Cyber security influence on Transportation Marketing planning report
You can state your preferences in three areas: (a) Marketing, (b) sector/industry, and (c) technology-related trend. *Marketing Planning Report* Introduction Imagine you have recently had a lunch meeting with a good friend of yours whom you hadn’t seen for some time. Your friend wanted to tell you about her latest venture. Together with three business partners, she is the founder of ACME Marketing Innovation plc. The aim of their consultancy business is to provide market and sector reviews to multinational firms, specializing in impact studies on technology-related trends. (Clients often use them for marketing planning purposes.) Their business is still at an early stage. Your friend mentions, for example, that the partners haven’t been able to agree on which industries to focus on. But she also makes it clear that her preference is to offer consulting services to firms in the Retail, Transportation and Entertainment sectors. To be able to convince her partners, she is looking for someone to prepare an initial set of research reports. You are a little surprised when your friend steers the discussion towards your expertise in Marketing. When she asks whether you may be willing to prepare a technology assessment report for their new venture, you are intrigued. In response to your request for further information, she mentions that she had recently attended several technology conferences. The topic of the first conference was “Internet of things (IoT)” and that of the second conference “Cybersecurity” as a technology-related business trend. (Your friend also mentions having attended a conference on “Big Data” that she describes as “underwhelming” with the topic being “little more than a buzzword” and the conference “just a sales pitch”.) It is obvious to you that she is convinced that these trends have their potential to fundamentally reshape the Retail, Transportation, and Entertainment sectors. All that she now needs is the help of a trustworthy friend (such as you)! Before you have a chance to ask a single question, your friend rushes off, saying that she is already late for another client meeting. On her way out, she tells you to “analyze from an Marketing perspective” (obviously!), to ensure that the report “gives meaningful recommendations,” and to contact her assistant for further information. From what you can gather, you have a choice between analyzing the impact of either “Internet of things (IoT),” “Cybersecurity” or “Big Data” on either the “Retail,” “Transportation” or “Entertainment” sector. Of course, you would have appreciated the opportunity to ask further questions. But then again, managers can be busy, and the assignment your friend gave you really is an opportunity to take ownership of the report—after all, if your friend doesn’t tell you exactly what to do, you are free to make your own decisions! –END OF THE 2018-19 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT BRIEF FOR – Your friend’s assistant, a friendly and approachable person, replies to your request within minutes. Her email includes a list of resources related to Internet of things (IoT), Cybersecurity, and Big Data (see Appendix A below), and also stresses the importance of including in your report (1) a meaningful executive summary, as well as (2) a set of presentation slides your friend can present to her business partners in September. Unfortunately (for you), the assistant concludes her email by saying that she won’t be able to provide any further information. Instead, the assistant directs you to the project’s Moodle page with the suggestion to visit the forum frequently and also to carefully read all materials published there: Summary of your individual assignment (add this box to your report) Your assignment is to submit a 6,000 to 8,000-word research report assessing— from an Marketing perspective—the potential impact of “Internet of things (IoT)” (or, alternatively, “Cybersecurity” or “Big Data”) on the “Retail” sector (or, alternatively, the “Transportation” or “Entertainment” sector). Your assessment must draw on Marketing-related research literature. You may also draw on any additional framework, theory, concept or idea to conduct your assessment. Further details for what the report must include can be found in the course manual for MN5349 available on Moodle. Use your own judgement on any aspect of this assignment not specified in either this 2018-19 assignment brief or the MN5349 course manual. Using your own judgement is also required when choosing relevant sources to support your argument and the assumptions you have to make in your report. (It is recommended that your reference list includes no fewer than 15 relevant sources.) Appendix A: Technology-related news stories (selection) News related to “Internet of things (IoT)”: 1. 2. 3. News related to “Cybersecurity”: 1. 2. 3. News related to “Big Data”: 1. 2. 3.
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