In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies

In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies announced fiscal stimulus packages and their national banks support this with changes in monetary policy to reduce the impact of the incoming recession. This is also the case for the UK.

In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies

Assignment brief:
In the first months of 2020 governments of most developed economies announced fiscal stimulus packages and their national banks support this with changes in monetary policy to reduce the impact of the incoming recession. This is also the case for the UK. Your assignment is to address the following points:

a) Describe the monetary and fiscal policy response to changes in economic conditions in the UK
(Until the end of March 2020). [20 marks]

b) Describe the impact each of those measures will have (according to current macroeconomic models covered in lectures) on:
i) Government spending,
ii) Household consumption,
iii) Firm investment,
iv) Inflation

You are not required to use real data for but should illustrate your answers with graphs and figures. [40 marks]

c) Discuss the impact the monetary and fiscal policy change will have on the construction sector and industry in the next 1-2 years. [20 marks]

d) Finally, Discuss what impact low interest rates will have on demand for office space in London in the next 1-2 years. [20 marks]

Submission details:

The word limit for this assignment is 3,000 words.
The first page of your assignment should be a copy of the assignment cover sheet with the declaration of originality page to follow afterwards. Please enter the module code and module title onto the cover sheet. Additionally, Please DO NOT put your name or student number/candidate number on the assignment cover sheet/declaration page or anywhere on the electronic copy of your assignment.

Your attention is drawn to the UCL guidance on referencing, citations and plagiarism. Please familiarise yourself with this guidance before submitting your work.

Please see Section 13.2 of the MSc Programme Handbook 2019-20 for details of penalties which apply when students submit work late. Finally, an electronic copy of the MSc Programme Handbook 2019-20 is available on the MSc CEM programme homepage on Moodle.

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