Porter’s Competitive Strategies

You will research and write a scholarly Literature Review. The Literature Review must be in current APA format, must be a minimum of 16 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and reference list), and must utilize a minimum of 15 scholarly references. Submit the Literature Review: Topic Selection by 24 August at 1700 p.m. (ET). Below is a list of topics that you must choose from to complete your Literature Review. Note: Be sure to include a rational/reason for why the topic was chosen. • Porter’s Competitive Strategies • Miles and Snow’s Strategy Typology • Operations strategy and planning • Bureaucratic Organizations • Chaos Theory • Hawthorne Studies • Organizational Theory • Organizational Behavior • Scientific Management • Organizational Structure • Supply Chain Structures and Relationships • Collaborative Networks • Impact of Technology on Job Design • Organizational Decision Making Systems • Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization • Organizational Decision Making Submit the Literature Review: Outline and Title Page by 29 August at 1700 p.m. (ET) The title page and outline are present. The title page contains the required components. The outline is well developed and includes headings and subheadings. The framework of the Literature review is apparent and well established. It includes all the required components as follows: • Title page • Abstract • Introduction • Findings • Conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions for further study • References Spelling and grammar are correct. The assignment includes an outline that was per the APA format (Alphanumeric, Full sentence, or decimal). The entries are properly formatted. A cover sheet (title page) is present that is formatted per APA Submit the Literature Review: Abstract by 12 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) All key components of the Abstract are present. The Abstract for the Literature Review is clearly articulated. The Abstract has a clear, logical flow. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. The paragraph contains appropriately varied sentence structures. The Abstract is formatted per APA. A cover sheet is present that is formatted per APA. Review: Annotated Bibliography by 19 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) All key components of the Annotated bibliography are present. The bibliography contains the fifteen scholarly sources that are three years old or less. The sources are current and relevant to the topic. An annotation exists for each source listed. Each annotation correctly summarizes/describes the corresponding source and demonstrates critical thinking skills regarding interpretation and application of material. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. The annotations contain appropriately varied sentence structures. The bibliography is formatted per APA. The entries are properly formatted. A cover sheet is present that is formatted per APA. Submit the Literature Review: Final by 26 September at 1700 p.m. (ET) There is a clear thesis statement that specifies the topic that is going to be addressed. The introduction provides a clear overview of the Literature Review’s contents. The introduction f is clearly articulated. The introduction has a clear, logical flow. All key components of the Literature Review are present. The body of the paper includes clarity and relevancy of material with the appropriate level of citations. The assignment has a clear, logical flow. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. At least fifteen peer reviewed references are included that are three years old or less. The issues raised regarding the topic are properly treated. Differing viewpoints are considered, analyzed, and treated. The analysis is thorough. The conclusion offers a good summary of the issues treated in the Literature Review. The conclusion offers suggestions for further study with the appropriate level of citations. The conclusion has a clear, logical flow. Major points are summarized clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. The bibliography contains a minimum of 15 scholarly sources. The sources are current (three years old or less). The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format. The Literature Review uses current APA format correctly. The paper contains a minimum of 16 pages of content that does not include the cover page, Abstract, outline, reference page, or charts/tables

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