Operation and Supply chain management


You are recently appointed as an Operations manager responsible for one of the products/services offered by the organization.

For the purpose of this assignment choose any real product/ service (different from your previous submission).

In your new role you are asked by the senior management of your organization to critically evaluate the product/ service and provide a report about the following:

• Critically discuss the quality characteristics of the product/ service as (a) promoted (advertised) by the organization, (b) evaluated by the experts (independent reviewers), (c) perceived by the customers. Compare the three to identify gaps if any. Provide recommendations to reduce the gap (if any). — ——-(25 Marks)

• Critically map and analyse the product/service return process as experienced by the customers. The return may be for any of the following including aftersales service, warranty services, fault or defective product, change in customer requirements, or any other reason. Provide recommendations to improve the return process.———-(25 Marks)

• Identify your two key suppliers and critically evaluate your relationship with them. —————-(25 Marks)

• Map and compare your supply chain with your closest competitor.

Provide recommendations for improvement. ————(25 Marks) *You can choose any organization based on your personal experience, case studies, or literature. Please state all the assumptions.

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