Nike’s brand loyalty with the argument on integrity being how they used Colin Kaepernick to make an ad in an adverse time
Assignment: Choose a product or service you see many consumers have *brand loyalty towards (e.g. clothing, food, tools, automobiles, beauty products, electronics, retailers, software, websites, etc.). Then, research how the company *brands itself by looking at the specific rhetoric used by that company to reach their consumers (e.g., advertisements, website, print ads, social media, press releases, etc.). Next, use outside sources (not company affiliated) to research the company and determine if their business practices line up with their perceived brand. In addition, reflect if their practices might change the way consumers feel about consuming the product or using the service. After your research, write an essay in which you argue the integrity of the company’s brand. Objectives: You must use at least four sources for your essay—one of them must be from a scholarly journal. Your sources must be recent–no more than three years old. However, speak to me if you feel you need to use an older source. Your essay must be six pages and in MLA format. In addition, you must use at least one image in your essay. The image does not count as one of your sources, but don’t forget to cite the image in your Works Cited list, and when you place it in the text, you must give it a caption of your own. Your essay must demonstrate that you can incorporate outside sources with your own analysis. Choose a topic you are passionate about. The argument you make is up to you. However, do not choose a new product or company because there is not enough outside information to research. Definitions: “Brand loyalty is the positive association consumers attach to a particular product, demonstrated by their repeat purchases of it even when given choices of competing alternatives. To marketing professionals, getting and maintaining brand loyalty for an established product are the ultimate achievements” (“Brand Marketing”). “Branding is a concept that extends far beyond the marketing of “brand name” designer jeans and other products. A company’s brand represents their market identity—who they are, what they do, what kind of quality they provide, their reputation for trustworthiness, and more. Consequently, brand marketing is important to nearly every business, from those selling breakfast cereals, to those developing new technologies, to those providing logistic support to other businesses” (Kopp). Examples have been attached
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