Write-Up on the Innovation Concept Open Innovation

Write-Up on the Innovation Concept “Open Innovation”

This individual write-ups will help you to better reflect on, and hopefully understand the phenomenon “entrepreneurship and innovation” from different perspectives. Your report will cover one management concept, Open Innovation. You will prepare a report covering the following:

– A theoretical description and discussion of the concept – A real case (company) practicing the concept and in what way you think they do this

– Your own reflection and analysis Input sources will be the Internet, the Library, experts, other. The intent is to demonstrate a multi-faceted understanding of the concept and its business value in regards to positive effect on the firm´s entrepreneurship and innovation. Each write up should be 2-3 pages, 11 font size and single-space. The header must include your name and the name of the course. Your paper will be evaluated according to three things: Quality of research and analysis, Quality and clarity of write-up, and finally your use of relevant theories, ideas and concepts learned in class.

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