Government Impact on Business

Whether you are studying Texas or Federal Government this semester, Texas politics and way of life is impacted by the differences between rural and urban life. This paper focuses on the politics of rural versus urban life in Texas. We measure the quality of life based on medical care, economic opportunity, and political participation in rural versus urban life in Texas. Your research paper focuses on the following questions: How is the quality of life different in rural versus urban Texas? Does the quality of life impact whether an area votes Republican or Democratic? How different is medical care, economic opportunity, and voting trends in rural versus urban Texas? Do these indicators of the quality of life impact how Texans vote? How different is rural politics from urban politics in Texas as indicated by the differences in voting trends—Republican versus Democratic—in rural versus urban counties? Does support for the border wall illustrate these differences? Does support for Republicans and Democrats differ depending on where voters live? Health care is a tremendous political issue. Is there a crisis in rural Texas? Use the following 18 articles and sources in your research paper. YOU MUST USE AT LEAST 12 OF THE FOLLOWING SOURCES IN YOUR PAPER. (If you’re writing a paper to submit in both my GOVT 2306 and GOVT 2305 courses in which you’re registered you must use all 18.) You need not use any other articles than these listed here. You should watch the videos and use the information contained in these news stories to support your paper. How do these articles inform you about the quality of life and voting trends in rural versus urban Texas?


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