Doing Business in Canada

Introduction This final project involves two parts: Part A involves a reflection upon and summary of learning in this course. Part B involves the development of the Blueprint for your business idea (steps 1 to 5) and the go or no-go decision (step 6). Steps and Allocation of Marks Part A is worth 10% of your total course mark; Part B is worth 40%. Each part has two sections and is weighted as follows: Final Project: Part A—Self-Evaluation of Learning Introduction

In Part A, you will look back at the journalling you have done throughout the course and contemplate the ideas and views you expressed. If you have spent time journalling, doing the extra readings, and reflecting on the ideas and information you have been learning throughout this course, then much of Part A is already done. Instructions Part A Section 1: Summary and highlights of your journalling (50 marks) Prepare a 500–750 words (2–3 pages, double spaced) document that:


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