Analyze the internal business environment for a hospitality

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze the internal business environment for a hospitality. The paper also provides additionally questions to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is a description of the paper:

Analyze the internal business environment for a hospitality

1.1 Firstly, critically analyse the internal business environment for a Hospitality and Tourism Organisation

1.2 Secondly, critically analyse the external business environment for a Hospitality and Tourism Organisation

2.1 Thirdly, critically evaluate options for strategic growth for a Hospitality and Tourism Organisation

2.2 Fourthly, identify and critically evaluate the strategic options for gaining competitive advantage

2.3 Make justified recommendations as to the strategic direction for a Hospitality and Tourism Organisation

2.4 Prepare an outline strategic plan based on a critical analysis of the strategic environment and strategic options facing a Hospitality and Tourism Organisation

3.1 Assess the role of integrated operational plans in implementing business strategy

3.2 Evaluate the factors that may affect the implementation of a Hospitality or Tourism Organisations strategy
3.3 Develop a communications plan to assist the implementation of strategy

3.4 Assess the use of targets and budgets as a form of control when implementing strategic plans

Have to include a brief introduction to the assignment

Need clear connections between theory and practice

Should provide a demonstration of the practical application of theory in the workplace

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

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