Cognitive Development Cognition- wide range of mental abilities Ex Thinking problem solving memory and language

Please use anything from these below notes to answer the question: What have you learned from this course and what do you hope to use in your future classroom _____________________________________________________________

_ Cognitive Development Cognition- wide range of mental abilities.

Ex. Thinking problem solving, memory, and language. Two of the most important child psychologists: Jean Piaget Lev Vygotski 1. Kids are not adult in their cognitive abilities. Kids are limited because of their immature brains and lack of experience. Piece together our experience to try and make sure of it. 2. Piaget’s Three Keys- a. Our understand of reality becomes more organized (increased organization)

Ex. Grouping to make sense. b. More efficient in use of cognitive abilities (increased efficiency) Ex. More cognitive tasks less mental ability (conscience) c. Begin to deal with the world more in our hand and less in the real world around us. (increased mental life) 3. Ways We Make sense of experience a. Assimilation- fitting new experiences into our existing understanding of reality (scheme) is what our existing understanding of reality Ex. Infant putting things into their mouths. Kid w/ single digit addition 4+3=7 moving into multiplication 4X3=7. He is using what he knows. b. Accommodation- changing existing scheme to make sure of new experiences Ex. Kid sees a cat and calls it a dog. Eventually starts calling the it a cat because everyone around her does. 4. Stages of Cognitive Development a. Sensor-motor period- 0-2 years of years a time of intelligence before language. No mental life- experiencing w/ their mental life. Ex. Jangling keys in front of an infant. Taking keys and the baby will not make them look for it. It doesn’t exist for them. i. Ability to integrate information from the senses ii. Ability to display goal directed behavior Ex. Crying iii. Develop an awareness of object permanence things exist even when they are not visible. 0-4 months develop partial object permanence.

Ex. Hiding object in front of them will not make them look for said object. If you hide only part of the object, the child will find the whole object. 8-12 months hide objects while child is looking. Ex. They are going to go to the first place they remember you putting it. Mental image of objects, they do not yet understand visible displacements. 12-18 months comes to understand visible displacements. They can no hold onto both image and mental image of motion ( moving said object) Does not understand invisible movement, if he hasn’t seen it directly. Ex. Moving object to another room, the child will still look where the object was last moved. According to Piaget movement from one stage to the next is maturity not experience. 18-24 months- b. Preoperational stage 2-7- Preoperational thinking. Improved cognitive thinking. Strengths- a. Child becomes capable of symbolic representation (carrying the world around in their his or her head, representing the world using mental symbols.) Symbolic Representation- 1. Able to carry world around in their head and representing the world using mental symbols. 2. Deferred imitation- putting off the imitation Ex. Child watches something and later can imitate it. 3. Symbolic play- child transforms something into what he or she wants it to be through imagination. Ex. Remote control into an airplane 4. Language- Words are symbols for things. b. Children come to understand identities. Things stay what they are, keeps its identity. Ex. A piece of paper crumpled up is still a piece of paper. c. Children come to understand functions. They understand the basic relationships that occur together consistently. Ex. Pushing the button on the tv remote Reaching where the light switch is at your best friend’s house. (you expect it to be where it is at your house.)

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