Analyzing effect and production in media

Description The assignment will require you to examine media products from two angles, the production and ownership side, as well as the possible effects and cultural meaning of the media products. More specifically, you should analyze your chosen media product in accordance with the following questions: Production and Ownership: How does the ownership structure affect and change the content? How can we see the effects on the content by the ownership structures? How does the media product you chose fit within the larger history of the medium as reviewed in class and interact with this history? What is the impact of convergence in each medium and how are they reflected in the media product you chose to review? Content: What are the perspectives presented in the content? What type of frames does the content offer, and what type of frames does it not offer? Are there particular representations of certain groups (stereotypes)? Where are these representations visible? Effect and impact: How do these questions interact with some of the various effects theories we discussed? How might the frames chosen or the topics discussed impact consumers of the media product? You can choose one of these options for a media product: The 2019 movie “The Lion King” (compare it to another film, or other iterations of the movie; Length and Layout: The assignment must be between 800 and 1000 words. Each question should be answered in about a third of this, but the paper should be read as one coherent essay rather than ‘1. 2. 3.’). The introduction should be a short paragraph detailing briefly the main points that will be presented in the following pages. The final paragraph should offer a few major takeaway (your strongest ones and preferably ones that tie together the three questions). Remember not to use opinions, this is a critical essay and you need to use critical thinking. Try to use specific examples from the content you chose. If you use materials to generate ideas or to support your arguments, make sure you cite these materials. These can be both academic and popular sources. However, using academic sources to support your ideas will be awarded with extra-points. 10 points for each relevant academic article that was not mentioned in class (up to 30 points). After three articles, you will not receive any more extra points, but you will be improving your assignment, which would likely result in a higher grade. Font should be Times New Roman size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Margins should be Normal.

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