Piaget’s cognitive development Vygotsky’s sociocultural development

Piaget’s cognitive development Vygotsky’s sociocultural development

This essay entails a reflection paper on Piaget’s cognitive development and the Vygotsky’s sociocultural development. Piaget’s cognitive development explains the level of setting goals and project management to help in the successof set aims.

Piaget’s cognitive development Vygotsky’s sociocultural development

Firstly, please answer 2 out of the 4 questions. Each question is worth up to 50 points. This assessment is worth 100 points total. You will be graded 90% on your comprehension and analysis, and 10% on conventions of writing.

Also, each of your 2 essays should be, at minimum, 2 full pages and at maximum 4 full pages in APA format: typed, doubled spaced, Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins, cover page, reference page, and in-text citations.

Eventually, please see “Paper Grading Criteria” on BB for more details. Papers that do not follow these directions will not be graded.

Secondly, summarize the key ideas of Piaget’s cognitive development theory and the key ideas of Vygotsky’s sociocultural development theory. How are these theories connect? How are these theories related to the lives and experiences of diverse K-12 students today AND how can you apply them?

Furthermore, summarize the key ideas of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model theory and the key ideas of Moll’s funds of knowledge theory. How are these theories connect?

Also, how are these theories related to the lives and experiences of diverse K-12 students today.Summarize the key ideas of Erickson, Cross, Poston, Helms, and Hoffman on stages of identity development. The key ideas of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.

Lastly, how are these theories related to the lives and experiences of diverse K-12 students today AND how can you apply them?

In conclusion, summarize the key ideas of Erickson’s 8 stages of development theory and the key ideas of Vatterott’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development theory. How are these theories connect? How are these theories related to the lives AND experiences of diverse K-12 students.

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