Appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing 

A report with the objective of analyzing and critically appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing and media, using a part of strategic digital marketing framework. The emphasis is on organic media and technical aspects, particularly the website.

Appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing



A report with the objective of analyzing and critically appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing and media, using a part of strategic digital marketing framework. The emphasis is on organic media and technical aspects, particularly the website.
References + in text citation (Harvard)
Referencing: You must also follow Harvard’s referencing style. Additionally, all images, tables, figures and graphics should be referenced. Other sources include newspaper articles/press releases, government and/or industry reports, blogs/discussion forums.
1.  Firstly, Landscape presentation.
2.  Secondly, Cover page.
3.  Thirdly, Table of Contents.
4.  Client Analysis- what is your client currently doing?
a.            Client profile. Firstly, Name, Location, Number of employees (if available), Goods and services offered, Key online marketing personnel – who is in their digital team, Age of the company, URL, Website Age, Website Management, Social media, Company presence and sales via online and offline channels
b.           Channels audit. Secondly, Digital channels presence
c.            Current digital marketing strategy: Thirdly, Website uses, e.g. sales, 
customer service, Website strengths and weaknesses, Other online advertising and offline promotion of the url
5. Competitor Analysis – Also, What do your competitors’ advertising strategies look like?
a.            Overview of current and potential competitors
b.           Content audit of competitors

6. Customer Profiling – Understanding your target market.

a. Firstly, Target audience overview. Current and potential customers
b. Secondly, Customer persona. Current and potential (2)

7. Proposed Strategy
a. Objectives (Where do we want to be?)
i. Firstly, Overall marketing goals
ii. Secondly, Specific digital marketing objectives (RACE or customer acquisition, conversion and retention)
b. Strategy (How do we get there?). Also, specification of target customer groups selection and specification how to deliver value to these groups using digital marketing channels
c. Tactics (How exactly do we get there?)
(3) Number of campaigns and the strategy for each google campaign, Keywords, broaden keywords and negative keywords, Text for at least 4 Google Ad versions for an ad group, Ad serving options, Keyword bidding, Location targeting, Goals for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR, Proposed success metrics
8. Lastly, References.

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