A company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis

This is a paper that is focusing on a company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis. The paper also provides instruction to use in the writing of the assignment paper.

A company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis

Word limit: The word limit for this assignment is 1500 words excluding references.
Type: Individual
Requirements: You are required to produce an essay of 1500 words using evidence from a company or companies listed on the 2019 Fortune Global 500 (https://fortune.com/global500/2019/search/) that answers the following question:
How do companies effectively manage their operations and co-ordinate production across borders?

Your essay must include:
1) Firstly, a brief introduction that gives the background to the company/companies; an overview of the main arguments you are going to make; and provides the structure of your answer.

2) Secondly, a short account of the methods you have used to answer this question (e.g. why have you picked the company that you have picked? How did you collect information on this company? What are the advantages/ disadvantages of this information?)

3) Analysis and Findings. This should formally present the data (i.e. what you have found on the company) and explain how you have analysed it. The section should not only present your key findings but begin to explain them.

4) Discussion. You should build on the previous explanation of your findings by interpreting your results, in light of relevant concepts, theories and frameworks introduced in class. This should demonstrate critical thinking by linking these theories to the analysis of your data in the previous section.
5) Conclusion. This should summarise, what you have done, how you have done it, the key arguments you have made, and any possible implications of your results.
You must reference your work correctly using the Harvard method.  Failure to do so will result in the deduction of marks and possible proceedings under the University’s Regulations as to the Use of Unfair Means.

The essay should be double spaced. Make sure you include a title and page numbers.

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