Infertility and IVF treatment in women after 35 years
Infertility and IVF treatment in women after 35 years.” A Global Special Topic Presentation= 40% of total grade
The student will choose one-health topic-affecting women around the world and create a poster presentation; the topic chosen for this presentation must be different from a topic that was covered in the “This Life I Live” Paper.
The presentation should include background on the topic, facts and statistics on the topic, impact of this issue, and plan for improvement.
Examples of global special topics would be human trafficking, extreme poverty, environmental disasters, child marriages/early child bearing, sexual assault, domestic violence, living in a war area, HIV/AIDS, death during childbirth, etc. You can select any topic that you would like, use the topic discussion board to post your topic for approval.
Grading Rubric Background- Provide a clear background of this global health issue.
What is the history of this problem (how long has it been an issue, how did it start, where is it most prevalent) 20 Significance
– Demonstrate how significant this problem is using statistics, data, facts. 20 Impact
– How many places does this issue impact. What is the impact to the women living in these areas/conditions? How does this issue impact other regions 15 Plan for Improvement- How can the world help solve this problem or help people living in these conditions. What currently is being done to improve the conditions/issue, what else needs to happen to solve this problem? 20 Visual
– Poster is visually appealing (color, font size, mix of images/words), easy to read, easy to understand without oral presentation. Writing style, APA, grammar, spelling all appropriate for a 400 level courses. *Tips to making a good poster How to set up a PowerPoint Poster: 25 Attachments` PlattSavageFinnell Poster_ FINAL.pptx Final Presentation Sample Template.pptx Attached are further instructions for the paper. Infertility and IVF treatment in women after 35 years.This topic is good but please be sure you are discussing it based on how infertility impacts different parts of the world and not just the clinical aspect of infertility. Use a template to complete this assignment.Thank you
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