Advertising campaign
Paper details Create your own advertising campaign Choose a company, brand or organization selling products, services, or ideas and create their next advertising campaign! * The project should be approximately 1,500 words in length. It can include images and visuals. This is an opportunity to be creative PART 1: CHOOSE THE COMPANY/BRAND/ORGANIZATION Introduce the company/brand/organization. Explain why you selected it.
Who is the company/brand/organization targeting? How are they differentiating themselves in the market place? What kind of positioning strategy do they currently follow? Give a brief overview of their current marketing mix.
Analyze their current advertising campaign(s) and other elements of their IMC strategy. Are they effective? PART 2: CREATE THE ADVERTISING CAMPAING This is where your advertising agency steps in!
Research the (potential) target customers, the marketplace and trends impacting the marketplace for this product/brand/organization. For example, should this brand be re-positioned? Target a slightly different market segment? Use different media to reach their target audience? Take an advantage of a new, exciting opportunity in the marketplace?
Create a new advertising campaign for this company/brand/organization!
Discuss how your advertising campaign will be integrated with the other elements of IMC, as well as your media selection for the campaign. Explain the objectives, rationale, and reasoning for your campaign, as well the creative process behind your campaign!
You don’t need to visually execute the project. It is enough to provide an outline or plan and describe what the campaign involves. You can provide slogans, sketches or images that are part of the campaign or visuals. Think about your group as an agency pitching the campaign to a client! If you choose to do TV commercials as part of your campaign, for example, you don’t need to create the actual commercials, it is enough to outline the ideas and plan. *An advertising campaign involves the creation and placement of a series of strategic communications that are unified by an underlying theme or core message. The communications are intended to help promote a brand product, service, organization, or idea. They are designed to resonate ate with the target audience and usually have specific objectives such as persuasion for a specific purpose or increasing product awareness, and they appear in various media.
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