Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years

1. Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years. 2. Each industry will consist of five companies. 3. Recommend following us based companies.

Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years

Bloomberg based project
1. Analyze two to three industries for over 5 years.

2. Each industry will consist of five companies.

3. Recommend following us based companies.

4. Identify firms based on performance. Limit your description of each company to no more than two to three sentences per company. (Not so much descriptive make it n anaylsis)

5. Moreover, assume that your reader has taken this course. Therefore, you dont have to define/explain the ratios. Additionally, just analyze – tell a story from the numbers

6. For each industry you will identify the best company in that industry (tell why)

7. Compare across industries and pick the one best company of all analyzed

8. Perform time trend analysis and also peer group analysis within each industry

9. After you analyze your first industry go through your five companies tell the best company in that industry and do that for all, then tell what is unique about each industry, what do the industries have in common, compare and cross the industries.

10. Tell the one best company you like out of all the best industries


11. Also, analyse the company over five categories: short term solvency, current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio (make sure company can pay bills and stay afloat)

12. Analyse the company over five categories: long term solvency, total debt ratio, debt to equity, equity multiplier (make sure company can pay bills in the long run)

12. Time interest earned (tier) and also cash coverage (how much debt and can they afford their debt)

13. Asset management: talk about total asset turnover

14. Profitability: firstly, talk about profit margin, return on assets, return on equity

15. After looking at the items in #16 break the ratios up and also see what is driving the numbers what is influencing equity

16. Market value: price to earnings, market to book, economic value added, and also enterprise value

17. Bloomberg: supply chain (see who they buy from and who they sell to)

18. Analyst recommendations (do you agree? Finally, how do the analyst think do they like that compabikny out of the other 4 companies?)

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