Aspect of the external environment of an organization

Your assignment should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length. You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources. There should be a minimum of two reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper. Follow assignment requirements ASSIGNMENT For purposes of the Module 2 SLP, once again consider yourself to be an expert in the field of Strategic Management. In this assignment, you will blog about some aspect of the external environment of an organization, providing examples based on current events you have found in a recent article in a trade journal, newspaper, or magazine (e.g., the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Business Week, or Forbes). Hint: Visit either ProQuest or EBSCO-Business Source Complete in the library. Choosing an industry that is of interest to you, find a recent article related to how one or more of Porter’s Five Forces or PESTLE have impacted your chosen industry. You may want to type in a specific force as a key word (e.g., Social, Economic, Legal, Threat of Entry, Competitive Rivalry, Suppliers, Buyers, etc.). Be sure to click on “Trade Publications,” “Newspapers,” and/or “Magazines”. You may also select a specific company and discuss how a force (or forces) in the remote or industry environment have (for better or worse) affected that company. For example, you might find a recent article related to how the fiercely competitive nature (one of Porter’s Five Forces) within the soda industry has affected the market share of such major company players as Coca-Cola or Pepsico. Or you might find an article that evaluates how a new law or regulation (in the remote environment) has impacted the healthcare industry. Remember that you are playing the role of a Strategic Management blogger, who is conveying to the public how environmental forces (whether remote environment or industry environment forces) are affecting a particular industry. Your main article(s) for your blog entry must be no older than 12 months. You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion and analysis, however, the current event article serving as the main focus of your paper must be no more than 12 months old. Required Reading Drake, P. (n.d.). Financial Ratio Analysis. Retrieved from Kukalis, S. (2009). Survey of recent developments in strategic management: Implications for practitioners. International Journal of Management, 26(1), 99-106. Retrieved from ProQuest. Michaux, S., Cadiat, A., & Probert, C. (2015). Porter’s forces: Stay ahead of the competition. [Place of publication not identified]: Retrieved from EBSCO eBook Collection. PESTLE Analysis. (2017). Retrieved from Tracy, B. (2015). Business strategy (The Brian Tracy Success Library). New York: AMACOM. Retrieved from EBSCO-Ebook Collection. Southwest. (2017). Culture. Retrieved from SWOT analysis. (2010). Quick MBA. Retrieved from Grand Strategy Selection Matrices The Internal Profile Optional Reading For a very good overview and examples of SWOT Analysis, review the links at the Free Management Library website (scan down to the section entitled “Do a SWOT Analysis of Results of Looking Outside and Inside the Organization?” here: Allio, R. J., & Fahey, L. (2012). Joan Magretta: What executives can learn from revisiting Michael Porter. Strategy & Leadership, 40(2), 5-10. Retrieved from ProQuest. Dobbs, M. E. (2012). Porter’s five forces in practice: Templates for firm and case analysis. Competition Forum, 10(1), 22-33. Retrieved from ProQuest. May the five forces be with you. (2016, May 08). Telegram & Gazette. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. China’s steel industry: Porter’s five forces strategy analysis. (2016, Feb 03). M2 Presswire Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. Ireland, R., & Hitt, M. A. (2005). Achieving and maintaining strategic competitiveness in the 21st century: The role of strategic leadership. Academy of Management Executive, 19(4), 63-77. Retrieved from EBSCO-Business Source Complete.

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