Analyze leadership management and human resource issues

1. Analyze leadership, management and human resource issues. Directions: NOTE: All case discussions and analyses must be in APA style and must include at least 2-3 scholarly references. In a 2-3 page paper (APA style excluding the abstract) analyze and answer the discussion questions in Case 5. • What is the current situation at the hospital? • What are the three organizational issues going on in this case? Which organizational theories do you think best apply to this situation?

• What are Stratlin’s areas of strength? What are its weaknesses? • What should a short-term plan to immediately handle the management situation include? • What role might hospital politics have played in the rapid turnover of CEOs? • How will you educate the Board of Trustees about succession planning? What role should they play in this process? • How would you introduce the concept of succession planning to the staff of Stratlin Memorial Hospital? • What recommendations and steps are needed in order to establish a long-term plan for continued succession planning? Who should be involved and lead this process? • Should the institution adopt a succession plan for clinical staff members?

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