, and observe the people.  Look for the following: “You should go to an “ethnic” restaurant or cafeteria of your choosing These are the directions: Pretend you went […]

Why medical tourism is popular among Americans

Why medical tourism is popular among Americans This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explain reasons why medical tourism is popular among Americans. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow: Explain reasons why medical tourism is […]