Prevention strategies for workplace violence

Prevention strategies for workplace violence

Compare and contrast the three major prevention strategies for workplace violence.

Compare and contrast the three major prevention strategies for workplace violence


What is a workplace violence prevention program?

Workplace violence is an
occupational safety and health hazard. Employees should be educated about the conditions that increase the risk of violence, and how violence can be prevented, as well as have training and practice drills on procedures to be used in the event of a violent incident.
What are the three categories of prevention strategies for workplace violence, and provide an example of each. Ans: Environmental designs – improving lighting; administrative controls – staffing policies; behaviour strategies – training employees in conflict resolution.
What are the preventive strategies for workplace violence?
Here are seven steps to take to make sure your workplace violent prevention training is effective:
Firstly, Analyze your workplace.

Secondly, Create a supportive environment.

Thirdly, Offer communciation and empathy training.

Fourthly, Establish a clear company policy.

Fifthly, Commit to a non-violent workplace.

Further, Train employees to recognize warning signs.

What 3 elements should be monitored for ongoing assessment of potential for violence?
The Five Essential Elements of a Violence Prevention Program

Firstly, Management commitment and employee involvement. Teamwork is essential in a crisis situation.

Secondly, Worksite analysis. Worksite analysis consists of a methodical evaluation of the hazards within your environment.

Thirdly, Hazard prevention and control.

Fourthly, Safety and health training.

Also, Record keeping and program evaluation.

How do you handle threats at work?

If a subordinate threatens you, take action to rectify the situation and protect yourself and other workers from possible violence and future threats.
  1. Document The Threat. Document all events that preceded the threat.
  2. Assess The Threat.
  3. Counsel The Employee.
  4. Issue Disciplinary Action.
  5. Keep The Workplace Safe.
What are some of the factors or sources of distress that can lead to workplace violence?
Companies that recognize the potential for workplace violence are in the best position to prevent it.

Firstly, Lack of Pre-employment Screening.

Secondly, Stress.

Thirdly, Lack of Employee Assistance Program.

Fourthly, Denial.

Finally, Disgruntled Customers And Former Employees.

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