Completed BSN ePortfolio

Description Instructions Review your Brightspace portfolio to ensure you have submitted all requirements from previous coursework that show your completion of program outcomes. Also, upload your Change Project Proposal and Philosophy of Nursing Statement to their respective pages. These are the final components of your ePortfolio. Share your portfolio with your instructor for a final review and grade. At the end of the capstone course, you should have a complete ePortfolio to share with potential employers, potential graduate programs, or professional organizations. In Module Eight, you will upload the following elements from your capstone course to finalize your portfolio: 1. Change Proposal (Capstone Project) 2. Philosophy of Nursing Statement (Capstone Project) 3. Transformative reflection completed in the Module Eight journal assignment, which reflects on your achievement of the program outcomes Guidelines for Submission: assignment should be 1-2 page in length. You should not need to cite any sources, but if you do, follow APA formatting.

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