Conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report

This is a paper that focuses on the conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report. The paper also focuses on the preparation stage requirements for the paper.

Conducting of two UK commercial banks case study report

The assignment is an individual report. This report should include a case study of two UK commercial banks. The length of the report is 1500 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, table of content, references and appendices.

1.    Firstly, conduct a case study of two UK commercial banks of your choice. The case study should analyse how the performance of your chosen banks has changed since the 2007-09 financial crisis, and provide a well-structured and insightful peer analysis. Your main source of data should come from Fitch Connect. Your analysis needs to be supported by well-presented data and diagrams.

2.    Secondly, your report needs to adopt a report format and must also include a cover page, a table of contents, an introduction section and a conclusion section. All references should be cited and referenced using Harvard referencing style.

Preparation stage:

a.   Firstly, which two UK commercial banks to be included in your study?
i.    There is no restriction on your choice, but if you can choose these banks for a clear rationale, this will make your report more interesting and you may get a higher mark.
ii.    Some suggestions: you can choose two banks which are very similar in size and have similar business models (i.e. they are close competitors), or you can choose two banks which are very different (e.g. one being a lot bigger in size than the other; in this case, you will be able to provide evidence on whether bigger banks performed better/worse than smaller banks after the crisis).
iii.    Be creative and innovative on the choice!

b.   Secondly, which ONE type of performance do you want to focus your report on?
i.    Performance is a very loose term; many different areas can represent the performance of a bank. Additionally, you need to specify ONE particular type of performance that you want to focus in your study.
ii.    Some suggestions for areas of performance: profitability, cost efficiency, market competitiveness, asset quality, capital adequacy management, liquidity management, credit risk management, etc.
iii.    Choose an area that you believe you understand well and also are capable of producing a good analysis. Do NOT choose more than one area of performance.

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