Why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain

In Health Psychology, why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain, rather than biomedical model of pain? Why is the biomedical model limited? (300 words max)

Why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain

This module focuses on pain, highlighting the biopsychosocial model and gate control theory.

Q1: In Health Psychology, why do we use the biopsychosocial model of pain, rather than biomedical model of pain? Why is the biomedical model limit ed? (300 words max)

(hint: consider the idea that pain is an “experience”, and that this experience can be modified! You might like to refer to a personal experience where you were able to modify your pain experience through non-biomedical approaches).

Q2: Complete the following tasks on pain measurement
Firstly, read the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) instructions (linked on vUWS) – this will help you to understand how this questionnaire is used

Secondly, choose ONE scenario of an injury (from Bondi Rescue) – video clip on vUWS, and see details/link below!

Thirdly, complete the MPQ (linked on vUWS) as if you were the person who experienced the injury

Answer the following question: Why are pain scales like the MPQ useful? (100-200 words max) (hint: think about the difficulties associated with describing pain, such as subjectivity of experience).

NOTE: Scenario 1 (Kailan, torn calf muscle), is covered in the tutorial class, please choose one of the other scenarios from the clip!

Scenario 2:

Jethro, dislocated shoulder: 3.26 – 6.25

Scenario 3:

Jesse, fractured spine: 6:25 – 9:26

Scenario 4:

Yatesy, broken rib: 9.26 – 12.24

Scenario 5:

Kobi, broken neck: 12:24 – 15:00

Finally, Bondi Rescue clip can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfPTJb4xico

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